Why Aren't All Ghosts Naked?

Something that always made me snicker about ghosts haunting hearses and morgues, as has been recounted in many a tale, is that if a ghost is tied to the scene of their death, wouldn't an ambulance or a hospital be a more likely place for a haunting? And if it's emotional energy that leaves the imprint that becomes a ghost, how many state penitentiaries have haunted execution chambers?

Interesting point. I think you could argue it should be somewhere there's an emotional tie, or at least that's what gets argued anyway. Still, I think I wouldn't want to spend a night in a nice dark execution chamber. Though I'd stay in a haunted house. Parapsychology tourism strikes me as interesting, exciting even. I heard there's a couple of people in New Jersey who do a "Jersey Devil" Pine Barrens walk.
I think I'd haunt a bookstore or a library. I love to read too much to let it go for eternity.

I'd stay in a haunted house. If ghosts are real, I've lived in a few. Weird things like the Jersey Devil, the Mothman, etc., also interest me.
You want a serious answer. NOT!


assuming "clothed ghosts" have been seen, and that the conception of ghostly sightings seems to point at them perform certain activities at certain places i.e. a haunted house.

Everything is energy from you rhome to your daughter. We all have more space in us than we do matter (which is energy ).

So perhaps (just a theory) someone emotionally distressed sends off panicked thoughts. They witnessed a murder, or someone wants to murder them. O.K ultimate panic emotional trauma.

O.K. now lets also assume that thoughts are as real and tangible as matter. There are millions of people who believe in this theory from Winston Churchill, to Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, and many others. A subcomponent of this theory is called "the law of attraction". It is the founding principle in the movie "Oprah Winfrey" has been pushing called "The Secret".

O.K. so here it goes:

"My new theory on why ghosts exist clothed is because traumatic events transpired triggering high emotional thoughts. These thoughts were broadcast to the world, but were so powerfull that they altered the vibratory level of the haunted area. i.e. the emotional energy actually became a part of walls furniture, and the like.

This given a sensitive person may detect these emotions and/or percieve the events as they have happenned; clothing, props and all."

I'm not saying I believe my theory, but if I had to justify a ghostly sighting I think I'd start there.

Now about penitentiaries being haunted.

It seems to me I've heard more than one story about the "Tower of London" over the years. As repairs are made and walls crumble, the emotional matter will fade, and battlefields seem like a poor location to hold emotional engrams long.

Emotional trauma is prevelant in funural parlors and morgues, and perhaps these "hauntings" are simply emotional matter that are now fixtures in the building. Many of the "ghosts" may be alive and well, the emotion that the let out at a certain time is just a part of that place.

Maybe this entire ghost phenomenon is meant to be a protection system. If you enter a bear cave where 3 people have been mauled to death slowly, and you get an eerie feeling. Maybe that eerie feeling is part of a protection mechanism every human has but does not acknowledge.

O.K., I'm full of it here, but that would be my guess as to why ghosts do not appear naked. So if you want a Naked ghost, scare the bejesus out of a group of nudists in your living room
I tend to believe that most people don't think of themselves as naked. Those they don't appear so.
If you do believe in ghosts , I think you belive that you "come back" in your "known" attire, such as , if you were a pirate you come back as one on a ship, or if you were a soldier, you come back with weapons from your time, armour, etc., I don't think you can mix up ghosts with souls .
Why are inanimate objects such as clothes part of a ghostly sighting? How does a ship become a ghost such as The Flying Dutchman? It seems that if ghosts are real then they shouldn't require clothing or need to sail. If part of dying means taking your clothes with you when you go then don't expect the afterlife to be a nudist's paradise but travel seems a sure bet.

Personally I've never seen a ghost and I don't ever expect to. If I do then I guess I'd have to say it might be possible. I've slept in haunted houses, cemeteries and battlefields, and to be honest they were all quiet nights.
Ghosts are not naked because they retain, after death, their moral and cultural sense of decency.

The clothes become part of its Being and so are taken with it, in spirit.

In other words any idiot still believing in ghosts will see them in whatever garment or whatever shape his psychology projects upon them.
Why would any gost retain it's organic and calcium compounds? The flesh and bones are phsical and have nothing to do with the gost aftherall he proberly never seen his own bones in his life, the suit on the other hand.
When you dream, you and people you meet are usually wearing clothes. A ghost wears clothes simply because he projects what he is used to seeing, just like in a dream.
why do you imagine you would think like a human if you were a ghost?
There have been many sightings of naked ghosts so the title of this thread might mislead some people.

Why do many ghosts have clothes on?
Probably full time nudist ghosts would not.
But most people identify themselves and idealize themselves in clothes. To suggest one possible way of wording it:
if ghosts are a more subtle thought and self-conceived version of the self, it would be likely that they would come with clothing.
And if their relationship with those who see them is not so much an object to subject relation, but the seers themselves have a partial role in the way that real and present ghost is seen, then they also might appear with clothes more often then not.

I do not think you have somehow logically proved that ghosts are somehow unreal or mere fantasies.
Probably they use some kind of telepathy so that their image is solely inside one's mind, and hence clothes and other appurtenances could be added for the sake of communication/recognition etc
There have been many sightings of naked ghosts so the title of this thread might mislead some people.

Why do many ghosts have clothes on?
Probably full time nudist ghosts would not.
But most people identify themselves and idealize themselves in clothes. To suggest one possible way of wording it:
if ghosts are a more subtle thought and self-conceived version of the self, it would be likely that they would come with clothing.
And if their relationship with those who see them is not so much an object to subject relation, but the seers themselves have a partial role in the way that real and present ghost is seen, then they also might appear with clothes more often then not.

I do not think you have somehow logically proved that ghosts are somehow unreal or mere fantasies.
How do ghosts remember what they used to wear? Surely their memory might not be the same after the brain has decomposed. ?
How do ghosts remember what they used to wear? Surely their memory might not be the same after the brain has decomposed. ?

How is a good question.
The idea that because one pattern ends no similar pattern continues is not necessarily true.
There are theorists today who argue that minds are more like fields.
But any answer would be just speculation on my part. I see enough leeway in science to leave open the question and nothing that makes me think ghosts cannot exist.
There are many stories of ghostly Half naked or fully naked torso's washing up on beaches, however it's usually a story someone said long ago which only gets brought up when people want to be touristy ghost hunters.

I don't want to pressurize my beliefs on people but I don't think there will ever be any confirmation of Ghosts or Life after death, since both particular occurances have no proof, not even a smear of ectoplasm.

By all means people see things but most of the time it's just a hyperactive imagination or an inner need for attention.
Been thinking a little more on this and I'm not sure if there's a correlation between clothed apparitions and there being wings on an angel or lakes of fire. Is there an atmosphere or medium in heaven to fly in? If there's a lake of fire then is there surrounding land or does it rain fuel? Is it man's tendency to use his knowledge and experience of daily living to explain or even create the supernatural and paranormal?

Another thing....Why do the people who see ghosts not consider themselves hallucinating? Or do they only imagine clothes and other inanimate objects when ghost viewing.
Been thinking a little more on this and I'm not sure if there's a correlation between clothed apparitions and there being wings on an angel or lakes of fire. Is there an atmosphere or medium in heaven to fly in? If there's a lake of fire then is there surrounding land or does it rain fuel? Is it man's tendency to use his knowledge and experience of daily living to explain or even create the supernatural and paranormal?

Another thing....Why do the people who see ghosts not consider themselves hallucinating? Or do they only imagine clothes and other inanimate objects when ghost viewing.

Your belief structure determines whether you consider yourself hallucinating or not. So why do otherwise sane people hallucinate something they do not believe in?