Why Are Athiests So Obsessed With God?

duendy said:
Prester, it has to be said, that your self-confessed worldview ala mechanistic science EPITOMIZIS xactly what i am meaning. about how the transition to science bought about this idea that soul/consciousness has no meaning because it can't be measureed and thus quantified

in REALITy is has central, primal ESSENTIAL meaning for us and universe
i am assuming you aint a test tube. am assuming you have loved, and cried, and wondered, and etc? so........that had/has no meaning?....when you see people starving to death on the news on your TV, what about that? do you feel sad, helpless, angry....does THAt have no meaning cause you can't put it in a test tube or measure it?

so what are you saying?

(ps. btw, when i say 'soul' i am not meaning the same definition the patriarchal christians define it as. I am reather defining more how Indigenous peoples do, as completely related with Nature, and is the inner FEELING OF Nature)

I am trying to explain what science is and how it works, you appear to be the one who wants to personify science. How about you tell me if an alleged object can't be seen, felt , heard or smelt, if every time we look for it we fail to find it, why we should think it exists in the first place?

Just because i like to have evidence for my views does not make me any less human as you are implying. Rather to take your example when we see starving children on tv what do you do? Assume god did it and thats life or look into the reasons and see what can be done to stop it happening in the future? Maybe send food over there on a ship designed by science and use a scientific helicopter to drop supplies to the starving?

As for the inner feeling of nature i suggest you learn a bit more about nature, stop watching the cuddly tv programs, natures a bitch, just ask someone dying of AIDS, or TB or Measles or Malaria.

To understand about feelings and emotions you need to understand about emergent properties. This is the differnce between a drop of water and a river. The mind is an emergent property of the brain.

Why do you assume that life has to have some meaning? What is the evidence you have for this assumption? It feels nice ?

Electrical activity of the brain is measurable, extending into emotions etc. The whole lot has some bio electrical basis. I don't know how it all works but that does not mean a mystical answer is correct.
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Ophiolite said:
And the purposes crossed in the night, like sightless leviathans, each seeking its personal Nirvana.

i assume you are referring to me and prester's conversation?
so, are you implying that you somehow see through our 'blind search for Nirvana'? are you an some god-like platform where you can view the whole truth and nuthin but.....

but before you -may-answer, let me inform you i question the doctrine regarding seeing Nirvana. what i DO know is that this science milarky is fukin up Nature, and THAT's what i challenge
what i DO know is that this science milarky is fukin up Nature

So, scientists are to blame or is it those who have nothing to do with science other than take advantage of it are to blame?