Who Is The Anti-Christ?

Candidates for anti-christ

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How does one come to power after death? Typo?

Jesus came back after death and He will rule also :) There have been instances where people have been pronounced death but have revived, its not such a stretch to believe that one day a well known personality will suffer a fatal assassination attempt and then is declared dead then revived.

Adstar...I'd watch my back if I were you.(Sorry, couldn't resist) You're not in power anywhere are you? Been shot at or had a narrow escape recently?

Why watch my back? No i am not in power somewhere. I have had a near death experience but not via assassination. lol What was the point of these questions anyway????

Just curious....wouldn't the antichrist read what Christians say about him/her and when the things start happening as you predict they will, do you think the AC might stop and think about going on? If the whole thing is futile in the end then why should the AC continue? This AC is one dumb sonofabitch. It can read, can't it?

Yeah it is a funny thing that. Maybe by the time that he is assassinated he will be so far gone that he will not be able to get out of it? Maybe he will take on the attitude of a suicide bomber, a kamikaze, I am doomed so i might as well take as many as i can with me when i go. Maybe they believe they can launch a successful attack on heaven from the lake of fire? Who knows the teachings and mindsets of those who serve lucifer? Then again God has said that those who reject the Love of the truth will be given over to the great deception so maybe he will not be able to figure it all out by the time these things happen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ummm....maybe the people who serve Lucifer? They probably say the same thing about those who serve God.

LOL ... you know you do PsychoticEpisode. Why say maybe when you know you do? Don't you know yourself? Or whom you serve?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well its obvious that the anti-Christ would be anyone teaching lies about jesus. Therefore the anti-Christ is the churches of Christendom.
A persons intentions are what you should look for, they will hiss when they have to hide there evil, sounding like ssssssss, as they attempt to find a good lie.
Anti-Christ is the one who didn't agree with him.
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