Who was Jesus talking to when he said...

Interesting. First i am hearing of that. Is that from the Monkey Planet - Pierre Boulle book? and did this first come to light in the sequels?

Yes. The story of the virus was revealed in movie # 3 "Escape from..." and the story of the Apes becoming servants and being led into a revolt by the talking Ape from the future was in #4 "Conquest of..."
Caesar married, had children and fought with hordes of mutant humans in #5 "Battle for..."
That left the stage set for Heston to find two thousand years later back in #1
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Back to my previous subject...The parallels are quite a few here.
Compare the apes on horseback Heston found, to the space faring humans from the world he left behind.

That's just how modern humans are today compared to the race that once lived here.
Man couldn't build the monoliths today they left behind.

There's your evidence, John... (This is just one of many)



Twelve hundred ton blocks of granite were to big for the Smithsonian MIB's to haul off.
Give them a few more years and I'm sure they'll find a way!

Then all the evidence will really be gone.
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With massive man power humans can move and place extremity heavy objects. they use fulcrums and various other methods. Besides youi said more advanced than we are so why the stone construction? where is the steel buildnnings.
With massive man power humans can move and place extremity heavy objects. they use fulcrums and various other methods. Besides you said more advanced than we are so why the stone construction? where is the steel buildnnings.

If they had used any thing but stone, It would have been gone long ago.
They built theses things to last.
Steel buildings wouldn't have lasted a couple of centuries, let alone ten or twenty millennia.

If you read the link I posted below the picture, they explain that engineers admit no known modern force today or in the past could place these blocks together where they have been found.

No pulleys or fulcrums. Not even turbine powered helicopters or the largest crane ever built could get them from the rock quarry they were hewn to the site across the mountains they built with them.
The pictures are two-fold. The giant stones at the base of the temple are older from some previous era. Above these stones the Roman temple was built thousands of years later with stones only one-tenth the size of the ones underneath. The Romans had no idea who built the previous site.
These same megalithic construction sites are found all over the world with identical telltale joining techniques.

Charlton Heston did a BBC special on this subject in 1996...(Here's the first hour of the show, theres more....36 parts.)

So you can quit arguing with me now John. I found your evidence for you.
I don't often do this to support my claims, but you were being kind of nice and I was in a good mood. Enjoy the video.
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Your de-bunk site doesn't mention the thousands of years of additional weathering found on the foundation stones the Roman temple does not have.
I didn't post it for information about age so much to refute your incredible nonsense about "Man couldn't build the monoliths today they left behind".
Mankind has known how to shift big rocks for much longer than you seem to give us credit for.
"your incredible nonsense"...

I like the sound of that..."incredible" you say?
That kind of has a majestic ring to it don't you think?
Thank You.

"A planet where apes evolved from men, there's got to be an answer"

I've got enough material exposing all the lies these "guardians of the terrible secret" have spun, to keep us all reading well past doomsday.
I'll tell you the same thing I said to Fraggle Rocker...

"Don't look for it Dywyddyr, you may not like what you find"
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I like the sound of that..."incredible" you say?
That kind of has a majestic ring to it don't you think?
Thank You.
Yes, my mistake. I should have qualified the word "incredible" with the phrase "to most people".

I've got enough material exposing all the lies these "guardians of the terrible secret" have spun, to keep us all reading well past doomsday.
I can well believe that. One thing you can say about cranks is that they're prolific.

"Don't look for it Dywyddyr, you may not like what you find"
Strangely enough I have looked, and spent many years looking. But the result was amusement rather than "not liking".
Steel buildings wouldn't have lasted a couple of centuries, let alone ten or twenty millennia.

That is a good point. I have to watch the movies yet and also read the posts through.

What about sky scrapers? How long would they last?

Why would a more advanced civ. build stone monoliths? Where they like our sculptures? Maybe it is answered in the movies.
What about sky scrapers? How long would they last?

It depends on where you build them, the ground they're on, etc.

Why would a more advanced civ. build stone monoliths?

