Who Is The Anti-Christ?

Candidates for anti-christ

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My two most likely at the presant time.

No1 Charles prince of wales

No2 Javiar Solana high represtative of the European Union.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Who's the most likely candidate? Now that one of the previous candidates was executed recently:

Does it ever stop? What is interesting is the use of the word previous. Just how many anti-christs does there have to be before one actually gets crowned? A chosen few have been annointed with the title, one of the most recent being Hitler, but in every case they proved to be pretenders to the throne.

What to make of this obsession? Its a kind of sick, perverted death wish that in the hopes of all Christians is going to accomplish two things: one is a 'told you so' for Bible trumpeters and the other is 'proof of God.' IMO anyone who puts a list together for anti-christ candidates also harbors a nagging doubt as to whether this stuff is for real or that he's going to miss all the fun, I'll go with the former.

My two most likely at the presant time.

No1 Charles prince of wales

No2 Javiar Solana high represtative of the European Union.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

M*W: I'm curious why you think Prince Charlie is the antichrist? I see him more as a bumbling idiot. I only hope William precedes to the throne after his grandmother. Besides, isn't Camilla a divorced woman? Doesn't that disqualify Charles from becoming king? Charles had the most beautiful and charitable woman on the planet. To leave her like he did for some horse-faced old broad was insane. I believe Di was murdered.
M*W: I'm curious why you think Prince Charlie is the antichrist? I see him more as a bumbling idiot. I only hope William precedes to the throne after his grandmother. Besides, isn't Camilla a divorced woman? Doesn't that disqualify Charles from becoming king? Charles had the most beautiful and charitable woman on the planet. To leave her like he did for some horse-faced old broad was insane. I believe Di was murdered.

Well first off i was hesitant to even reply to this thread and then i was hesitant to even mention Charles prince of wales. But i thought well i am going to be lampooned and mocked anyway so i might as well just be honest and state what i am thinking. I suppose Javiar Solana is a far more acceptable candidate to many people seeing he has a more serious public profile. While most people look upon prince charles like you do "a bumbling idiot". And i must say he has worked well to culture that image to the common people it kind of disarms the populace doesn't it.

Anyway the person who influenced me into looking into prince charles was a author called Tim Cohen (The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea,) There are too many coincidences in the scriptures describing the anti-christ and prince charles. It might be that he has been set up as a diversion tactic by those who are working toward bringing about the kingdom of the anti-christ but it is the very bumbling public persona of prince charles that leads me to think why would they try to frame such an unlikly character?

I have cut of excerps from Tim Cohens book Tim Cohen is a messianic Jew so He refers to Jesus as Yeshua and to the anti christ as the antimessiah:

He was born in 1948, the same year that Israel became a modern nation. He is a prince of the ancient people who came and destroyed the temple in Jerusalem the Romans. His lineage chart traces to every great world leader including King David; he is referred to as the "son of David." His name can be calculated to the numerical value of 666 by the ancient Hebrew method in both English and Hebrew. His calling card visually presents the composite beast made from the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion. His power, throne, and great authority have been given to him by a red dragon. He wants to lead the European Union (the ancient Roman Empire) and have dominion over all nations. His name is Prince Charles of Wales. He is the leading candidate to be the prophesied antimessiah. When Satan made his second temptation offer to Messiah Yeshua, he offered the world in all its glory.And he [the devil] led Him [Yeshua] up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, "I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours." LUK 4:5-7

Yeshua turned down the offer of the devil to worship him as God. However, someone else is prophesied to accept the devil's offer. He is called the antimessiah (antichrist). Yeshua called him the son of perdition (destruction). He will come not to do the will of God but of himself. He will not have power of his own, but he will have influence and others will give their power to him. The Scriptures say that all the leaders of the world will commit adultery (get in bed) with him. He will be the false shepherd leading the world to a three and half year time period known as the Great Tribulation.

