Whose God Is Responsible????


Registered Member
''Whose God Is Responsible" for the conditions of the world that we live in. Each religious denomination, especially the three organizations namely Judaism , Christianity , And Islaam , will claim that their God is loving caring, and in control of everything that happens in all the boundless universes. While these Rabbis , Preaches and Imaams stand before their congregations whether it is on Friday , Saturday or Sunday. They repeat over and over again, God's promise of paradise when you die , God's concern with all of his creatures and creations. Never once do they address the daily condition of the world; The mistakes in creation, the misfits, the deformed, the Criminally insane. All of this is blamed on one species in creation called "the Devil"

So whose REALLY responsible?????
''Whose God Is Responsible" for the conditions of the world that we live in. Each religious denomination, especially the three organizations namely Judaism , Christianity , And Islaam , will claim that their God is loving caring, and in control of everything that happens in all the boundless universes. While these Rabbis , Preaches and Imaams stand before their congregations whether it is on Friday , Saturday or Sunday. They repeat over and over again, God's promise of paradise when you die , God's concern with all of his creatures and creations. Never once do they address the daily condition of the world; The mistakes in creation, the misfits, the deformed, the Criminally insane. All of this is blamed on one species in creation called "the Devil"

So whose REALLY responsible?????

i wasn't aware that anyone or any group of people owned god.
Whoever's god sucks at being understood by people in the past times. Blame the people that rewrote the books and the translators of ancient history during ancient times who had to rewrite words in many different languages. No one book tells what to do when the voices you hear and the morals you have come face to face with another god. Usually one of them wins, but they would still show each other respect. Not like in todays society where respect is only earned amongst our beliefs, it would be shared mutually among the minds.
Whoever's god sucks at being understood by people in the past times. Blame the people that rewrote the books and the translators of ancient history during ancient times who had to rewrite words in many different languages. No one book tells what to do when the voices you hear and the morals you have come face to face with another god. Usually one of them wins, but they would still show each other respect. Not like in todays society where respect is only earned amongst our beliefs, it would be shared mutually among the minds.

That cool. But which one of these gods is responsible for HIV/AIDS? Which is one is responsible for babies being aborted after birth?
The 'problem of evil' is a fundamental conundrum in philosophical theology. It's especially annoying for monotheistic religions, which insist that there's only one divine power.

Polytheistic religions find it easier to imagine supernatural principles sometimes operating at cross-purposes, to contradictory ends. Ancient Greek heroes sometimes found themselves to be playthings in competition between several rather amoral gods. Gods and goddesses had their own Olympian goals in mind and typically weren't especially concerned about the fortune of their chosen human instruments. But sometimes the divinities might find themselves impressed by the heroic courage with which a human being played his or her role, thus winning them divine favor.

It's easier to sort things out in more ethically-focused Zoroastrian-style dualistic religion. They imagined two divine principles, one of them pure good, the other pure evil. There's a heavenly war underway between them and it's mankind's duty to enlist on one side or the other. In this model, all the good stuff in life is the work of God, while all the bad stuff can be explained as the work of the demonic side, the Devil's doing.

But monotheistic religion makes things more difficult, at least if its believers want to insist that their One God is absolutely good. If God is Good, then where does all the bad come from? Monotheists don't accept an evil Second God who can account for it. But if pain and misfortune come from the One God, then how can that god truly be said to be good?

Theology has been struggling with that one for as long as there's been theological speculation.

They've interpreted suffering as God's test of man's faith. Or they've imported dualism's evil second god, while stoutly insisting that he's not a second god at all, he's something less, an angelic rebel in heaven. Another line of casuistry has human beings playing the rebel role, and effectively the role of the second god, with all the bad stuff the result of the primal man and woman's rebellion against God and their consequent ejection from paradise. Others insist that while the one transcendent God is absolutely good, timeless and ideal, our earthly incarnation down here in the world of flux and change and matter has somehow corrupted the heavenly goodness. Now it's matter that takes the role of the evil second god, so our goal should be to rise above this fallen world of the flesh and reascend to the spiritual plane.
i wasn't aware that anyone or any group of people owned god.

