Who was Jesus talking to when he said...

I'd ask Roger to explain it to you, but I've already called him a "herd animal" once so....
Maybe you'd better ask. He doesn't like my animal metaphors.


Let's not bother with facts. Let's call each other names instead, or compare each other to animals!!!! MUCH more fun!

The term "christian apologist" however comes close to describing what I'm talking about.

The term "ad hominem" probably applies here.

You know, if I had a dollar for every time some crazy-eyed hate-spewing atheist polemicist (not you) started ranting about "apologists" when it turned out that said atheist had his facts wrong then I would be a very rich man indeed. It's just a form of projection.
The term "ad hominem" probably applies here.
I think you're right. I had to look it up.

You know, if I had a dollar for every time some crazy-eyed hate-spewing atheist polemicist (not you)...started ranting about "apologists"...

In her defence, please let me explain something.
What could a christian and someone who seems to be an atheist possibly agree on?
That the system is wrong and people have to come out of it.
She's taken that step at least.

You heard her say she was an ex-Catholic school teacher.
So she's not just another "crazy-eyed hate-spewing atheist polemicist" as you put it after all.
I wouldn't blame her for having a chip on her shoulder a mile wide.
At least she came out. It's a start.That puts her ahead of you.

You've read Rev.18 many times, I'm sure. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+18&version=KJV
That is a symbolic picture of what you have apologized for, agreed with, and made excuse for.
I'm not going to tell you to stop apologizing for it. At this point I'm pretty sure you wont.
Remember I warned you to turn back long ago? I said I'd feel bad later. It is and I do.

You may claim you're not that religious, just the facts...but who studies as much as you have that isn't.
If you can see what I'm saying why would you continue to defend that traditional way of thinking?
The people in there don't realize that thing has got blood on it's hands.
Grazing in the blood stained pastures, they are unaware...of the vengeance that is already here.
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Well bits of it are true. But the claims are so vague and so general that they DO sound like those sort of rantings.

The basis is true in that an elite group will always run things, but not the same connected people or org. and that will be true 1000 years from now. This is accomplished many ways but even being lucky, if that is even what a person wants, plays a major part of it.

I wanted him to know i was aware of where these fantasies stem from.
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Read it carefully again. I didn't call you a goat.
I asked you a question about people who do a certain thing.
If the shoe don't fit, it doesn't apply to you.

I find a lot can be learned from just observing nature.
But many people have a hard time with metaphors.

Sorry if I offended you.
Guess I've fallen off the "rude" wagon again.
It's really not my intention to leave people worse than I found them here.

How would anyone know what you were talking about, read that post of yours again. Its too artistically vague for anyone to decipher.

Sorry if I offended you.
Guess I've fallen off the "rude" wagon again.
It's really not my intention to leave people worse than I found them here.

Dont do things you feel the need to apologize for (calling people names etc.) then but post whatever you want. Being honest is something a person needs to want to be. By now you should know better.
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I think you're right. I had to look it up.

In her defence, please let me explain something.
What could an independent Christian and someone who seems to be an atheist possibly agree on?
That the system is wrong and people have to come out of it.
She's seen that much and taken that step at least.

You heard her say she was an ex-Catholic school teacher.
So she's not just another "crazy-eyed hate-spewing atheist polemicist" as you put it after all.
I wouldn't blame her for having a chip on her shoulder a mile wide.
At least she came out. It's a start.That puts her ahead of you.

You've read Rev.18 many times, I'm sure. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+18&version=KJV
That is a symbolic picture of what you have apologized for, agreed with, and made excuse for.
I'm not going to tell you to stop apologizing for it. At this point I'm pretty sure you wont. You can't.
Remember I warned you to turn back long ago? I said I'd feel bad later. It is and I do.

You may try to claim you're not religious, but no one who studies as much as you have isn't.
If you come to your senses later and can get out, I would run. Very fast.
The people that stay in there have got blood on their hands. Rev. 18:24.
Grazing in the blood stained pastures unaware...of the vengeance that is already here.

See, here again you are analyzing people you dont know at all. You believe one person (with the agenda, no less) and disbelieve others for responding to things that are universally accepted as false.

THEN you quote the Bible and call other people religious who dont quote the Bible themselves. I have always been Agnostic myself but i find the historic aspect of things interesting. Does not mean you should anayze everything someone posts.
Sounds as if you have someone in mind; but I had no-one specific in mind when I made that comment.

