Who should pay for Iraq?

Actually now that I think about it...Turkey wants Kurdistan gone, right? Well US is sure letting and facilitating it in doing so. Well why not create a Kosovo-like North Iraq scenario? Lets bomb it all out and proclaim Turkey the owner of the land of Kurdistan. Added to the fact that Turks will launch an all out assault, US can give its status of it being a Turkish land and thus Turks will pay for it all. Great just great plan.

Mod Hat - Scrub note

Mod Hat — Scrub note

I have just cleaned some anti-Islamic hatred from this topic, and am obliged to remind all members that such posts are not acceptable under site rules. Given that most of you already know and understand this, of course, I should also thank you for carrying on with the discussion according to its topic.

Or does that seem patronizing?

Anyway, carry on.
We do pay restitution to Iraqis for violence we committed. We also give Iraqis free health care if they are injured as a result of our actions. We also pay tribal leaders not to kill us.
Explain. We do pay for the police force and give them weapons, which they turn around and use for violence, but I doubt we pay anyone to kill fellow Iraqis.
Explain. We do pay for the police force and give them weapons, which they turn around and use for violence, but I doubt we pay anyone to kill fellow Iraqis.

You pay the police force because they work for the government you've established. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia are funding the Sunni warlords, whereas Iran is funding the Shi'ite warlords. Due to this funding and arming, tons of Iraqi civilians die. You can say that the Saudis and Iranians are to share the blame equally with you, but really now, the highest level of responsibility is on the shoulders of the entity that started the war.
I'm no expert on the law but I do know several opposition MP's here in the UK are pushing for a full public inquiry into the UK's part in the invasion of Iraq.

I was a republican conservationist at one point in time.

But frankly speaking i am not so sure anymore. I mean telling people "how they should live and govern themselves" is frankly speaking not our business. We call ourselves an open society, we have 1st amendment which we use to remind the whole world how "liberal" we are; on the other hand we go over board telling "others" to be like "either become us / like us" or you are a terrorist nation ? thats contradictory and stupid.

I mean come on! we've got so many home grown nut cases as it is, then theres Economy. My tax dollars go to this war every month. I toil day after day ... only to know that eventually I wouldn't be getting Social security benefits ?

Roads, infrastructure, getting our jobs back, increasing and hastening legal immigration (hastening because if we think practically, countries like China and India are doing well because they have "young" people there), making our Medical providers and Insurance (health especially) better is what i am concerned about as i am sure most americans are too.

In response to who should pay for the war, my dear friends, U.S is paying for the war. Take a look at our economy, Canadian dollar is doing better than us for crying out loud. And so yes, proudly we say no terrorist attacks since sept 11. True, but Connection with Iraq and Sept 11 doesn't just clinch well with me anyways ...

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you want the USA to pay for war crimes?

(shouldn't happen IMO)

Think of it this way. What if the situation were reversed? What if Iraq had attacked the UK in the Exact Same Way (for imaginary weapons that they thought the UK was going to use against them) and it was you right now looking at the pieces that used to be your home and family and country.

Would you want someone to pay?
Think of it this way. What if the situation were reversed? What if Iraq had attacked the UK in the Exact Same Way (for imaginary weapons that they thought the UK was going to use against them) and it was you right now looking at the pieces that used to be your home and family and country.

Would you want someone to pay?
What do you know about the U.K anyway?
Considering no WMDs were found and the country destroyed.
Maybe that's the answer. We're paying $300B per year to fight the war. Let's just stop fighting, and pour $300B per year into the Iraqi economy.
What do you know about the U.K anyway?
She was just trying to get us to see the issue from another side. So okay, just pick two countries which probably none of us have any attachment to. Suppose Tajikistan sent its army to overthrow the government of Turkmenistan to settle some personal grudge between the two presidents. In the process they destroyed the Turkmen infrastructure. As a result the Turkodoodles and the Turkowombats, who have hated each other for 1500 years, suddenly have the opportunity to resume the fighting that was suppressed (a bit cruelly but very effectively) by now-dead Turkmen president Saddam Obama. They turn the whole place into a war zone so the other 99% of the peace-loving population can't even step outside to shop for groceries.

Should the international community force the Tajiks to stop their occupation? And pay war reparations? Of course the larger question is what will happen to the Turkmens now? If you pump several billion dollars a year into their country, can you actually accomplish anything? They've got no infrastructure. That 1% of the population that's trying to kill each other prevents any major projects from being initiated. Hell, they can't even set up giant trash containers in the middle of the Turkmen capital, because every night the goat herders sneak into town, dump the trash in the street, and let their goats feed on it. As a result the sewers are backed up so the trash seeps into the water table and now the place doesn't even have clean water. (I wish I was making that last part up but that is actually happening in Baghdad right now.)

What is right and wrong here?
Who cares? If they're stupid and backward enough to keep killing each other, why should we apologize and hand them money?
Think of it this way. What if the situation were reversed? What if Iraq had attacked the UK in the Exact Same Way (for imaginary weapons that they thought the UK was going to use against them) and it was you right now looking at the pieces that used to be your home and family and country.

Would you want someone to pay?

i am nit saying that british soldiers are amazing and brilliant (some are however) but i hate this compensation rubbish that we have to listen to,

Britain was bombed and targeted by The IRA for many years, did we ever ask for compentsation..no we didnt!!
i am nit saying that british soldiers are amazing and brilliant (some are however) but i hate this compensation rubbish that we have to listen to,

Britain was bombed and targeted by The IRA for many years, did we ever ask for compentsation..no we didnt!!

That's because the Brits have a stiff upper lip. Something those ululating Muslims should develop. Too bad in the century of British rule they didn't pick it up.
i am nit saying that british soldiers are amazing and brilliant (some are however) but i hate this compensation rubbish that we have to listen to,

Britain was bombed and targeted by The IRA for many years, did we ever ask for compentsation..no we didnt!!

Be strange asking for compensation from people you were screwing around, wouldn't it? Do you even know why the Irish were so pissed at the British that they were bombing them?

Besides, a terrorist group is different from a state. Your taxes are paying for the men and equipment who bomb people in Afghanistan and Iraq and by electing the leaders who do it, you are complicit in those who are killed, orphaned, widowed and who lose their homes and security in Iraq.

Terrorists on the other hand are not representative of the state.

I'm curious, if an Iraqi/Afghani terrorist killed your family and exploded your house in retribution, what would be your response?

I think people who invade other countries should pay through the nose. The British especially have a lot to answer for, they've built their entire society by exploiting other nations for the last few hundred years.
Mod Hat - Eleven, if I counted right

Mod Hat — Eleven, if I counted right

Eleven posts just hit the round-file. At least, that's if I counted properly.

I will note that I had no specific objection to the content of one of those eleven, but it got canned because it dealt exclusively with material among the other ten posts to which I am obliged by my green hat to object.

Nor, I should note, can I say those other ten posts weren't in some pathetic way entertaining. Nonetheless, I must insist that people should not carry on that way. To be specific, the deletion note on those ten posts reads:

"The kids are alright, but I still can't permit this."​

I would appreciate it greatly if the two who wrote those ten posts—and you know who you are—would bear that note in mind for future postings.

As to the third, the one, well, like I said, I have no specific objection. Carry on.

The rest of you, move along. Nothing to see here.