Why a creative 'God' cannot Exist

im talking about a God that created the world, then sat back and watched the show
maybe no future existed before he created the universe, nothing did, time, space, love, creativity.

therefore, shouldnt he be able to do one creative thing, as soon as he does that, the universe pops into existance and he loses his creativity
Greco said:
Any attempt to define God leads to paradoxes such as "If God knows everything can he learn anything new?" We end up with a moron God. In order to believe in God you must not try to define him, to do so automatically degrades him. Thus blind faith works.

i dont about the creation part but your correct get back very interesting topic
JesusisLord51 said:
While surfing the web, I found a site which relayed the mathematical probabliity of all the things that come together to make life on earth possible. Considering all the factors like the size of our sun, the distance from it, the tides, the carefully networked food chain, photosynthesis, the ozone layer, etc. PLUS the incredibly low possibility of the aforementioned post on the construction of ammino acids. This is proof a creating God CAN AND MUST exist:

One in 1e1023

That is 1023 zeroes following a one. This is an ENOURMOUS number.

Yours in Christ,


Such calculations are true bastardizations of statistics. That is simply an invalid, ill-conceived number. The odds of all that are 100%, as they have already happened. We don't have "test universes" in order to truly establish such a probability as is claimed.
It's like the lottery.. If you have enough numbers, and enough time - your line will come up.

"In order to explain all life as we see it today, all we need is one single molecule capable of replication and mutation. Once we have that, Evolution will take over. This can be achieved in a molecule containing sequence of only 32 amino acids. How long will it take to order just 32 molecules out of the Billions of Billions of atoms available over a period of billions of years? Remember that these molecules are attracted to each other and will readily bond together given appropriate conditions."

"The "self-replicating" peptide from the Ghadiri group is a 32 amino acid long enzyme with a sequence of RMKQLEEKVYELLSKVACLEYEVARLKKVGE. It is a peptide ligase that makes a copy of itself from two 16 amino acid long subunits.

It is also of a size and composition that is ideally suited to be formed by abiotic peptide synthesis. But most importantly it Self Replicates.

The formation of this self-replicating peptide is not a huge improbability. When you consider the billions of amino acid molecules all trying to react and bond with each other over a billion years, what are the chances of just 32 of them coming together in the right order?"
Scaperzrule said:
Why a creative God cannot exist.

I am not for one minute suggesting that some kind of 'God' cannot exist, merely that God as many religons believe in it/he/she cannot.

Here is the basis of my argument (I'm planning on writing an essay to this effect so please point out any holes).

If 'God' is omnipotent, all knowing, all powerful, everywhere at once, then can he ever have had a creative thought, ie to create the universe and us?
Knowledge of 'everything' (by that I mean everything that has happend and everything that ever will as Christians believe), would mean that God would be aware of every 'thought' that he will ever have and thus not be capable of creativity, original ideas etc. (I have questions as to whether such a being would even be conscious but that is another matter). What I mean is without some type of random unknowable factor God could have no 'insipration' (I'm not sure if that is the right word), and nowhere to channel that infinite power.

So either God does not know 'everything' (and there I think that definition of God as is believed in breaks down) or God is simply an existance which cannot do anything except exist and therefore could not have created us.

Anyway this is the gist of my theory. Comments? Anyone who completely knocks it down has to come up with an alternative topic! :D

Atheistically speaking, god cannot exist. but Biblically speaking God always and eternally exists.
enton: Atheistically speaking, god cannot exist. but Biblically speaking God always and eternally exists.
M*W: There are those in the know, and there are those who believe they know.
M*W: is that quote one of your own, it's brillient, it just about say it all.
well said.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: There are those in the know, and there are those who believe they know.

There are those who know that they know nothing because they know everything (Socrates) The real trick to life is not to be in the know but to be in the mystery. Otherwise you'll never learn anything. If you really knew, you wouldn't need to talk about what you know.

There are people who talk about how good they are, and then there are people who never talk, and everything they do is good.
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My own query is shouldn't God have created himself if he or she is indeed everything? And thus how?
geeser: M*W: is that quote one of your own, it's brillient, it just about say it all.
well said.
M*W: Thanks, geeser. Yes, those are my words.