Well, it is impossible to explain God by the means known to man. If an all mighty force was shown in its fullness, everything would be blown away. For, we are all made of atoms, and we know that if a strong enough power is applied to them that they can separated or combined. Realizing that God is omnipotent, then you begin to see that states He has power beyond this universes limits. To try to explain it by means of which we can see, feel, taste, hear, or smell would have complete fallability. It would be easy for Him to create anything He wanted, because He is omnipotent (all powerful). If He is omnipotent, then in His pure form He couldn't have boundaries. Thus, He must be omnipresent. And if He is omnipotent and omnipresent, this would be a waste of power and copacity if He was purely brawns and no brains. Looking at us, which would be His creation, we see an intelligence and a desire for perfect intelligence that must have come from some sort of Originator. This Originator couldn't be limited to this universe, because He must have perfect knowlege, and we have seen none in this because we are sitting here debating about something easy explained away as unexplainable. Thus, the Originator would have to be omniscient. Stating this, He becomes omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. A Being such as this would realize His singularity and would want to have a companion to share such a power, insight, and presence, so He would set up a perfect place to house this creature of adoration. His first attempt would be to make powerful servants that would constantly praise Him, but He was saddenned that they would do this without the choice. so, He decided to make another place that would be one that housed a creature that resembled Him and had this quality to choose. He would first set it up so that the place would have a period of light and dark, so it could see how He could show His glory in two contrasts. Then, He'd create a place for this creature to be housed. Realizing this place was dull and without resources for the creature to exhibit any ability, He'd place some water to cover it. Seeing this wouldn't be enough, He placed some lesser creatures, such as fish and some birds that could inhabit without worry this water planet, but they didn't seem to be enough. He brought in some land so that this creature could roam and see not only one place of wonder but look out and the next, the water, and think on the awesomeness and infinite glory that must be his Creator. Seeing, that this land was barren, the Creator would then place plants and some other lesser animals that could make this surely a place of vivid diversity. Thus completing the preparations, He would set out to creature His masterpiece. First, He would look at Himself and see what He was like. Realizing He is powerful, He would take up some of the earth, which He had made with support and strength to hold all His other creations that were upon it, and mold it into a form of strength. He would look at His intelligence, and then place in it the knowlege He had. For, it is a truth we don't use all of our brains, which would follow the account in Gen. 3 about the fall os man losing this perfect image of God. Also, He would have to look at His omnipresence, and realizing there would be know way this creature could be this and dwell in this place in capacity that would have it search each place to see what it was like, instead He would make a creature that could walk and be seen as different and above the others. He would make one that was upright to show it stood for the powerful Creator that seemed to be loving in the fact that He wanted companionship. He would make one that was different from the others which had complete fur, scales, or feathers. This one would have hair that would make it seem like it was wearing a crown, signifying its importance. When you look at all these things, you infere that I'm talking about man. Seeing that man would be lonely, because man would be subjected to seeing other animals with others of its kind, He would make a creature that would be perfect for man. This one would also take time, because He would want it to be special. Thus, He created woman, which means "out of man" (not a hard concept to think on). Being Omniscient, He knew that some of the creatures that He had first made to praise Him would rebel at the fact He loved this new creature and honored it more than they. This would really get to the one that He had placed in charge of all the others (because an omniscient Being would know order is peaceful and chaos is frustrating.) So, naturally this creature would get others that would follow him and rebel. Well, it would be impossible for him to win against God, so he would instead target his object of affection. This being man, he would find what would separate man from God. Well, God had given man dominion of the earth. Man could do anything except eat of one tree. On this tree He had placed the only knowlege that He had kept from man. It was the knowlege of sin. He did this so that man wouldn't look at himself or try to see if there would have been any "corrections" he could do to himself, thus taking away from his time with God. This would be worship, because worship is defined as the spending of your time with something or someone. Man was created to worship God. Well, man Since God is omnipotent, He would realize this would come. So, He took and made Himself into three forms, which wouldn't be impossible for an omnipotent God. One would be His pure form, the other a form would be one that would pay the debt man would have because He knew man would be seduced into eating of this tree by the creature created first (which are angels), because they are highly intelligent creatures, and finally a being that would come down after man's debt was paid to be with him until God had set up another place for him that would be filled only with those things that honored God and glorified Him. So, when man ate of the tree, it made Him realize His nakeness, which had not been shone to him before, and he hid. God asked Him why he hid (not to see what had happened, but to see if man knew his own guilt), and man amitted he ate from the tree. Well, you know of this story, but it seems to hold great truth. I'm not the author of it, nor am I most knowlegeable of it, but God would know. You look at how we came from having a world with many natural wonders to one that is covered in the artificial wonders we have created. We always seem to be trying to become supreme, but something always seems to be holding us back. The second Being was Jesus, and there is no question it was Him. A sole reason to see this would be the fact that out of all the religious leaders in the world, He is the only one whose body is unaccounted for. Also, of all the religions, Christianity is the one that is targeted by the others. Some may say that they don't, but then you see where they attack it in one form or another. It's odd that Christianity is the religion that says give testimony by living a life that reflects God's in the fact that God is loving, but not in a love man would be comfortable to show. It's not sensual, not one that asks for return, rather it is one that gives without thought of return. Christians are odd, because when they are about to be killed for their faith they are full of love and peace that couldn't come from man. For, man has part of Lucifer, the angel who led the rebellion, in them. We had traded God's image for Lucifer's. But Christ came to give it back to us. We just have to accept that He really did it. We can't explain it, because, since we rebelled, we lost that part of us that could realize such a love. God allowed the fall to happen because He wanted us to fully appreciate His gift. May Christ's hope shine to you. God bless. Bye.