We both know otherwise. Nice try though.
I knew if I left that opening you'd probably take it.
John almost had me feeling guilty for being too hard on you.

Brief moment of weakness...but I'm all better now, thanks!
There are some things that have to be completely destroyed.
Like a cancer if any part is left alive it will just grow back another head.

Just joking...kinda. I'm sure the real answers we're looking for aren't that simple.
I probably should quit this though before I mess around and hurt someone's feelings.
It's been fun and informative at times also, thanks again.
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I think you're right. I had to look it up.

In her defence, please let me explain something.
What could an christian and someone who seems to be an atheist possibly agree on?
That the system is wrong and people have to come out of it.
She's seen that much and taken that step at least.

um..not nescesarily 'come out'..but more 'change it'..
<see next comment.>

You heard her say she was an ex-Catholic school teacher.
So she's not just another "crazy-eyed hate-spewing atheist polemicist" as you put it after all.
I wouldn't blame her for having a chip on her shoulder a mile wide.
At least she came out. It's a start.That puts her ahead of you.

sounds like she learned she could make her own choices,the catholic church is a very restrictive religion..they dont allow you to be the person god made you to be..you have to be who some person says you have to be..they say they are talking for god..but god talks to all of us not just a select few..

those guys doing all the preachin are just as messed up as the rest of us..
were are all human..that means we are all messed up.
and MW i dont know if you chose catholic religion or you grew up in it..if you choose it, remember.. Its not about how bad you mess up..but how well you fix it..

if you grew up in it..im sorry..my mom used the catholic church as a babysitting service when she drank too much the night before..we werent attached to it..

maybe you can question other pastors to see what is differant about the other churches..not saying you have to go..test all things hold onto what is good.. that applies to churches too, but again its your choice..dont just research the opposite of what you were taught..see how others teach it..

You may claim you're not that religious, just the facts...but no one studies as much as you have that isn't.

there is nothing wrong with an OC directed at research..its not what you know,its how you use it..

If you see what I'm saying later and can get out of that traditional way of thinking, I would run. Very fast.

to challenge ones own beliefs requires faith that there is another way to do it better..doesnt matter if someone is screaming in your ear to do it this way, his way may not be better.

and then there is the element of how do they make me feel when i listen to them?..
i already know how messed up i am..i dont need you to tell me that, besides i have been with myself my whole life..i know where i am messed up alot better than you do....btw that is a catholic way of teaching..make ppl feel worthless then tell them what to think..
it didnt work for the catholic church it aint gonna work here..
hence my attitude against the slams and insults posted to validate ones position..

anyway..i think i better quit before you see my own OC...
and MW i dont know if you chose catholic religion or you grew up in it..if you choose it, remember.. Its not about how bad you mess up..but how well you fix it..

if you grew up in it..im sorry..my mom used the catholic church as a babysitting service when she drank too much the night before..we werent attached to it..

maybe you can question other pastors to see what is differant about the other churches..not saying you have to go..test all things hold onto what is good.. that applies to churches too, but again its your choice..dont just research the opposite of what you were taught..see how others teach it..
M*W: I grew up in an agnostic home. My mother had been raised in a strict Southern Baptist home. My dad was probably an atheist. I chose to become a Roman Catholic when I first had children. There was also a lot of Catholic peer pressure that I was catapulted into at that time. (Those folks are still as fanatical christians as they were back when!). I have no regrets leaving it. I have actually talked with people of other christian religions, and basically, they are all the same. They all seem to believe in the same thing in a zombie-like haze. (That's what I got out of).
It's probably best not to tell people what you "know" they mean. :)

All the best,

Roger Pearse

I was already riding off into the sunset, job well done. You couldn't let it go. Okay...
You want allowed to be rude and insinuate, but others are not to interpret those insinuations?
How very convenient that would be for you. Too bad that isn't happening. Not on my watch.

For some reason M*W's statement of "truth shot all to hell" comes to mind.
I think she's been there and back but you somehow got out hanging on to her ankle.
You're like the baby monster left alive at the end of B-rate sci-fi movies, all grown up and back for a sequel.

I know what I have to do now for the good of all humanity. I'm going to have to put you down like a rabid dog.
Verbally speaking of course...(I don't want the SWAT teams pulling up in my driveway!).
Like "Old Yeller," it almost brings a tear to my eye, but I can see it has to be done. I'm unpacking my cape.
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I was already riding off into the sunset, job well done. You couldn't let it go. Okay... You want allowed to be rude and insinuate, .... I know what I have to do now for the good of all humanity. I'm going to have to put you down like a rabid dog. Verbally speaking of course...(I don't want the SWAT teams pulling up in my driveway!).
Like "Old Yeller," it almost brings a tear to my eye, but I can see it has to be done. I'm unpacking my cape.