Some prophecy enthusiasts say it can't be done; i.e., no one can identify the antimessiah Some say that we will be raptured before he emerges. Others tag every public leader in the world as him. Remember when Henry Kissinger was said to be the antichrist because of his statement "Peace is at hand" at the end of the Vietnam war. If you made the letter AA" equal six and then added six to each succeeding letter (B equals 12, C equals 18, etc.), then "Kissinger" equaled 666.Or, how about Ronald Wilson Reagan (each name has six letters each). Or how about William Jefferson Clinton, whose transliterated name in Hebrew equaled 666 by the gematria. And then there was Bob Dole, his crippled right arm from a war injury seemed to match the antichrist prophecy of a withered right arm. There have been a host of others: the Pope, Russian leaders, the Secretary General of the UN, the list goes on and on. In prior generations, everyone knew that Hitler was it. So if someone says, "Hey, did you know Prince Charles of Wales is the antichrist," why should anyone give serious attention to them?Let's be honest. If you go to another believer (with any prophecy interest) and suggest that Prince Charles is the antichrist, then he will accept your idea right along with UFO alien abductions, one world conspiracy warnings of the illuminati, a hot internet rumor about some girl who dated a terrorist just before the attack, investing in gold coins, long-term storage of wheat in buckets, and the cow jumping over the moon. If the person you speak with has no interest whatsoever in end time prophecy, your suggestion of Prince Charles as the antichrist will confirm his worst suspicions of you being just plain "nuts." He will end the conversation with a cock-eyed look and the words, "Oh really. I need to go now." Further, saying Prince Charles IS the antichrist is outright slander and one of the most despicable things you can say of any public figure.

The Number of His Name

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. REV 13:18 This is one of the most fascinating and intriguing verses in all prophetic Scripture. This verse has caused more Bible teachers and students to chase their tails than any other verse. How do you calculate the number? Obviously, each letter must have a numerical value, but what value is correct for each letter?

The answer to these questions comes from an understanding of the ancient classic languages of Hebrew and Greek. As you may recall, the numbers we use today are Arabic or Roman numerals. Like Hebrew and Greek, English has no numerals of their own. In ancient times, before there were Arabic and Roman numerals, a simple decimal system was used for each letter. That is, the first ten letters were given the value of one through ten in ascending order. The next letter, however, was not an eleven, but instead, twenty. Thereafter, each letter was ten more (20, 30, 40, etc). At one hundred, the letter incremented by 100's, (200, 300, 400, etc). Both Hebrew and Greek contain 22 letters.

So, the greatest value of any letter (Tav in Hebrew, Omega in Greek) was 400. The ancients simply used letters in place of numbers to indicate numerical values.Archaeology has found, for example, where a man etched a secret message in stone by saying, AI love the girl whose name equals 545." It is a very simple system and can easily be adapted to English as well.When John wrote his prophecy giving the value of 666 to the name of the beast (antimessiah), the ancients had no difficulty understanding the intent. This would be a confirmation of a particular name and would help in the identification process. The key word calculate also adds to the mystery as it is more technical than the simpler word "count." The word "number" in the Greek is "arithmos." The origins of the word "arithmetic." To sum it up (excuse the pun), this verse of Scripture emphasizes that wisdom and understanding must be employed to draw a proper conclusion. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding...


In 1982, I purchased my first personal desktop computer. It was a giant calculator. Since I was Hebrew, I also knew how the letters represented certain values. I was also a writer and aware of the origins of our English letters and language out of the ancient languages. For example, the first Hebrew letter is an aleph, Greek is alpha, and English is just plain "A" The English alphabet originates from Greek (alpha beta) and the Hebrew (aleph bet). I was curious as to whether the gematria (numerical values for each letter) would yield any interesting results.With the help of a friend more adept in computer programming, we wrote a computer program that would calculate the numerical value (gematria) for English. I limited the system only to the first 22 letters as the ancients had done (Hebrew and Greek only have 22 letters). Once the program was written, I was able to type in all the names for all world figures past and present, calculating the gematria for each with computer accuracy. I had no expectation whatsoever for anyone when I started entering names. I already knew Kissinger wasn't the antichrist.Then it happened. I entered the name "Prince Charles of Wales". The value displayed was 666. Have you ever heard of an experience called, "tunnel vision." It is a real thing. My mind focused so hard that my vision contracted to an area limited to the numbers themselves. I thought I was passing out. No matter how many times I entered the name, the calculation was the same. Then it hit me. He is a Prince just as the Scripture says.

Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. DAN 9:26

The prince who is to come must be of Roman origin. It was the Romans who came and destroyed the temple and Jerusalem. The antimessiah must come from the fourth great beast described by Daniel B the Romans. Daniel later describes how the prince comes to power. He must do so while being a prince, not a king.

To be continued

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And in his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue. DAN 11:21

Prince Charles is a prince of the people who came and destroyed the temple and Jerusalem. The honor of kingship has not been conferred upon him and his name equals 666 in English (the common language of our world) using the ancient gematria method.But that's not good enough for me, I'm Hebrew. I need to see his name in Hebrew calculated to the gematria. For that I had to go to Israel and find an authoritative source for translating his name into Hebrew. I ended up following how the Israeli press writes his name in the Hebrew newspapers. "Nasich Charles Mem Wales" is the name as pronounced in Hebrew. Refer to the chart shown here (preceding post) and you can compare the English and Hebrew names with the corresponding calculations. The statistical odds are astonishing. The name "Prince Charles of Wales" in the modern accepted form of Hebrew calculates to 666 as well.

You won't have any name of another public figure in the world whose name equals 666 in English or Hebrew. Nor, can you find another name of anyone in the world whose English name equals one value, translate it then into Hebrew and calculate to the same value as before the translation. I think this one fact about Prince Charles makes him worthy of much greater observation.

Consider this also. Charles means "man" or "manly." Revelation 13:18 says that the number 666 is that of a "man." I could substitute the name Charles for the word "man" and it would mean the same.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a [Charles]; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. REV 13:18

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If somebody else interprets this drivel as you do but is more inclined to act and tomorrow the bonnie prince gets one in the lid will you feel responsible or pleased?
G! adstar if you had taken a look at my posted website those same numbers apply for Georgy boy as well. The same bull shit you spouting about prince of wales being the anti-christ, also works for GW. go check it out!

There have been many anti-christs (indefinite article) as it simply means someone who is against Christ.

The 'Anti Christ' (definite article) is usually a reference to 'The Beast' to which reference is made in the Book of Revelation ('666' etc.). The intepretation of that is of course controversial but the likelihood is that it does incorproate a reference to something which is going to happen very close to the end time. How close we are to that - no one knows whatever any crank websites may say!

The concept of quoting the names of people you do not personally like or whose actions you do not approve, as candidates for the title of 'Anti-Christ' does not seem to me to be rational intelligent debate or adult comment.


Darn - my name calculates to 393. I'm not it...

What would happen if I assign different values to each letter?
No we don't, Jews are the progeny of Abraham, who was of the line of Shem.

Abraham being a man is hardly what I would classify as a Jewish mother. I was talking about Noah's wife for whom not much is written, I've heard her referred to as Jewish but I stand to be corrected.
the meaning of the number 666:



all numbers added together from 1 to 36 (360=circle) equals 666

(69: good and bad, yin and yang)


6+6=12 (disciples, zodiac)

If somebody else interprets this drivel as you do but is more inclined to act and tomorrow the bonnie prince gets one in the lid will you feel responsible or pleased?


If someone does decide to attempt to murder prince charles that is their decision and they will be judged for it. The odd thing is if someone actually believes in the prophecies concerning the anti-christ then they will know that an assassination attempt will be carried out upon the anti-christ and that the attempt will be in vain and it will actually assist the anti-christ in his deceiving of the world.

Quote Tim Cohen
The prophecy says that the antimessiah will be assassinated prior to him coming to power.

And I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; REV 13:

And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. REV 13:12

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life. REV 13:14

Revelation speaks of the antimessiah as having had a fatal head wound. The antimessiah's counterpart (the false prophet) is to assist in reviving the antimessiah. Political assassination is something this generation is well aware of. From the Kennedy's to Martin Luther King, to Sadat and Rabin, we are very aware of how assassination news travels and is regarded. Can you imagine an assassination that results in a resurrection? This is what the prophecy says about the antimessiah. Whether this produces additional public support or not is debatable, but the prophecy relates to it each time the false prophet promotes the beast. But, it won't be a complete healing... The prophet Zechariah says there will be some residual effects from the wound. Apparently, he will be blind in his right eye and his right arm will not work either.

Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye! His arm will be totally withered, and his right eye will be blind. ZEC 11:17

End Quote.

Now if one believes this then why would one even contemplate trying to assassinate him? If one believed this then they would know that any assassination attempt would fail even if they did succeed in putting a bullet into his head.

So if someone believed that prince charles was the anti-christ they would never attempt to assassinate him.

That leads me to believe that when the real anti-christ is assassinated it will not be from a person who believes he is the anti-christ but from a rival individual or group. The anti-christ could become a victim of an islamic terrorist action.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar: If someone does decide to attempt to murder prince charles that is their decision and they will be judged for it. The odd thing is if someone actually believes in the prophecies concerning the anti-christ then they will know that an assassination attempt will be carried out upon the anti-christ and that the attempt will be in vain and it will actually assist the anti-christ in his deceiving of the world.

Quote Tim Cohen
The prophecy says that the antimessiah will be assassinated prior to him coming to power.

And I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; REV 13:

And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. REV 13:12

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life. REV 13:14

Revelation speaks of the antimessiah as having had a fatal head wound. The antimessiah's counterpart (the false prophet) is to assist in reviving the antimessiah. Political assassination is something this generation is well aware of. From the Kennedy's to Martin Luther King, to Sadat and Rabin, we are very aware of how assassination news travels and is regarded. Can you imagine an assassination that results in a resurrection? This is what the prophecy says about the antimessiah. Whether this produces additional public support or not is debatable, but the prophecy relates to it each time the false prophet promotes the beast. But, it won't be a complete healing... The prophet Zechariah says there will be some residual effects from the wound. Apparently, he will be blind in his right eye and his right arm will not work either.

Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye! His arm will be totally withered, and his right eye will be blind. ZEC 11:17

Now if one believes this then why would one even contemplate trying to assassinate him? If one believed this then they would know that any assassin- ation attempt would fail even if they did succeed in putting a bullet into his head.

So if someone believed that prince charles was the anti-christ they would never attempt to assassinate him.

That leads me to believe that when the real anti-christ is assassinated it will not be from a person who believes he is the anti-christ but from a rival individual or group. The anti-christ could become a victim of an islamic terrorist action.

M*W: CORRECTION - Maybe Di and Dodi shared the position of antichrist. Or maybe it was Henri Paul. I believe they were murdered. Maybe the monarchy is the real antichrist. Maybe Lord Mountbattan was the antichrist. The list goes on, and on, and on...

I hardly think a bullet to the head of Prince Charles ISN'T worth the ammunition or the CRIME. After all, the boys lost their mother. They don't need the grief of losing their dad. They're still human beings with emotion and grief.

Also, I think it is very dangerous to name a known personality who is alive today as the antichrist. It proves nothing, and it could encourage some nut case to pull the trigger.

If someone in the USA wrote such a book pointing fingers at our president or someone in high authority, they would be scarfed up and incarcerated (or worse).

Prince Charles lacks character and fidelity. He should have just married old horse-face after his divorce, but then he couldn't, could he, he was a divorced man. Diana didn't care about royalty. All she wanted was happiness. I don't ever think we'll see Charles on the throne. Diana didn't deserve to die. The world lost a wonderful goddess it so needed. It wouldn't surprise me if Tim Cohen meets with a fatal "accident" of his own.

Remember, you read it here!
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Quote Tim Cohen
The prophecy says that the antimessiah will be assassinated prior to him coming to power.

How does one come to power after death? Typo?

Adstar...I'd watch my back if I were you.(Sorry, couldn't resist) You're not in power anywhere are you? Been shot at or had a narrow escape recently?

Just curious....wouldn't the antichrist read what Christians say about him/her and when the things start happening as you predict they will, do you think the AC might stop and think about going on? If the whole thing is futile in the end then why should the AC continue? This AC is one dumb sonofabitch. It can read, can't it?
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