Who's Our Leader?

Who's Our Leader?

  • The Mighty (Q)

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Goofyfish

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Wet1

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Xev

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • James R

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elbaz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pollux V

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orthogonal

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • *stRgrL*

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adam

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Kmguru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nelson (Truthseeker)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cris

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • GB-GIL Trans-global

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Azrael

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other!

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
In two recent threads we have heard a topic come up, one in a serious matter and one in a less serious matter (well, I was serious but no one else seemed to be!). I believe it was Chosen (though I may be mistaken, please correct me if I'm wrong) who said something along the lines of "they are the sciforums.com gang, with Adam as their elected leader". In another thread in the Arts and Culture section (http://www.sciforums.com/t8903/s/thread.html) I openly admitted that at times I am genuinly shocked that I am not the dictator of the world. I honestly cannot believe I do not have completely control over certain aspects of life (music, movies, athletics...). I have a lie in my head that I am both qualified and intelligent enough to run these things for everyone. And occasionaly I convince myself of this lie (it happens when I hear or see something absolutely horrible; i.e. Pearl Harbour, Hero) to the point that I am genuinly concerned and confused when such horrible things come out.

Anyway, back to the point. Sciforums.com does have something of a gang. Encorporating members such as wet1, goofyfish, and the Mighty Q we have something of a group of skeptics amongst us. So.........who's the leader? Who among us is the captain?

Here's my list of candidates:

The Mighty (Q): A poster who seems to have vanquished as of late in all but a few threads, the Great Q has been one of our most well-mannered and honest members since I've been around (which is, admittedly, not all too long).

Goofyfish: I enjoy goofy's posts mainly because he seems to pick his spots well. He doesn't post too many irrelevant posts (except that 'U got to chill' post - bastard!). Again, one of the members I respect the most.

Wet1: The third of what I often just clump together in my mind as The Mighty Three. My favourite aspect of Wet1 is that he is extremely efficient. He makes long posts (though, no where near tiassa-level) but they are always right to the point with excellent examples and flowing logic.

JamesR: Probably the most knowledgable physics guy on the board (though I admitt to not being qualified enough to say this) and definetly another member who picks his places well in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics.

*stRgrL*: More often than not a very calm, collected woman who speaks with experience and is very nationalistic.

Azrael: Another member who I seem to remember once posting more. Stil, Azrael always is around when he has an interesting, good point to make.

BornOfZapatasGun: Awsome name. I really don't remember reading many of his posts but I like his name. Kind of name I think would make a good leader. "Hey Jim, who we followin' now?" -- "Uh, we got this guy, Born Of Zapatas Gun." -- "Oh yeah? Sounds like a Rage song"

Elbaz: A fellow Canuck and a man with firm opinions but a very questioning and open mind.

Pollux V: Always attempting to give us insight into the nature of himself and man, a valuabe contributer despite his youth.

orthogonal: He may be gone but he was definetly one of my favourite posters. With a great way with words and a remarkably keen insight into life and, amazingly enough, myself.

Adam: Apparently Chosen's choice for our leader, Adam remains a sharp-toungued, witty, arguementative debater. All qualities I feel fit in as a leader!

Xev: What to say? I think everything has already been said! Xev is possibly our most strong-willed, honest, outgoing and arguementative members. She consistently drills points through her opponent's skull and ruthlessly destroys theories or beliefs that are not logical or rational. And! She's a Wings fan!

kmguru: Always insightful and seems to bring attention to many interesting and new aspects or discoveries in life.

GB-GIL Trans-global: Our most youthful member but also one of our most opinionated and most strong in his beliefs.

Truthseeker: Another member who's gone. Now, there's a good chance I will get yelled at for saying it. And if you want I'll go drag out the thread. BUT. There was a time when I insinuated that Nelson considered himself something of a prophet and he agreed with me! So, is Nelson a prophet?

Cris: Like The Mighty Three, Cris is very intelligent and well-spoken. The only reason I don't link him to TMT is because he seems to go out on his own in a debate more than link up with someone else

My other nominations are; Bebalina, Cactus Jack and Asgaurd.

So what makes a leader? Well a leader is someone who you think would do good as the captain of a team from sciforums. Someone who would be charismatic, polite, thurough and witty. A captain can be many things. Some captains are sharp-witted and some are reserved. So who do you think is our all-mighty captain? Anyone who wishes to vote - leave a message stating who you voted for and why! Enjoy!

Oh yeah! And keep in mind that of course we already know Porfiry is the unquestioned lord and master!
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There IS a "sciforums.com gang" and yes I did mention it first!!

:bugeye: I'm the rebel!! :D

btw, Xev is most likely the ruler, since some people even worship her...yes indeed, her influence is too strong...she clouds everything :eek:

EDIT: errr...Tyler, I'm talking about the "bad" sci gang...who flame and insult without reasonable causes :rolleyes:

I ain't gonna have no rebellion against the entire forum!! :eek:
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Dude, dude, Tyler. You missed something totally important.

Although Porfiry is not the leader, he is the sciforums "smoking man". :D

When there is the smoking man, it doesn't really matter who the leader is. :D
btw, Xev is most likely the ruler, since some people even worship her...yes indeed, her influence is too strong...she clouds everything

Correct. I am Xev Bellringer, Uber-Mistress of the Cosmos.

Pofiry is the God of Sciforums.


