Why Americans are racists?

Americans, are they racist? And are they mostly racist to arabs?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 60.0%

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There are a lot of cases of people who convince themselves that they are much less racist than Americans, since there is an absence of comparable racial tension in their countries. Except when you look more closely, you notice that this is because there's a lack of different races in said country, which in turn is indicative of the country in question being vastly, overtly more racist than America.

but it's a fact, never saw a country more racist than u.s.a., maybe there are others too, and from some people i know, even saudi arabian are racist, even to the other arabs, but not all of them are racist, i can't say most are racist and i can't say the minority are racist, you can find as good as bad and as racist as no racist...

Americans are not racists at all, They just have huge egos, and come off as racist.

hehehehehehe, yeah right, even when i see some american tourists in tunisia sometimes, they act in a racist way, but not all of them, they think they are superior race or something! once there was an american blocking the road, it was a norrow street, so i asked him if i can pass, and he started to look and making sounds like a dog!! because i asked him if i can passe! wow, what a hugo, lol hehehehehehe
i think i should've gave him a bone or a pece of meat so he can go away or something, i bet if he was in his home country, he shure will kill me! well, another discription of americans, agressive+racist, you should really eat less meat, also i have an american friend, he says that most of you their are racist and like that esspecialy if they saw or they knew that you are an arab or a muslim..!! never thoght that america was so bad.

Everyone is racist. Evolution equipped humanity with a degree of xenophobia, which for our ancestors was pro-survival - since the big bad stranger from another tribe quite likely would cut your throat. True.

Anthropologists discovered that modern day tribal hunter gatherer societies, like the Yanomomo of the Amazon, have an amazingly high male on male homicide rate, frequently due to inter-tribal warfare. Assuming that our ancestors were the same, this fact would make xenophobia a quality that enhances your chances of survival.

However, in the modern world, there is a need for people to rise above this xeonphobia, and become non-racist, as best we can. I think Americans don't do too badly, in spite of the large number of rednecks among them.

I have been told that the most racist nation on Earth is Japan. According to my informant, they sincerely believe that all other peoples are inferior.

oh, so that means you want to say that americans are a superior race?
hmm, that explain it, at least when you ask a citizent in here some simple questions like, how many angle does a triangle have, at least he want tell you 0 or 1,lol,

This discussion is irrelevant. Racists come in a shapes and sizes, regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation etc. I've known black racists, gay racists, Indian racists, Native American racists, white racists, racist Jews, the list goes on but I shall not.

But aside from that, welcome back!

effcorse, but some countries are more racist than other countries, and some countries, are more racist to other certin countries!! nowdays, even if someone in america, a girl or a boy, was from an arab ethic, and he wasn't even a muslim or arab, people treat them differently and in a racist way, just the same way that used to treat asians in a certin time, and blacks in a certin time, etc...guess what country is that?

i would personally rather know what the place is like.. u from Africa today? cool, tell me about where you live... i personally think that the other countrys are more raciest to americans... I had friends go over seas a few times, and they hate the way they get treated, and they are the nicest people I know!! some ppl are pretty stupid... i could be one of them.. but even tho I hear something, and my head brings up a stereotype, I will ask about if its what its like or not... but from what i have seen in the places I've been in... we are not as racist as people think.. just alittle on the naive side of things... we just know what we hear, and same to other country's..unless you have been to where the other is from, u just know what you have been told, and some americans thing it might be rude to ask a person about where they are from......................this is just from my head... there is my disclaimer... lol! be nice to me!

from what i saw by eyes, you are racist, almost all of you! i used to love u.s.a. once, but now, ew, i even hate to go their, who knows, maybe i'll get killed or robed or something!! about 50% of women in usa, have been raped at least once!

yes! hahaa! i'm an abomanation to some churches.. hahaa... i have piercings, tats, had pre marital sex, AND have a child being a single mother.. hehehee... man I'm sooo going to hell..

hehehehehe :mufc:
hey, at least it's not cold in hell :tempted:
oh they are ennuf racist to kill us...or maybe to bomb my country as you just did to others...

