Why Americans are racists?

Americans, are they racist? And are they mostly racist to arabs?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 60.0%

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Valued Senior Member
hello! i'm baack! i was busy with having fun, it's summer holiday, anyway, and i talked to an american girl passed by, while i was chating with friends, and guess what, she's also racist, when she knew where am i from, and that reminded me to ask on sciforums about that, maybe i'm wrong or something, anyway

just asking, also it's from a personnal experience, wich it's not just on sciforums, but also on sopme chatrooms, sometimes when i'm bored, once they(americans) ask and know where am i from, they just leave, ignore, or whatever... also not just to us, also to black and others, and defenrently you want see that on tv
many times, when talking to a girl(american), she askes whre am i from, i answer, she don't know where, i say africa, so they think i'm black, and leave the chatbox or teh whatever, or start saying things, you know like what, fuck ************************ bla bla bla, well, i don't talk to americans too much, i don't talk to people i don't know much'on the internet) but sometimes if there was an american, he's or she's diffeently goging to start insulting and others, i just block her (or him) don't wait what she's (or he's) going to say, so, i just want to know why? why are you sooo racists, and immoral, never saw an american don't say bad things and don't say insults, they're like, streets girls or boys, or from gangs, i don't know, that's why i'm asking, :p

almost forgot, any one who's going to bring his proganada and bullshits, and his american racism, leave it out, or just don't post. it's a very simple request,
i think i'm starting to be racist to americans(as always not all)
Did you mention your race? Or did you just mention where you are from? Stupid Americans might indeed be prejudiced against people from countries thought to be "Muslim".

Did you mention your race? Or did you just mention where you are from? Stupid Americans might indeed be prejudiced against people from countries thought to be "Muslim".

well, either they know it's in africa or north afirca,
anyway, our race is cosasian, also that we had so many civlisations, so we are many races mixed, like phenicians, arabs, berber, romans, turkish(ottaman),etc....
anyway, why should i mention my reace? or my relegion, does those things maters?
oh, do you like my new avatar picture, lol
You're a cos-asian? Come to think of it, I don't like cosasians either.

So, how racist are Americans, compared to Europeans and Japanese

There are a lot of cases of people who convince themselves that they are much less racist than Americans, since there is an absence of comparable racial tension in their countries. Except when you look more closely, you notice that this is because there's a lack of different races in said country, which in turn is indicative of the country in question being vastly, overtly more racist than America.
Everyone is racist. Evolution equipped humanity with a degree of xenophobia, which for our ancestors was pro-survival - since the big bad stranger from another tribe quite likely would cut your throat. True.

Anthropologists discovered that modern day tribal hunter gatherer societies, like the Yanomomo of the Amazon, have an amazingly high male on male homicide rate, frequently due to inter-tribal warfare. Assuming that our ancestors were the same, this fact would make xenophobia a quality that enhances your chances of survival.

However, in the modern world, there is a need for people to rise above this xeonphobia, and become non-racist, as best we can. I think Americans don't do too badly, in spite of the large number of rednecks among them.

I have been told that the most racist nation on Earth is Japan. According to my informant, they sincerely believe that all other peoples are inferior.
This discussion is irrelevant. Racists come in a shapes and sizes, regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation etc. I've known black racists, gay racists, Indian racists, Native American racists, white racists, racist Jews, the list goes on but I shall not.

But aside from that, welcome back!
i would personally rather know what the place is like.. u from Africa today? cool, tell me about where you live... i personally think that the other countrys are more raciest to americans... I had friends go over seas a few times, and they hate the way they get treated, and they are the nicest people I know!! some ppl are pretty stupid... i could be one of them.. but even tho I hear something, and my head brings up a stereotype, I will ask about if its what its like or not... but from what i have seen in the places I've been in... we are not as racist as people think.. just alittle on the naive side of things... we just know what we hear, and same to other country's..unless you have been to where the other is from, u just know what you have been told, and some americans thing it might be rude to ask a person about where they are from......................this is just from my head... there is my disclaimer... lol! be nice to me!
This and that

Shadow1 said:

Why Americans are racists?

Same reason other people are. As String and others noted, racism and other bigotries exist in other societies. Largely it's a matter of ignorance and tradition standing in lieu of reality.

• • •​

Soullust said:

Americans are not racists at all, They just have huge egos, and come off as racist.


Okay, okay. Half credit. Huge egos, yes. But this society is racist, xenophobic, ethnically obsessed, supremacist, and generally bigoted through and through. Even those of us who oppose these facets of American heritage and identity have trouble escaping it. Like me: I'm very cynical, automatically, whenever I hear white people going on about the white man's burden, and how they are so oppressed in modern society. I'm also very cynical of Christians who whine about being oppressed in America. Ideologically, the only respect I have for political conservatives is formal insofar as they are human beings, and thus deserve a certain baseline modicum of respect for that simple fact. I like to tell myself that it's about their ideas and stupid expressions, but that cynicism is so natural that it can easily count and function as prejudice.

Although I'm much less concerned with ideological identifications and prejudice than I am with ethnic and racial issues. One cannot help being black, for instance, and even Christians can be victims of their own heritage. But political conservatives have no excuse.
and even Christians can be victims of their own heritage..

yes! hahaa! i'm an abomanation to some churches.. hahaa... i have piercings, tats, had pre marital sex, AND have a child being a single mother.. hehehee... man I'm sooo going to hell.. :roflmao::cheers:
You're a cos-asian? Come to think of it, I don't like cosasians either.

why what's wrong with asians? coreans have insanly hot girls :D
anyway, if you saw a maghrebian, or mostly a tunisian, you can't know from what country he is, by just seeing , you would say he's an american, or french, or whatever... cause we don't even know what's our race, we are a mixe of about 10 different civlisations! we have a very rich culture, you can call our race: phenician-arab-berber-european-cos-asian race, hehehehehe, we don't know what to say about our selves, we usually say arabs, because we speak arabic, but we are a mixe of all, you can call us whatever you want, but mostly arabs, but not exactly 100% arab genes.

So, how racist are Americans,

oh they are ennuf racist to kill us...or maybe to bomb my country as you just did to others...

compared to Europeans

europeans are not racist, some of them effcorse, but they are not, i know aloot of europeans, and i have my uncle who lives their, he lives in france, with his wife, and i never actually thoght like that about europe, so stop trying to make that america is a heaven on earth, ...

and Japanese

ok ok ok, i don't want to hear anyone insulting japanese or japan, ok? japan is very good country, people are so orgenised and sooo polite, and they have a hight morals, they work hard, etc etc etc... and they are just, they are very very good people, i can defferently say japan is way better than u.s.a., we all love japan here, and in all arab countries, you can discuss with japanese about anything, even for example to discuss about poetry, and he don't liek poetry, and hate it, he don't show it, they just discuss with you, and they are so, i can't discribe them, they are the best, also i used to know many japanese who used to be in tunisia, and they were noo way racist or how ever you think, so i don't want to hear anything of insults about japan, stop it!! we all love japan in here, no one hate it, infact, japan is a model country of modernety, keeping the culture, we just can't stop using japan and china ... as models of orgenising and polite morals, etc... and we All want to be like them!

check this link about japan from a middle eastern tv show;
check the videos that are in the "Similaire" section too, :)
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