Adam: Apparently Chosen's choice for our leader, Adam remains a sharp-toungued, witty, arguementative debater. All qualities I feel fit in as a leader!

Adam and I have discussed this. He is not the leader. I am. He is "Guy who guards the harem". (Yes, we have a harem. And yes, it is filled with former Playmates like Heather Carolin and Neferteri Shepherd.)

Oh, and BTW, Nelson showed up on the Active Members list a short while ago.

Originally posted by Xev

Correct. I am Xev Bellringer, Uber-Mistress of the Cosmos.

Becareful then, I'm leading the rebellion..err...alone...:D

Oh, and BTW, Nelson showed up on the Active Members list a short while ago.

Why are you hidden "oh sciforums.com gang-leader"? :bugeye:
I actually did mean this as more than just a joking thing.

Anyway, I voted for Ortho. He may be gone but for a while before he left ortho left some very inspiring, insightful and thoughtful posts. He came home from his hikes and would share with us his experiences and emotions. His problems and his logical flaws he would show us and I often felt that this made me look at myself more. A leader is someone who is brave and strong-willed, but perhaps that extra something is exactly what ortho gave us. At least for myself, his posts inspired me to dive more into who I am and why I am this way. That is the mark of a man I would follow into uncharted lands.


I am the 790

Awww. I will love you forever too.

This necessitates a change of avatar!

Why are you hidden "oh sciforums.com gang-leader"?

To foil assassination attempts. :p


Fine. Then you can join Chosen in the Rebellion.
So what are you people needing a leader for? Can't you think for yourselves?
Originally posted by Banshee
So what are you people needing a leader for? Can't you think for yourselves?

Yes. I can definitely think for myself. Everyone has their own leader. Since I am a robot talking head, I follow Xev. I usually don't need to follow her since she takes me with her.
I'm not going to say "who" I voted for (not myself), but I will voice my opinions on who I think should head some of the other positions.

Xev: I don't think your benevolant dictator material. No offence, but you kinda scare me. You're the type of gal who would string the other leaders up to a pole and beat their faces in with a chain. :D
I think we should appoint you to head of military operations.

kmguru: Pascifist. He would just not do a good job as a part of the militia. I reccomend we appoint him as official tree hugger (aka minister of the environment).

Truthseeker: Yes, he is an active member. From what I understand, he can't post on the open boards unless he stays up till the wee hours of the morning, and gets a faster internet connection. I reccomend we appoint him as a judge in our supreme court (no reason, it's just that his verdicts would be entertaining)

Pollux V: Minister of anything Science fiction. 'Nuff said.

Porfiry: Our new God. We send a Porfiry Statue out to ever member of sciforums, and in order to save yourself from going to hell, you must worship it (giving it thanks for your salvation every 6 hours), and use it to bruise non-believers.

Personally, I don't really see myself as the "leader" type. I'm the kinda person who sit's in the back room, and tell's the leader what to think, and what to say about particular issue. Same function, as in I still think my views would best benefit everybody, yet I'll leave the prettytalking role to somone else.

BTW, Tyler, why didn't you nominate yourself? You've got pretty good persuasion skills.
I voted Adam..mainly because with leadership comes responsiblities, and with responsiblities comes work..and this is to get you back for not loving me, Adam!!!

I have super-human strength, but it isn't worth it.


Except Joeman.

*Picks up Joeman/790 and leaves to ogle 6000 year old dead asassains*

Originally posted by Xev

I have super-human strength, but it isn't worth it.


Stop living your little fantasy Xev, it's the other way around, you aren't WORTHY OF ME!! :D

True, you have super-strength, but I'll be able to charm you in a sec ;)
We have some marvelous members here. They come from all around the world. Personalities abound with interests wide and varied.

Leadership is just a thing you do when needed. Had it too many times for it to be anything but old hat.

I'm amazed to be considered but never do I seek such. It's a been there 'un done that kind of thing. Most of the time there are more headaches than privilages. I tend to do my own thing.

I appreciate (Q)'s focus, the Goofyfish's wit, James R for his knowledge of physics, *stRgrL* for her patriotism and manner, Azrael for the way he makes his points, Elbaz for his manner of expressing himself, Pollux V for his hang in there and scifi knowledge, orthogonal because he always forced me to reevaluate where I stood, Xev because she has a stong yet witty way of stating her points, kmguru for his research and always having something in reserve for the answer, GB-GIL Trans-global for his strength in his policital views inspite of his youth, Truthseeker for his strength of belief, Cris for his long term commitment to sciforums and AI/uploading, Babelina her bright and teasing presence, Banshee her hang in there even when beset on what seems all sides and her stand up and be counted attitude, Adam his voice to say and say often with points of his own to make, Asguard his willingness to take on all comers, especially when considering philosophical and political forums, tiassa for the well thought out posts and points, Chagur his biting wit, Stryderunknown for his knowledge in computers and differing point of view, Tyler for his many posts where he says just what he means. Porfiry for his dedication. I know that there are so many more that needs be mentioned. A lot that I have written truthfully needs expanded for it seems hard to get it all in there. There just isn't the space to do it here.

Oh well, a penny for your thoughts...
Stop living your little fantasy Xev, it's the other way around, you aren't WORTHY OF ME!!

Umm, hardly. No man is worthy of me.

True, you have super-strength, but I'll be able to charm you in a sec

Joeman/790 will insult you to peices. :p