Why Are Athiests So Obsessed With God?

water said:
How does it have nothing to do with identity?

Why define yourself as a-something -- unless this something has an important bearing on that identity of yours?
I could call myself a, say, "afetishist" -- but that would make sense only in regards to fetishism.

Ex negativo definitions are not very useful, and tend to be misleading. I think a new, ex positivo definition and name for at least some of those that now consider themselves "atheists" is needed.
On second thought, I suppose it's possible for some to define themselves in opposition to theism. I don't think it is a necessary attribute of atheism, though. It could be that atheism was created by religious people to define themselves. Isn't the bible full of declarations of hethenism and paganism? The people they describe might not agree, and counter that they are very religious, just not in a monotheistic way. Buddhists, for example, fit the dictionary definition of atheists, but don't define themselves that way. There are some religions that fall in the middle. Some Native American religions are monotheistic, but their God is not the Christian God, so what are they?
Cris said:
Logic and reason are independent of the proponent or reputation of the speaker, so who I am is irrelevant since the strength of logic can stand on its own.

You can't be serious!

Maybe the strength of logic can stand on its own -- but how many people care about that??
History and the present are full of examples where logic really was not respected in any way.

It isn’t fear that is sought but the hope that the victims of religion will find a way to penetrate the dark veil of their indoctrination and see the ludicrous nature of their theistic fantasies. The only weapon is an appeal to theists to think clearly.

You do realize that if the first thing you say to your student is "You are stupid", the student will not respect you and will not take you seriously?

The same if you approach theists by saying they are covered with a "dark veil of their indoctrination" and they should "see the ludicrous nature of their theistic fantasies" and that they don't "think clearly" -- do you really think they will listen to you?

Remember Proud Muslim? He wanted to convert everyone to Islam, and it was by first calling them stupid. No wonder people didn't take him seriously, and his converting effect was zero.

You are doing the same mistake as he: You underestimate those whom you think they need to change their minds.

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spidergoat said:
On second thought, I suppose it's possible for some to define themselves in opposition to theism. I don't think it is a necessary attribute of atheism, though.

At least "popular atheism" has this very obvious notion of "I don't believe in no fuckin god! I am an a-theist!"
So, at least for those, it is an identity issue.

It could be that atheism was created by religious people to define themselves.

Maybe. But usually, ex positivo definitions come first.

Buddhists, for example, fit the dictionary definition of atheists, but don't define themselves that way.

Interesting. They have been more creative, apparently!

There are some religions that fall in the middle. Some Native American religions are monotheistic, but their God is not the Christian God, so what are they?

Similarly, what are the Muslims? Theists, I think is a useful answer.

But I do think that atheists should come up with a new name, independent of allusions to theism.
In the end, I think that theists are more obsessed with atheists than atheists are with any god or gods. Theists do satisfy themselves with faith in the absence of any evidence, while atheists still wait for theists to prove the validity of their theistic position by showing proof.
brutus 1964:Why are atheists so obsessed with God? If you do not believe in him why do you expend so much energy thinking about him and those that do believe?

i think it is because the christian religion has impacted our society so much. america has made progress but it used to be the crazy puritans and everyone used chrisitianity as a set of rules. god has become the oppressor, and chances are that he doesn't even exist.
Why are atheists so obsessed with God?

I think they fear the possibility that God does exist.

God does not oppress. He sets us free. It is man than takes away our freedom. Your quarrel is with man not with God.

Bowser: Ditto!

What does atheism have to offer other than no faith and no hope?
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Brutus1964 said:

History and the present are full of examples where logic really was not respected in any way.

You know ... religion hasn't exactly been helpful on those occasions. Aside from the occasional Buddhist gem and an asserted state of Sufism I don't ever expect to witness in my lifetime, logic has been a fairly narrow and limited exercise within human religious endeavors.

As far as we Theists are concerned we do have the Truth. We also have faith and hope. We know that when we die we do not cease to exist. The thought of death does not have the same sting to us as it would with an atheist. When a loved one dies we know they are all right and we will one day see them again. That is very comforting.

"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Cor 15:55)

First of all that you are labeling me an "idiot" tells us more about you than it says about me.

Secondly there are many "truths" that Atheists believe that can not be verified or demonstrated. Prove to me that God does not exist? Demonstrate to me exactly how the big bang happened. Tell me exactly what gravity and dark matter is. Prove to me that we evolved from apes. Tell me the exact species that we evolved from? Prove to me that you really exist yourself? How do I know that I am not the only real person. Demonstrate and verify to me that you exist and are not just a figment of my imagination? Since absolute proof is what you require for yourself before you will believe anything, then please prove to me that you have the truth.
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Brutus1964 said:
I must ask this question. Why are atheists so obsessed with God? If you do not believe in him why do you expend so much energy thinking about him and those that do believe? Why do atheists spend so much time in the religion section of this forum? It seems to me that a true atheist would be neutral on the entire subject. I think that a lot of people who profess to be atheists are really just anti-God regardless of whether they believe he exists or not.

I am fascinated by people whose expectation of reality is so different from
the way it actually is. Those folks with the greatest delta tend to
be 'believers'; hence, my presence around them.

Your responses are my best rebuttal. I have won the argument as far as you are concerned. :p
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brutus 1964:What does atheism have to offer other than no faith and no hope?

i think that people who approach life with a more logical perspective tend to lean towards atheism or transcendentalism. benjamin franklin, albert einstien, karl marx, the list goes on and on. the most intelligent people in history have been religiously atheistic or at least logical. god is logical in some aspects, but jesus is not. god is only a figure of hope and faith to people. i think that atheists have overcome the need for a security blanket called god.

Albert Einstein and Ben Franklin both believed in God. Maybe differently than I do but that is fine. I would not want to be associated with the Communist Karl Marx. His ideas have caused more death and misery than religion could ever shake a stick at.

Isis25 said "i think that atheists have overcome the need for a security blanket called god."

There is always an air of arrogance surrounding atheists. They think that man is God.
First of all, there is no such thing as absolute proof. Secondly, I don't believe anything; I might take in data, examine facts, make conjectures, form opinions, but I'm not stupid enough to say "This is 100% correct". Fools think that's a weakness; it is, in fact, my greatest strength.

Hehehe, ya! The only thing that I'm certain of is (That I'm not 100% certain of anything)
Theists believe in deities. Agnostics don't know what to believe. Atheists see no reason to believe.

If a theist wants to assert the existence of deities, it's up to the theist to prove so. Atheists do not have to prove the non-existence of deities. Meanwhile, agnostics can sit quietly on the fence.
brutus said:
There is always an air of arrogance surrounding atheists. They think that man is God.
as humans are the superior creature , on this planet, and in the known universe as far as we know right now.
and as atheist are the controllers of there own destiny, not being ruled by a non-existent sky daddy.
I can understand why you would feel inferior around them, but as for being gods, no there just men like you.
just slightly more sensible.
i think that atheists have overcome the need for a security blanket called god
Pretty much, though its understandable how some find comfort in the theory that someone is looking down on them.
There is always an air of arrogance surrounding atheists. They think that man is God.
How can they think man is something that doesnt exist? :rolleyes:

If you would refrain from the invectives then I would be happy to argue your points.


Yes we do have the potential to become Gods. But only through God is that possible.