You didn't know that? Oh sure, the Christians say that there is only one God, and that he's Christian. If fact, the ten commandments tell you not to worship any other gods, which wouldn't be the case if they were all the same.
God, it's a word, 3 relegions are with it, but, who's god? god, is the creator, who started the univerce and everything, god is who vreated us, God, is beyond our minds, if we can't even know what's on our univerce, or, even what's on our planet, or even understand our sun fully, and how it works, how can we judge if god exist or not, and, how can we know if god exists or not.
ok, god gave us free-will, and a mind, (i'm not using the word brain, because brain is the scientific word, of that part that all mamamls, and most creatures have) anyway, we have the free-will, to do bad or good, wars ? who cause wars? = us. babies aboarded? who do it? = us. killing? = us, etc etc... build? =us. care? = us. love? = us...etc etc...
what ever happenes, it is US.
and there's also someone to blame from many of our acts, devil? why not to beleive that we're not alone in the univerce, because, we're not alone defferently, how ever we reach in sciences and how ever, and how much we know, we still don't know anything, as you see, when a baby is born, he learns to laugh, before he be mad, he learnes to love, before he hate, humans are born good, but, then they start to be bad, we have the free-will, we make bad things, and good things, that's the free-will, no one controll us and move us like robots, i mean, god don't move us as robots, i mean, you see there's beleivers, thre's atheists, there's bad, there's beelivers,there's good people etc...
what's IMHO

just something wondering about, when talking to atheist, for example in the begenning of univerce, means, mostly theorotical, when i say there's a god, he says it's a very stupid idea, why is it? and why not he's theory a stupid idea? well, doesnt matter. :pP
what's IMHO

just something wondering about, when talking to atheist, for example in the begenning of univerce, means, mostly theorotical, when i say there's a god, he says it's a very stupid idea, why is it? and why not he's theory a stupid idea? well, doesnt matter. :pP

He thinks he is self reliant and is not accepting of the fact that god didn't put you here to argue his existence. Or because you believe a "physical" being made the universe. Both points are mute as we would not be able to ask these questions if the word "God" itself did not exist. You could not even attempt to explain God to your grandmother if the word itself did not exist. Try it Go up to your grandmother and explain God without using the word or bringing a book. Might as well tell her every detail of your life story. That is the only way I could explain it and nobody wants their grandmother to know their most intimate details...
As a matter of fact I could explain God to someone without both using the word "God" or describing Him as It's impossible for Him to have descriptions.
As a matter of fact I could explain God to someone without both using the word "God" or describing Him as It's impossible for Him to have descriptions.

Ok...You do realize what you just said, makes no sense at all, right?
Why not? I said I could explain God not describe Him by making references.

What you said was..You could explain "God" without using his/her/its name, or describing said "God".

I'd like to see you do this.
It's not as complicated as you seem to think it is and by not describing Him I mean size, shape, color as in the pen is blue.
It's not as complicated as you seem to think it is and by not describing Him I mean size, shape, color as in the pen is blue.

Ok then..As I asked in my last post...Please explain this entity, without giving it a title or a description.
Well I'm not going to use descriptions as in size, color, shape having said that the entity is actually infinite this entity doesn't have a beginning and it's impossible that there was once a time this entity didn't exist. This entity doesn't go through any change that means automatically this entity is not in time literally.
Well I'm not going to use descriptions as in size, color, shape having said that the entity is actually infinite this entity doesn't have a beginning and it's impossible that there was once a time this entity didn't exist.

You just described this entity...You described it as infinite, without beginning, and that there was never a time it didn't exist..

No such thing as "selective description"..And this is what you just attempted.

So, either retract your prior statement, or try again.
Please read the first part of my post about describing this entity carefully. Also please think carefully and tell me how infinite or finite or not existing can actually be description like color, dimensions, measurement.