Why Are Athiests So Obsessed With God?


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Registered Senior Member
I must ask this question. Why are atheists so obsessed with God? If you do not believe in him why do you expend so much energy thinking about him and those that do believe? Why do atheists spend so much time in the religion section of this forum? It seems to me that a true atheist would be neutral on the entire subject. I think that a lot of people who profess to be atheists are really just anti-God regardless of whether they believe he exists or not.
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Brutus1964 said:
I must ask this question. Why are atheists so obsessed with God? If you do not believe in him why do you expend so much energy thinking about him and those that do believe? Why do atheists spend so much time in the religion section of this forum? It seems to me that a true atheist would be neutral on the entire subject. I think that a lot of people who profess to be atheists are really just anti-God regardless of whether they believe he exists or not.

they are policing it sos it dont become:


I'm not obsessed by god at all. I think what is the interesting thing is about the people who believe in some form of religion. Their dogmatic, blinkered view of the world and the zeal in which they all try to sell there brand of what they consider is the truth. As to spending time on the relegion forum, for me, its amazing the amount of effort people put into promoting/ defending the imaginary being that so utterly controls there minds
Brutus1964 said:

Why are atheists so obsessed with God?

Theoretically, left alone, atheists allegedly wouldn't worry much about God at all. However, as I understand it, atheists feel much the same way about God in general that I do about Christianity specifically: if it wasn't always being thrown in my face, I probably wouldn't resent it so much. Remember, the superstition aspect of the conservative political troika, "greed, superstition, and fear", is religious superstition. I rarely hear atheists disparaging Nomar Garciaparra's batting ritual at the edge of the box, nor Joey Cora's leaping over the invisible second-baseline when he took the field. In either case, one could take issue with a player's performance.

Heck, it's said that Wade Boggs ate a whole roast chicken before every game.

To the other, it's not specifically anti-Christian sentiment that raised the murmur about on-field prayer, and praising God in touchdown celebrations. Notice that in baseball, nobody says anything about pointing to the sky to thank God for a home run. Why? It's subtle, it's natural, it's not a big deal. But prancing around and then kneeling in prayer as if Jesus himself just scored six--that's an unnecessary aesthetic discord.

And as to aesthetics, well, people do in fact pick on Randy Johnson's mullet. Yeah. The guy's 6'10, and can throw a baseball 98 mph. But we'll still badmouth that freakin' hair. And the fact that he's a Yankee. I mean, hell ... if e'er there was a need for atheism, signing with the Yankees is it. Right there, he's going to hell.

And none of that, however, interferes with life so significantly as a decade's worth of bigotry on the ballot, or eleven states rejecting the U.S. Constitution, and all for religious sentiment. If we look at the gay fray alone:

• Why are we having this argument? (Religious tradition)
• What's wrong with obeying the law? (Religious tradition)
• Why is George Bush willing to violate his oath of office for this? (Religious tradition)
• Why did eleven states just vote to reject the U.S. Constitution in order to install gender discrimination into contract law? (Religious tradition)
• Why do homophobe-traditionalists seem unable to read? (????)​

In other words, if atheists weren't asked so often to consider the merits of religious principles applied within the boundaries of their lives, they probably wouldn't pause to think much about religion at all.
What he (Slotty) said.

Though I'm mostly happy living here in the U.S., it does have the unfortunate distinction of being the most religious of the western nations. Constantly being surrounded by people ascribing natural phenomena to entities without a scrap of empirical evidence for their existence really drives me bananas.

I can't just walk up to people with stupid religious bumper stickers and tell them that I think they are morons for believing in the rapture. So I come here instead.

To answer your question with a question: why are the Christians here in the U.S. always blathering about their beliefs? Why not just do their thing in church, instead of constantly trying to cram it down my throat? Ever heard of an atheist trying to make a church teach evolutionary theory in a church's Sunday school?

I think that many Christians have deep doubts about their superstition, and so feel the need for constant reinforcement. A shared delusion seems more powerful. But as Bertrand Russell said, "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
Well Repo, lets see if we get a reply. Brutus is probably praying for our souls right now. He should be down the pub with me instead :D
Brutus1964 said:
I think that a lot of people who profess to be atheists are really just anti-God regardless of whether they believe he exists or not.

Which makes them 'theists'. :)

Jan Ardena.
Brutus1964 said:
I must ask this question. Why are atheists so obsessed with God? If you do not believe in him why do you expend so much energy thinking about him and those that do believe?

Because they identify themselves in opposition to God. They need God -- even though they deny God's existence. The existence of non-God is crucial to them.

Why do atheists spend so much time in the religion section of this forum? It seems to me that a true atheist would be neutral on the entire subject.

Then he wouldn't be an a*theist*.

I think that a lot of people who profess to be atheists are really just anti-God regardless of whether they believe he exists or not.

I think a lot of people have been directly and indirectly hurt by other people in the name of God, and they then ascribe those harmful human actions to God. Even though there is no evidential basis to ascribe those actions to God.

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tiassa said:
Theoretically, left alone, atheists allegedly wouldn't worry much about God at all.

Left alone, away from the theists, there would be no atheists. Atheists are defined in a certain relation to theists.

The militant atheist would lose all meaning of his life if his atheistic strivings (to eradicate theists/theistic beliefs) would be victorious.

However, as I understand it, atheists feel much the same way about God in general that I do about Christianity specifically: if it wasn't always being thrown in my face, I probably wouldn't resent it so much.

I wonder who is taking God more seriously: the theists or the atheists?

Judging by the effort atheists put into defying atheists, I'd say atheists are taking religion very, very seriously. Even though they put it down and belittle it.

An idea or teaching can survive only if it has some sort of existence in someone's thoughts, even if it is in the form of denying its existence.

An idea or teaching is definitely dead only after there is noone to oppose it anymore.

Atheists (and some are very militant) opposing theism so vehemently, are thereby keeping theism alive.
Atheists and agnostics oppose theists (particularly christians, and particularly pseudo-christians) because they're fucking up the world. All that superstitious bullshit about 10,000 year-old earth, creation mythology, etc, etc.

Indeed, even the current regime of the United States seems as fanatically devouted to theistic destruction of their fellow human as Bin Laden is.
Theoretically, left alone, atheists allegedly wouldn't worry much about God at all. However, as I understand it, atheists feel much the same way about God in general that I do about Christianity specifically: if it wasn't always being thrown in my face, I probably wouldn't resent it so much.
I quite agree, left alone i wouldnt much care, as day to day i generally dont.
Its only when im told he exists and i need saving/forgiveness and that im a satanist that it bugs me, i dont need to oppose something, but im constantly reminded that i do and that im in the wrong for it, likewise theists have been in the same situations, and really we should just learn that everyones different and it doesnt matter, and that discussions about it are always welcome.

Why are atheists so obsessed with God?

They aren't. Their efforts are directed at those who are obsessed with theism.
Well, indeed I have thought about god quite a lot, and researched and discussed about him, that is why I have become an atheist.
And I did not limit myself to one god, I have thought about dozens of them.
'cause it's so weird. And because there are so many of them trying to impose their beliefs on us and the government. It's got nothing to do with identity, water.

I have a similar obsession with cults and Charles Manson.
Hey, I'm an agnostic, I am neither obsessed with god or obsessed with not god. Indifference is the real religion killer.
Cris said:
Why are atheists so obsessed with God?

They aren't. Their efforts are directed at those who are obsessed with theism.

So where are your guns, nukes, WMD's, biological weapons etc.?
You fight *people* with words, or what? And they are to fear your words ... because you are ... who exactly?
spidergoat said:
'cause it's so weird. And because there are so many of them trying to impose their beliefs on us and the government. It's got nothing to do with identity, water.

How does it have nothing to do with identity?

Why define yourself as a-something -- unless this something has an important bearing on that identity of yours?
I could call myself a, say, "afetishist" -- but that would make sense only in regards to fetishism.

Ex negativo definitions are not very useful, and tend to be misleading. I think a new, ex positivo definition and name for at least some of those that now consider themselves "atheists" is needed.
slotty said:
I'm not obsessed by god at all. I think what is the interesting thing is about the people who believe in some form of religion. Their dogmatic, blinkered view of the world and the zeal in which they all try to sell there brand of what they consider is the truth. As to spending time on the relegion forum, for me, its amazing the amount of effort people put into promoting/ defending the imaginary being that so utterly controls there minds

The same thing can be said about many atheists, scientists, educators, politicians, and almost everybody with an opinion.
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