Why Aren't All Ghosts Naked?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Why are inanimate objects such as clothes part of a ghostly sighting? How does a ship become a ghost such as The Flying Dutchman? It seems that if ghosts are real then they shouldn't require clothing or need to sail. If part of dying means taking your clothes with you when you go then don't expect the afterlife to be a nudist's paradise but travel seems a sure bet.

Personally I've never seen a ghost and I don't ever expect to. If I do then I guess I'd have to say it might be possible. I've slept in haunted houses, cemeteries and battlefields, and to be honest they were all quiet nights.
In practice, I don't think ghosts exist. In theory, if a ghost has a 'body' which presents some image of 'themselves', I don't see why they wouldn't imagine suitable clothes too (unless they were nudists before death).
What is the soul? The mind? The brain? The body? The intelligence? The extelligence?
That would mean that your clothes are part of your soul.

Apparently you leave with the clothes on your back. I'm off to hell so I won't be needing mine. On second thought, I'm going to wear some flame retardant underwear on my deathbed, got to protect the privates.

Some lucky guys get a horse complete with bridle, reins, and saddle.
I don't think this pertains to parapsychology in any way. So I'm moving it to Pseudoscience. Peace. :m:
So here I am at work perusing the various threads between patients when a guy pops into my office.

He says, "Oh, is that the forum your always on? The science/politics forum." I say, "Yes." He takes a peek at my screen and what does he see? Why aren't all ghosts naked?:eek:
So here I am at work perusing the various threads between patients when a guy pops into my office.

He says, "Oh, is that the forum your always on? The science/politics forum." I say, "Yes." He takes a peek at my screen and what does he see? Why aren't all ghosts naked?:eek:

The most perplexing question of our time.:D He should feel privileged for at least being made aware of it.

Maybe the question should be...why aren't we clothed at birth? It seems that we are when we're dead.;)
The most perplexing question of our time.:D He should feel privileged for at least being made aware of it.

Maybe the question should be...why aren't we clothed at birth? It seems that we are when we're dead.;)

Some of us are only shrouded.
Some of us are only shrouded.

I can't really think of God, Virgin Marys, angels or the ghosts of dead prophets as being anything other than clothed. Possibly that is why ghosts are too.

I wonder what Anna Nicole's ghost is wearing right know.
In the days of Ancient Rome and whatnot, ghosts were often depicted as naked in stories. I don't know if they depicted them that way on stage, but in narratives without visuals, they were naked. The burial shroud became the sheets we think of today when we draw a typical cartoony ghost. It's possible that the idea of a clothed ghost came about because of modesty (on the part of the alleged witness).

IF a ghost is a projection from a ‘spirit world’, rather than a physical object in this world, that is, IF a ghost is an entity from a non physical world that is projecting itself into this world to be seen by us humans, then presumably that entity could project itself in whatever form it desired; clothed; naked; riding a bike….

Any spirit would be by definition, non physical and therefore invisible. So any ghostly image would have to be just that; an image like a mirage and could therefore appear in any form it liked (presumably).

I am not saying that this is the case…. but just a thought..
So here I am at work perusing the various threads between patients when a guy pops into my office.

He says, "Oh, is that the forum your always on? The science/politics forum." I say, "Yes." He takes a peek at my screen and what does he see? Why aren't all ghosts naked?:eek:


All right: no need to gild the lily any further. I know you're all dying for my input. Say no more!

I like the idea about ghosts being naked. In fact, there are several I could so picture. It does seem to refute the whole ghost business, and I confess I was simultaneously relieved and annoyed that someone else had actually contrived a refutal that would set it to rest once and for all. It's something I find amusing to consider, and I don't like to be scooped. :mad:

However, there may be a counter to this argument. If a 'spirit' or whatnot isn't tied to any particular clothing, then one might argue there should be no reason for it to be tied to a particular place. Ergo: why would there be observations of said ghosts prowling around the scene of their unfortunate demise? This kind of follows Light Travelling's point: a development or process of this 'spirit' itself. (Sorry. Don't mean to sound Platonian or something.) Then again, maybe there aren't any anyway.

Take that, reasoned discourse.

Something that always made me snicker about ghosts haunting hearses and morgues, as has been recounted in many a tale, is that if a ghost is tied to the scene of their death, wouldn't an ambulance or a hospital be a more likely place for a haunting? And if it's emotional energy that leaves the imprint that becomes a ghost, how many state penitentiaries have haunted execution chambers?