Who should pay for Iraq?

Be strange asking for compensation from people you were screwing around, wouldn't it? Do you even know why the Irish were so pissed at the British that they were bombing them?

Besides, a terrorist group is different from a state. Your taxes are paying for the men and equipment who bomb people in Afghanistan and Iraq and by electing the leaders who do it, you are complicit in those who are killed, orphaned, widowed and who lose their homes and security in Iraq.

Terrorists on the other hand are not representative of the state.

I'm curious, if an Iraqi/Afghani terrorist killed your family and exploded your house in retribution, what would be your response?

I think people who invade other countries should pay through the nose. The British especially have a lot to answer for, they've built their entire society by exploiting other nations for the last few hundred years.

we never once put a bomb in a coffee shop, killing dozens of people, we never once bombed canary wharf!

and for the record no i wouldnt want compensation, (most people know that money of course is the most important thing to some muslims) i would want to put it exactly where it belongs "IN THE PAST", i am not denieing what the ONE british soldier did was "right" because it was NOT, but the armies were right going into Iraq and afghanistan, what if we were a danger to your life, wouldn't YOU want to invade our lands and exact your justice! (but i'm forgetting, we already have muslims telling us what to do, how to live, how to dress, in our country)
Britain was bombed and targeted by The IRA for many years, did we ever ask for compentsation..no we didnt!!

Members of the United Kingdom Parliament

* Gerry Adams, MP for Belfast West
* Martin McGuinness, MP for Mid Ulster
* Michelle Gildernew, MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone
* Conor Murphy, MP for Newry and Armagh
* Pat Doherty, MP for West Tyrone

go on, sue yourselves
we never once put a bomb in a coffee shop, killing dozens of people, we never once bombed canary wharf!

and for the record no i wouldnt want compensation, (most people know that money of course is the most important thing to some muslims) i would want to put it exactly where it belongs "IN THE PAST", i am not denieing what the ONE british soldier did was "right" because it was NOT, but the armies were right going into Iraq and afghanistan, what if we were a danger to your life, wouldn't YOU want to invade our lands and exact your justice! (but i'm forgetting, we already have muslims telling us what to do, how to live, how to dress, in our country)

When did Iraqis or Afghanis attack UK?

And if you're willing to put it in the PAST, what are the British troops doing killing civilians in both countries?
Getting rid of Saddams regime took three weeks. The Iraqi army outnumbered the other forces, the elite forces numbered around 40K alone. What happened later is the problem and SAM doesnt (for some reason) want Iraq to elect its own government.
we never once put a bomb in a coffee shop, killing dozens of people, we never once bombed canary wharf!

'Bloody Sunday' refers to the events that took place in Derry on the afternoon of Sunday 30 January 1972. A Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) march had been organised to protest against the continuation of Internment without trial in Northern Ireland. Between ten and twenty thousand men, women and children took part in the march in a 'carnival atmosphere'. The march was prevented from entering the city centre by members of the British Army. The main body of the march then moved to 'Free Derry Corner' to attend a rally but some young men began throwing stones at soldiers in William Street. Soldiers of the Parachute Regiment, an elite regiment of the British Army, moved into the Bogside in an arrest operation. During the next 30 minutes these soldiers shot dead13 men (and shot and injured a further 13 people) mainly by single shots to the head and trunk.

the anglo army kills for sport

The Shankill Butchers: Between 1975-1977, a series of brutal killings were carried out in Belfast, by a Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) gang known as the 'Shankill Butchers'. During these three years, the 11-man gang killed at least 19 people. The victims were beaten and tortured before being killed.

anglo terrorists

a single event, a single paramilitary
i could drown you in anglo atrocities against the innocent irish

how did this all begin?

The Plantation of Ulster (Irish: Plandáil Uladh) was a planned process of colonisation which took place in the northern Irish province of Ulster during the early 17th century in the reign of James I of England.

English and Scottish Protestants were settled on land that had been confiscated from Catholic Irish landowners in the counties of Donegal, Coleraine1, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Armagh and Cavan, following the Flight of the Earls in 1607.

The Plantation of Ulster was the biggest and most successful of the Plantations of Ireland. Ulster was planted in this way to prevent further rebellion, having proved itself over the preceding century to be the most resistant of Ireland's provinces to English invasion.

why those dirty irish, drunken, song and dance monkeys. serves them right, eh?
That's because the Brits have a stiff upper lip. Something those ululating Muslims should develop. Too bad in the century of British rule they didn't pick it up.


oh, they picked up more than a stiff upper lip
rule brittania!

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Getting rid of Saddams regime took three weeks. The Iraqi army outnumbered the other forces, the elite forces numbered around 40K alone. What happened later is the problem and SAM doesnt (for some reason) want Iraq to elect its own government.

mindless allusions
vacuous statements

what happened later?
what was supposed to happen?

cite sam's disinclination towards iraqi autonomy
what was supposed to happen?

I guess they were supposed to elect the government that the Iraqi people wanted. You know, go and vote and let the chips fall where they may. The Iraqi people also probably have no interest in going to war with Iran or Invading Kuwait so they wouldnt want that either.
i see in your bio that an interest is "intense thinking"
is the above an example or are you having a goddamn bad day?

shoulda woulda coulda, my ass
Who should pay? The people who ordered the Freedom Fries and Yellow Cake.

Iraq is American. They wanted it badly and get to keep it. :worship:..according to McCaine for 100 years. :itold:

Who cares? If they're stupid and backward enough to keep killing each other, why should we apologize and hand them money?
Because it's only a rather small minority of them who are that stupid and backward. The average Iraqi just wants to go to work, buy groceries and take care of his family, just like the average American or the average Vietnamese. Even if he's a Shiite and doesn't like Sunnis, or vice versa, he's not interested in picking up a gun and driving into their neighborhoods with bullets blazing.

The point is that the majority of Iraqis who feel that way--the civilized Iraqis, once had a country where they could live like that. For all of Saddam's draconian suppression of freedom, life was a lot safer for most Iraqis--at least the Arab Iraqis--than it is today.

We fucked that up for them. We turned Iraq into a lawless place where the small minority of people who actually want to kill each other can get away with it!

And for no good reason! We have no excuse to fall back upon, no "good intentions gone awry" that we can use to beg forgiveness. Our president sent our troops into Iraq to settle a personal grudge with Saddam, and as a convenient way to deflect our anger away from the true perpetrators of 9/11, his hand-holding buddies the Saudis. Then he lied about it, mumbling some preposterous theory about WMDs and supporting terrorists--in the only large secular, pro-Western Arab nation on earth!

We destroyed a country, for the sake of one incoherent hillbilly's family pride. We're bad. If the world had a way of forcing us to pay for this, if it's something we could even fix with money, we'd have no right to complain.
No one. Iraq can go to where it belongs, Syria, and we can convert it to Catholicism along with all of Syria.
Poland. Poland should pay for the damage, after all they were in it just for the loots...