Nothing in this needs comment from me, I think.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
M*W: I grew up in an agnostic home. My mother had been raised in a strict Southern Baptist home. My dad was probably an atheist. I chose to become a Roman Catholic when I first had children. There was also a lot of Catholic peer pressure that I was catapulted into at that time. (Those folks are still as fanatical christians as they were back when!). I have no regrets leaving it. I have actually talked with people of other christian religions, and basically, they are all the same. They all seem to believe in the same thing in a zombie-like haze. (That's what I got out of).

i do realize how tough it is to find a church that doesn't do that, they are few and far between..
i am not trying to tell you to go back to church..i do think the RIGHT church will help you grow as a person,but again thats your own choice..
i know of alot of christians that dont go to church..that doesnt mean they are going to hell...

i do know there is more to god than any man can explain..
and the bible does say test all things and hold onto what is good..
that does include our spritual leaders..

i also think that if you continue to study any (all?) sides of the issues of god, you will eventually discover it all boils down to your own personal choice..
remember, who decides if you chose well or not..? (you)
i do realize how tough it is to find a church that doesn't do that, they are few and far between..
i am not trying to tell you to go back to church..i do think the RIGHT church will help you grow as a person,but again thats your own choice..
i know of alot of christians that dont go to church..that doesnt mean they are going to hell...

i do know there is more to god than any man can explain..
and the bible does say test all things and hold onto what is good..
that does include our spritual leaders..

i also think that if you continue to study any (all?) sides of the issues of god, you will eventually discover it all boils down to your own personal choice..
remember, who decides if you chose well or not..? (you)
M*W: Thanks for your posts as always. I probably became a christian for all the wrong reasons. I had a young family. I was influenced by peers. I wanted to learn about christianity, even though I had attended a baptist university. (Who was paying attention then???). I went far beyond the usual instruction of christianity. I studied it on my own, taught it, believed it... but it just didn't do anything for me, spiritually or intellectually. I learned that I had to "go with the flow" no matter what, and not ask any questions. That's when I started asking questions! I didn't want anyone or anything telling me to believe without questioning. The more I was told that, the more I wanted to learn.

I agree with you. It all boils down to personal choice, but there's got to be some level of understanding behind that. My personal choice is that I choose not to believe it. Perhaps I never believed it, but pretended to while I was immersed in it when my family was young. Maybe that was the right thing to do at the time. Maybe it wasn't. I have two adult children who claim to be believers, and two adult children who don't believe.
Nothing in this needs comment from me, I think.

Okay then...we're good.

You do realize I'm just messing with you?
I figured all this "so serious" stuff needing a little lightening up.

Your comments are apreciated here, even if I don't agree with all of them.
It's been fun. All the best to you too.

I agree with you. It all boils down to personal choice, but there's got to be some level of understanding behind that. My personal choice is that I choose not to believe it. Perhaps I never believed it, but pretended to while I was immersed in it when my family was young. Maybe that was the right thing to do at the time. Maybe it wasn't. I have two adult children who claim to be believers, and two adult children who don't believe.

i guess my whole point is you can turn away from religion but dont turn away from god..
i know of alot of christians that dont go to church..that doesnt mean they are going to hell...

Christians will tell us how to live and then will shout with glee as their god tosses us into a fiery hell while they worship and obey him. This is the conflict Christians have created, have fought wars over and murdered millions.

you will eventually discover it all boils down to your own personal choice..
remember, who decides if you chose well or not..? (you)

Of course, when someone stands in front of you claiming that if you don't make this one choice out of millions of other choices in your life, you will die horribly and suffer for an eternity.

The choice could have been to save the entire planet from extinction, a choice that everyone on the planet might agree was a good choice if it saved their lives, but they will still shout with glee as their god tosses this evil one into a fiery pit simply because he chose not to worship and obey.
i guess my whole point is you can turn away from religion but dont turn away from god..
M*W: That's easier said than done. I was sincere when I was searching for god and believing he was there. It was god who turned away from me. He simply wasn't there after all. It's when you realize that there is no deity at the altar of your choice that you realize it's all a facade.