Why Americans are racists?

Americans, are they racist? And are they mostly racist to arabs?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters
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the race thing, want be a problem for us, cause we're not actually arabs and we're not actually black, we're not actually of anything, we look like all, you can say we are americans, you can say we are asians, you can say we are arabs; we are a race came from the mixation of manyraces, and we don't have racism!

OK...if you don't care, then why are you here attacking me? hmm, that just prooved me more how much most americans are agressive and racist...hmm,

and Americans are not? we have inter-racial marriages, kids... everything... how is every American raciest if they have married someone with a different skin color? And are some of the people I know, who've married people who need VISA's to stay in the states raciest?

and I didnt see any of what he said aggressive! he's asking you for facts.. where do u go to see if half us us American girls have been raped? thats like someone who's never had an orange saying 50% or oranges tastes like grapefruit...

To Shadow

To be frank, I do not know enough about Tunisia and the Maghreb to even offer an opinion. If I got to know your people well enough, I might say something, but not till then.


Racism is not an absolute. You cannot accurately categorise a nation as racist or not racist. It is all shades of grey. All nations have some racism, but the question is, how much?

My own view, from all the Americans I have met, is that the USA is somewhere in the middle. Some racism, and some enlightenment.
ok, take easy dude, those are facts: why are you so angry? truth hurts!

Don't confuse attacking your facts with attacking you. If I were attacking you, I'd call you names and such.

This is a debate. Expect to be debated. If you can't handle it, then leave. So, I would advise that you "chill out".

never saw that, you're just trying to make usa look like a heaven where there's no racism, and i have never seen a racist japanese, i said i know many japaneses, here in tunisia, and i know some of them, and never saw a racist of them. also, why are you attacking me, you're very agressive, i'm discussing in here, chill out dude!!

Again. Not attacking you. Attacking your points. . . dude.

As for my "aggressiveness", I wonder how much of a sensitive crybaby you must be for feeling attacked when someone actually debates you? What? Are we all supposed to accept your senseless drivel as sagely wisdom?

ok... do you have some kind of problem ?

I have a problem with ignorant people making ignorant--ad hominem--statements, acting defensive when they are challenged (which is what you are doing), refusing to post reputable facts to support their lofty claims (which you've done), demanding that other people play by their rules (which you did, in demanding that people not address specific issues because you find them bothersome), then acting like a bruised little child when they get challenged (which is exactly what you're doing now).

This site is for intelligent adults. Participate like one, or leave.

where did i say not to post or not to say thing?

You should go back and read your own posts (see below):

shadow1 said:
ok ok ok, i don't want to hear anyone insulting japanese or japan, ok? japan is very good country, people are so orgenised and sooo polite, and they have a hight morals, they work hard, etc etc etc... and they are just, they are very very good people, i can defferently say japan is way better than u.s.a., we all love japan here, and in all arab countries, you can discuss with japanese about anything, even for example to discuss about poetry, and he don't liek poetry, and hate it, he don't show it, they just discuss with you, and they are so, i can't discribe them, they are the best, also i used to know many japanese who used to be in tunisia, and they were noo way racist or how ever you think, so i don't want to hear anything of insults about japan, stop it!! we all love japan in here, no one hate it, infact, japan is a model country of modernety, keeping the culture, we just can't stop using japan and china ... as models of orgenising and polite morals, etc... and we All want to be like them!

again, why are you attacking me?

Why are you acting like a crybaby when challenged? Why aren't you supporting your points with some referenceable fact? Why did you lie when you said "50%" then lowered it to "40%" (a fact which I'd still like to see you support).

All you're doing is grand-standing. Part of the accepted way of doing business around here is actually (a) making sense (b) being honest about what you're saying (c) supporting your claims with facts and (d) not acting like a crybaby when challenged in an honest manner.

I am also culturist.

I believe that if it is a society's culture to torture and kill (as it is in China) then it isn't culture at all. It's barbarism.

and Americans are not? we have inter-racial marriages, kids... everything... how is every American raciest if they have married someone with a different skin color? And are some of the people I know, who've married people who need VISA's to stay in the states raciest?

and I didnt see any of what he said aggressive! he's asking you for facts.. where do u go to see if half us us American girls have been raped? thats like someone who's never had an orange saying 50% or oranges tastes like grapefruit...


hehehehe, okki, maybe i just had a twisted informations, but still he was attacking me.

To be frank, I do not know enough about Tunisia and the Maghreb to even offer an opinion. If I got to know your people well enough, I might say something, but not till then.

yeah sure, hehehehe, it was just a question but not a serious one anyway, no prob.
Don't confuse attacking your facts with attacking you. If I were attacking you, I'd call you names and such.

This is a debate. Expect to be debated. If you can't handle it, then leave. So, I would advise that you "chill out".

hehehehehe, don't worry i'm chilled out ;)

Again. Not attacking you. Attacking your points. . . dude.

ok ok i get it

As for my "aggressiveness", I wonder how much of a sensitive crybaby you must be for feeling attacked when someone actually debates you? What? Are we all supposed to accept your senseless drivel as sagely wisdom?
lol, ok ok, so am i a crybaby in your opinion? ok. doesnt bother me. it's your thoghts anyway

Why are you acting like a crybaby when challenged? Why aren't you supporting your points with some referenceable fact? Why did you lie when you said "50%" then lowered it to "40%" (a fact which I'd still like to see you support).

ok, i didnt actually lie, cause i readed in article long time ago, and the percentage was between 50 or 40 or between, i forgot it, ok i'll try to find a link, give me sometime, cause i do remember i saw it somewhere

Great. . . so you can add hypocrite to ignorant liar! (Now that. . . was an attack)


ok ok, first of all, i'm not a lier! second, i didnt say i'm racist to american, i started to be one, means i started to not want to talk to any american anymore.. and i'm not a lier, ok?
Mod Hat - This is getting silly

Mod Hat — This is getting silly, or maybe it always was

Is there a real topic to discuss here? Or is it just rip on your favorite target culture?

I sugest this topic get blocket, first it's useless, second, it's stupid and silly, third, it's a bullshit!!!
ok ok, first of all, i'm not a lier! second, i didnt say i'm racist to american, i started to be one, means i started to not want to talk to any american anymore.. and i'm not a lier, ok?

if u don't wanna talk to americans anymore, why are you on this forum?! Quite a few of us ARE americans..*gasp*

and I am not raciest.. I hate EVERYONE just as equal as the next person. there are just some people I trust less then the next guy.. haha
Mod Hat - Closure

Mod Hat — Closure

Shadow1 said:

I sugest this topic get blocket, first it's useless, second, it's stupid and silly, third, it's a bullshit!!!

Works for me.
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