Because stone lasts a hell of a lot longer. Not to mention for information storage. With a computer you have to have a power source, know the operating system well enough to extract the information you're looking for, and a whole number of factors, whereas a stone tablet with writing engraved on it is as simple as picking it up and taking the time to translate it.
aliens landed(crashed?) on this planet long time ago..they were geneticly close enough for us to interbreed..it was so long ago that we can no longer seperate out any alien genes, we all have them..

missing link? maybe we have found it and just dont recognize it..

apes from man?..that wasnt the premise..it was apes had evolved again after humans had evolved.hmmm..sounds like a left handed pro god theme..
apes from man?..that wasn't the premise..it was apes had evolved again after humans had evolved.hmmm..sounds like a left handed pro god theme..
I was commenting on a few of the famous "sound-bites" from the film and how they also applied to current events.
Many shows such as Star Trek for example, parodied current events into their story line.
The movie "Planet of the Apes" was full of them.

"A world where apes evolved from men, there has to be an answer"

This isn't talking about apes evolving from men.
It's a parody of mortals today(apes), being all that's left from a race of gods(men), that existed before.

"The Minister of Science is also Chief Defender of the Faith".

A parody of the religious and scientific communities both controlled by the same powers and actively covering up our true history.

"Guardians of the Terrible Secret"

I wouldn't share my thoughts on this one in public, sorry...

"Don't look for it Taylor, you may not like what you find."

It might be better for most people to just go on ahead and live their lives in ignorance... like Taylor, you may not like what you find.

Did the script writers do this intentionally? I think it's possible.
I find it interesting that Heston also did the "Mysterious Origins of Man" special twenty five years later.
Was he lending his considerable influence to this topic as an attempt to leave a legacy behind, or was it all just a coincidence?
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I was commenting on a few of the famous "sound-bites" from the film and how they also applied to current events.
Many shows such as Star Trek for example, parodied current events into their story line.
i miss Voyager the most..:bawl:
A parody of the religious and scientific communities both controlled by the same powers and actively covering up our true history.
wouldn't it be easier to distract than to cover?..think about it..

"Guardians of the Terrible Secret"
I wouldn't share my thoughts on this one in public, sorry...
what?, is it the one where clinton actually said he enjoyed getting high?..lol
It might be better for most people to just go on ahead and live their lives in ignorance... like Taylor, you may not like what you find.
ah but then we become susceptible to those who claim they know...
That is a good point. I have to watch the movies yet and also read the posts through...
The documentary "Mysterious Origins of Man" is actually in 36 ten minute parts.
It is full of factual information documented by real scientists, archaeologists and experts in their fields.
Some were thrown out of their official "positions" for exposing the truth of their findings.
The facts speak for themselves, but many refuse to listen. At that point they become part of the problem.

Both the religious and scientific orders involved in this cover up are on the same side.
They are not at war with each other as portrayed by fictional works such as "The Davinci Code".
They are at war with you. With anyone who would expose them.
That's why there are few "credible" scientists or teachers refuting them.
They have all been falsely discredited or killed. A scientist testifies of this first hand in the film.

This is an expose' of a massive deception being perpetrated upon the public. This film isn't the only source.
It's just the tip of the iceberg. By creating this false conflict they have worked their followers on both sides up into a literal frenzy.
This creates fanatics that will ignore truth and believe anything. An old game they play well.
These blinded followers will even kill for their masters.
We know all too well religious fanatics will. Science has it's fanatics too.
One should not mistake their blindness for simple ignorance.

There is a breed of men who like cattle fear to stand alone.
They will defend their place in the group at all costs.
History will repeat itself if nothing can be learned from it.
That is the whole point then. The goal by covering it up is to let it repeat.
Does anyone have a guess as to what it is they are repeating then?
I have my own ideas, but I'm interested in hearing others.
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It's the same thing being covered from several different angles.
When all the knowledge has been learned, and all the lies have been burned...
At the end of it all we'll find there's only one truth. Whatever that is found to be. Correct?
It's not as complicated as people make it.

so spit it out already or the thread gets it.:deal: