Who kills more atheists?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Are there any statistics as to where atheists are most likely to be actually killed for lack of belief? I'm not referring to laws (we have anti-homosexuality laws in India which everyone ignores, for instance), but actual violence against atheists.
Interesting question, but maybe there is a correlation between the probability to be killed and the belief in god :p

in other words:
dangerous environment makes you maybe believing more in god hoping it will save you.

If this correlations exist, their will be difficulties to find out whether the guy get killed because he was a theist or if he become a theist because he was most likely to be killed :p
According to many atheists, people are atheists by nature. According to that view, a newborn is an atheist; I suppose so are the yet unborn.
So, to answer your question in the thread title -Who kills more atheists?-, the answer is women who have abortions and people who commit infanticide. Which is quite a number.
These children can't be said to have been killed for their atheistic persuasion, though.
But from an atheist perspective, infanticide and abortion are acts of violence against atheists. (To note though that not all atheists consider abortion to be murder.)
A muslim country that practices sharia law for apostates. While the person may never have had a belief he woudl still be considered an apostate.
Only atheist or also people from a other (the wrong) faith.

Their are also theist who get presecuted for none religious but still social behaviour. Like WWII with jews on politics and economics. Or more recent in Sudan were christians are suposedly killed by muslims (nobody bothers with the fact that the christian population live in a fertile area while the sahara is expanding into moslim territory.

Most of selective killings are done for on a different social class to resolve politcal economical, territorial,... disputes. The religious part is yust because they prosecuters know their wrong and therefore yustify their actions by saying that god did it. It's real immature until you can smell the blood then it becomes real scarry
I'm just trying to figure out which place has most violent deaths for unbelief.
Are there any statistics as to where atheists are most likely to be actually killed for lack of belief?

Yes, it is called the history book. I know....

P.S.: I think some of the Islam countries have laws against being an atheist...
God, in his infinite love and mercy, kills them because he is righteous. Vengance is mine, etc., etc.
SAM said:
Are there any statistics as to where atheists are most likely to be actually killed for lack of belief?
Quite a few people have been killed in Latin and South America for being "godless communists", especially if they attempted to organize trade unions or write newspaper articles.

But whether "lack of belief" was the offense or not is debatable. It's hard to spot atheists, in communities that threaten them. Very few of the atheistic Catholic priests are visible, for example.

Since the rise of science as a set of organized disciplines, de facto atheism has become much more acceptable to those who wish to enjoy the benefits of reliable description of the natural world. The opportunity cost of killing atheists is pretty high, these days.

The various Inquisitions and so forth in Christian Europe did fade. There are places in the Islamic world where atheism is a dangerous admission, but for some reason few atheists are found there.

The matter is complicated by the practice of declaring one's enemies to be "atheist", in the case of their practicing a different and therefore invalid version of Deity worship - whether the Catholics were killing the Protestants in Europe, or the Inca in Peru, because of their atheism as defined by the Church, is a slippery issue.
Are there any statistics as to where atheists are most likely to be actually killed for lack of belief? I'm not referring to laws (we have anti-homosexuality laws in India which everyone ignores, for instance), but actual violence against atheists.
it is very unlikely, but not impossible. Because atheists having no reason to believe in fantasies, so therefore can act the part of a theist without fear of retribution, thus surviving.
Kill the unbeliever, is the cry of the nutjobs which means any denomination of opposite religious belief.
You are atheist to all other religions bar your own, arn't you.

Interesting question, but maybe there is a correlation between the probability to be killed and the belief in god :p
most definitely there is.
in other words:
dangerous environment makes you maybe believing more in god hoping it will save you.
and belief could be the direct cause of the killing, IE kill the unbeliever.
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The point is I was trying to look for statistics re: another thread and could not find any, so I started a thread about it.
I haven't any statistics but I believe apostates can get a riugh time in some Islamic countries. It's not necessary to be an atheist; it's enough to convert to another faith.

Outcry: This is typical of how non-muslims interpret the Koran, which is all about peace and love. Sadly, it's how many Muslims interpret the Koran but, as we all know, they are not proper Muslims.