Why are christians so filled with hate?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Christians hate anyone not like them:

- Atheists
- Theists of other sects
- Homosexuals
- Lesbians
- Other religions
- Pro-Choice
- Myths that prove their god doesn't exist

What do they fear most?
M*W: Christians hate anyone not like them:

- Atheists
- Theists of other sects
- Homosexuals
- Lesbians
- Other religions
- Pro-Choice
- Myths that prove their god doesn't exist

What do they fear most?

I disagree. I have known many Christians in my life and they have been very fun loving and open people. Most of my good friends in college were Christians. Even in Saudi Arabia, the funniest guy I knew (and best looking too) was an Egyptian Christian.
They fear those who can think for themselves.
They fear those who can face the fact that one must ultimately be responsible for oneself.

The Christian faith, in its current form, is akin to a safety blanket, thus, the childlike behaviour of its followers.
M*W: Christians hate anyone not like them:

- Atheists
- Theists of other sects
- Homosexuals
- Lesbians
- Other religions
- Pro-Choice
- Myths that prove their god doesn't exist

What do they fear most?

Which ones? You may just see people who dont agree with your beliefs as being full of hate. This may be your own personal fear.

Next you need to clerify what you mean by Christian. As far as i know they go to a church, they pray and probably other things too.

Last year i went to two Christian wedding's and tbh they were the happiest people i have ever seen AND they werent even drinking or dry humping eachother on the dance floor.

Also, your list is comprised of choices made by a wide range of people, probably even of millions\billions of atheist's. You will assume that I (John99) am a Christian but i think to be one you need to do those things i listed above... i dont do any so cannot claim to be part of any particular movement.

So upon closer examination your thread is not accurate at all. given the fact that ALL the major religions pretty much share the same basic beliefs, yet you say "Christian":) and completely ignore the fact's i outline or the fact that there are other religion's which are far more conservative. Why is that?
M*W: Christians hate anyone not like them:

- Atheists
- Theists of other sects
- Homosexuals
- Lesbians
- Other religions
- Pro-Choice
- Myths that prove their god doesn't exist

What do they fear most?

Who are you talking about? All the Christians I know act just like any other person...they don't seem to have any of the characteristics you described...
there are 34,000 different sects of christianity, and they even hate each other.
either you lot, who cant see the hate are blinkered, or on the defensive because your guilty of the very same kind of hate.
christianity is the most arrogant of the religions, theres is perfect and everybody else is not, they would never stop and think they might have the wrong beliefs.
there are 34,000 different sects of christianity, and they even hate each other.
either you lot, who cant see the hate are blinkered, or on the defensive because your guilty of the very same kind of hate.
christianity is the most arrogant of the religions, theres is perfect and everybody else is not, they would never stop and think they might have the wrong beliefs.

Considering that my best friend of over 15 years is a strict Roman Catholic who goes to mass more than twice a week and of the 15 or so people I consider my friends more than 10 are Christians, and my current closest friend is also a Korean Catholic who has been very very good to me, I think my "blinkered" opinion is much more relevant to me than your nonsense.
Considering that my best friend of over 15 years is a strict Roman Catholic who goes to mass more than twice a week and of the 15 or so people I consider my friends more than 10 are Christians, and my current closest friend is also a Korean Catholic who has been very very good to me, I think my "blinkered" opinion is much more relevant to me than your nonsense.

They dont bother anyone. I also went to a Mosque here in the U.S and being non-Muslim was treated gret. I hung out upstairs (where the prayed) used their bathroom (had a large round fountain in the middle of it), ate with them in the basement etc.

No one tried to convert me or treated me badly, just regular people.:p
They dont bother anyone. I also went to a Mosque here in the U.S and being non-Muslim was treated gret. I hung out upstairs (where the prayed) used their bathroom (had a large round fountain in the middle of it), ate with them in the basement etc.

No one tried to convert me or treated me badly, just regular people.:p

I used to attend mass with my friend, I love choral music.:)
What Jew do you know that can kill someone with a single roundhouse to the face?

Judge Judy is hitler reincarnated.

Can't think of any but someone here will know. your probably right about Chuck too.

Judge Judy is great.:bawl:

EDIT: James Caan?
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:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

M*W: Once again Medicine*Woman pontificates without doing any research on the topic. Some things never change.
The Judeo-Christians love to believe they're superior to others, and so wage war against them. Pagans, Muslims, atheists... you're next, unless you're Christian or Jewish (and preferrably, a neoconservative).

Remember, we all go to heaven at the end. End the world now!