That has less to do with race than with warmongering, per se.

europeans are not racist

Quite a bit more than the USA, at least where I lived in Spain they were, and from what the Brits I knew had to say.

Europeans have a snooty attitude about race, one which we can see all over Europe in recent elections.

ok ok ok, i don't want to hear anyone insulting japanese or japan, ok?

Nope. Not okay. So, inform us Shadow how you assume the authority to tell everybody what they can and cannot post while you sit here peppering us with loads of ignorant bullshit.

japan is very good country, people are so orgenised and sooo polite, and they have a hight morals, they work hard, etc etc etc... and they are just, they are very very good people, i can defferently say japan is way better than u.s.a.,

Do you even remember the OP you wrote? Seriously, you're lost.

We're discussing "racism" not how "good" a country is. Many "good" countries have a lot of odd things about them. Japan is one of them, they are one of the most racist nations on earth.

we all love japan here, and in all arab countries, you can discuss with japanese about anything, even for example to discuss about poetry, and he don't liek poetry, and hate it, he don't show it, they just discuss with you, and they are so, i can't discribe them, they are the best, also i used to know many japanese who used to be in tunisia, and they were noo way racist or how ever you think,

Then you don't know racism very well. Japanese hold Africans and the Chinese in very low regard. In fact, outside of the Japanese and maybe some "white" people, they don't have a very high opinion of many other races.

so i don't want to hear anything of insults about japan, stop it!!

Or what? You'll continue to simper like a child?

Sorry. You don't get to open a debate then demand that people not post information you just don't like. Time to do a little growing up.

we all love japan in here

Yeah, well we aren't. Get over it.

japan is a model country of modernety, keeping the culture, we just can't stop using japan and china ... as models of orgenising and polite morals, etc... and we All want to be like them!

Knock yourselves out. You'll have to give up your idiotic monotheistic religion while you're at it, become more global, actually do something constructive, innovate, build, invent and create to be just like Japan. You'll also have to do a couple other things that the Japanese do: extract confessions out of their suspects, form impenetrable corporate and political organizations that control the entire nation all while not owning up to your warmongering during the Second World War while blaming most of your atrocities on other nations.

check this link about japan from a middle eastern tv show;
check the videos that are in the "Similaire" section too, :)

Yeah. I don't care. This discussion is about "racism" and your claims that other countries are not.

but it's a fact, never saw a country more racist than u.s.a., maybe there are others too, and from some people i know, even saudi arabian are racist, even to the other arabs, but not all of them are racist, i can't say most are racist and i can't say the minority are racist, you can find as good as bad and as racist as no racist...

So, is every single American racist? Even the ones who are not?

from what i saw by eyes, you are racist, almost all of you! i used to love u.s.a. once, but now, ew, i even hate to go their, who knows, maybe i'll get killed or robed or something!! about 50% of women in usa, have been raped at least once!

Fifty percent? Supported by what? Care to show us where you come up with your "facts"?


Europeans have a snooty attitude about race, one which we can see all over Europe in recent elections.
the race thing, want be a problem for us, cause we're not actually arabs and we're not actually black, we're not actually of anything, we look like all, you can say we are americans, you can say we are asians, you can say we are arabs; we are a race came from the mixation of manyraces, and we don't have racism!

Nope. Not okay. So, inform us Shadow how you assume the authority to tell everybody what they can and cannot post while you sit here peppering us with loads of ignorant bullshit.

ok, take easy dude, those are facts: why are you so angry? truth hurts!

Do you even remember the OP you wrote? Seriously, you're lost.
We're discussing "racism" not how "good" a country is. Many "good" countries have a lot of odd things about them. Japan is one of them, they are one of the most racist nations on earth.
never saw that, you're just trying to make usa look like a heaven where there's no racism, and i have never seen a racist japanese, i said i know many japaneses, here in tunisia, and i know some of them, and never saw a racist of them. also, why are you attacking me, you're very agressive, i'm discussing in here, chill out dude!!

Then you don't know racism very well. Japanese hold Africans and the Chinese in very low regard. In fact, outside of the Japanese and maybe some "white" people, they don't have a very high opinion of many other races.
ok, we're not an african race here, so i don't kare!

Or what? You'll continue to simper like a child?
ok... do you have some kind of problem ?

Sorry. You don't get to open a debate then demand that people not post information you just don't like. Time to do a little growing up.
where did i say not to post or not to say thing? again, why are you attacking me?
pleas don't kill me! or invade us!

Yeah, well we aren't. Get over it.

uuh, what? lol

Knock yourselves out. You'll have to give up your idiotic monotheistic religion while you're at it, become more global, actually do something constructive, innovate, build, invent and create to be just like Japan. You'll also have to do a couple other things that the Japanese do: extract confessions out of their suspects, form impenetrable corporate and political organizations that control the entire nation all while not owning up to your warmongering during the Second World War while blaming most of your atrocities on other nations.
hahahahaha, that's soo funny, first, i'm 16, second, what are you talking about, we're not blaiming anyone! try to compare tunisia now and 50 years ago! also, what relegion monotheistic? did i mention relegion? sorry dude, that's the truth, and those are facts, truth hurts
and again, why areyou attacking me? chill out! don't heart your nerves man!
wow, you really need some green tea and yoga.
global? hahahahaha, we are opened in here dude, we are even better educated than most your teens and kids in here! educate your self!
Yeah. I don't care. This discussion is about "racism" and your claims that other countries are not.

OK...if you don't care, then why are you here attacking me? hmm, that just prooved me more how much most americans are agressive and racist...hmm,

So, is every single American racist? Even the ones who are not?

no i didnt say everysingle, stay away of proganada, i said not least and not most, you can find as racist as not racist, but only when it comes to arabs, or maybe muslims, you're mostly mostly racist! even if someone is from an arab ethic, but not a muslim or an arab, or even from a muslim or an arab family, you have racism against him/her, treating them differently and in a racist way!!

Fifty percent? Supported by what? Care to show us where you come up with your "facts"?


hehehehehe, 40% i forgot, i readed it once in an article, an english article you don't say it's from a fanatic site... let's just getover it...ok? just chill out! don't shoot me!

and just an additional info; i started to be racist against americans since i came to sciforums!...started, but i'm not racist yet!
I draw a distinction between racism and culturism.

Racism is when you believe a group of people to be different in some undesirable way, due to their genetic background. eg. believing that Europeans are stupid because they have stupid genes.

Culturism is believing a group of people is different in some undesirable way, due to their cultural background.

I am not racist, but I am culturist. That is because I am aware, painfully so, that some groups of people have national traits that may be undesirable.

For example : I am a New Zealander, and part of our culture is a belief that everyone is essentially equal. If we encounter a manager who treats those who report to him as if they were not his equal, we are likely to mock that person. However, if you look at South Africans of Dutch descent, there is a cultural appreciation of hierarchy. In their culture, it is expected that you show respect to those higher in the ladder, and you patronise those lower.

New Zealanders find that system weird, and somewhat abhorrent. So, as a New Zealander, I have a 'culturist' dislike of the Dutch South African approach. This clash of cultures once led me to losing my job. I was unfortunate enough to have a Dutch South African appointed as my boss, and my typically New Zealand lack of respect for his position led to me being sacked.

There are a number of peoples around the globe who are closer to the old tribal hunter/gatherer origins than we of the west. This means some cultural maladaptation, which we may dislike. So another example from my experience is the Papua New Guinea peoples. They are closer to a tribal nature, in which xenophobia was rife. Many of their city dwellers today are extremely hostile to outsiders, which translates into a high crime rate, and violence against tourists.

Thus I have a culturist antipathy to those people. Not racist, since I know that their undesirable behaviour comes from the fact that their old culture is clashing with 21st century western culture.

This makes me culturist, but not racist.
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