Who is more clean, your average transgressor, or a Cat.

Naturally Cats would not eat pigs . . . .
They obviously would not eat cows, lambs or tuna either. Unfortunately nobody makes rat or mouse-flavored cat food, so they get what we give them.

Pork is a more environmentally responsible meat than beef--for humans or our companion animals. It takes a tremendous patch of land to grow the alfalfa or other plant needed to feed one cow. I think there actually isn't quite enough land area on Earth to feed everybody beef.

Pork is also healthier; the fat is less saturated. Leave a tablespoon of beef lard and a tablespoon of pork fat out on the counter in a house with the heater running. The pork fat will melt, but the lard will stay solid like butter.
They obviously would not eat cows, lambs or tuna either. Unfortunately nobody makes rat or mouse-flavored cat food, so they get what we give them.

Indeed, the entire premise of what a domesticated animal "naturally" eats is ill-posed in the first place.

Meanwhile, humans naturally eat pork (under any reasonable definition of "natural eating" that I can think of), so the whole distinction seems irrelevant in the first place.
Recent discussions on Sci-forums has lead me to briefly ponder something about my behaviour.

I make sure everything around me is blessed, the air I breathe, the water I drink, the Food I consume, The people that come into my "Spiritual Bubble" or my "Personal Space".

I have for 70% of my life lived in a house or apartment shared with Cats, I never like to say I own pet cats it is offensive and implying they are my slaves which they are not. Now I let my cats eat from anything I am eating or water I am drinking from.

Now the obvious occured to me, I see Cats as cleaner than Transgressors of law. If somebody Eats Pork I do see them at the same standard as a Pig or a Dog, (not those nice clean baby pigs they might be cleaner).

For the record my Cats do not eat pork, they drink mineral water and melted snow I collect for them. Also they eat only Halal/Kosher meat, I let them Eat anything they Hunt for them-selves. Eating live prey is Halal.


people are eating out of dumpsters to survive, and they're cleaner than you, who's covered in this trite, ritualistic, arrogant shit.

and jesus says...get over yourself.
why don't you just get out the frying pan to be on the safe side? i'm sure your cat will like it just as well.
Nope. I can safely state that a cat (any cat) will absolutely rather eat raw bacon than a frying pan.
Despite a frying pan having a lower fat content.
Cat's like canned tuna. I don't own a cat but I know people who buy cheap canned tuna and their cats are fine.
people are eating out of dumpsters to survive, and they're cleaner than you, who's covered in this trite, ritualistic, arrogant shit.

and jesus says...get over yourself.

Jesus says follow Thy commandments. The gospels have Mislead you to believe jesus said "It's ok do anything you want aslong as you believe in me you wont be punished"

Do you know how life was back in the Garden? what animals did we eat?. Noah and his family were permitted to eat creatures during the flood. like snails and shellfish.

Our foods are supposed to be killed in a specific way, You think jesus was not Halal?. you think jesus eats pork?.

Also His name is Isa Call "him" Yashua if you like though. But if you studied any Aramaic or Hebrew you would Find there is No "Jesus".

Peace and understanding be with you.
Cat's like canned tuna. I don't own a cat but I know people who buy cheap canned tuna and their cats are fine.

Yes and Some humans enjoy having sex with children when its "given" to them. doen't mean its the right way to do things. You dont even need to feed your cats alot. I have always had cats they are my Favorite Animals. They are all efficient hunters even domesticated this far has effected their skills none. My cats can take out Ducks, Pigeons, Rats, Squirels, I teach my cats how to hunt when they are kittens, I take them to forests and go camping with them



Acts 10:9 The next day, as they were on their journey and coming near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. 10 And he became hungry and desired some*thing to eat; but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance 11 and saw the heaven opened, and some*thing descending, like a great sheet, let down by four corners upon the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” 14 But Peter said, “No, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common [koinon] or unclean [akatharton].” 15 And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has cleansed, you must not call common [koinon].” 16 This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.

Congratulations on getting Mac to quote the Bible. So at what point did you become a nutjob? :)
They are all efficient hunters even domesticated this far has effected their skills none. My cats can take out Ducks, Pigeons, Rats, Squirels,

Well, yeah - their use in controlling such pests was a major motivator for their domestication in the first place. You don't select against skill at hunting mice when you domesticate cats; you select against the inclination to hunt humans.
Jesus says follow Thy commandments. The gospels have Mislead you to believe jesus said "It's ok do anything you want aslong as you believe in me you wont be punished"

Do you know how life was back in the Garden? what animals did we eat?. Noah and his family were permitted to eat creatures during the flood. like snails and shellfish.

Our foods are supposed to be killed in a specific way, You think jesus was not Halal?. you think jesus eats pork?.

Also His name is Isa Call "him" Yashua if you like though. But if you studied any Aramaic or Hebrew you would Find there is No "Jesus".

Peace and understanding be with you.

i'll call him whatever the fuck i wanna call him. thanks. :bugeye:

and i think if he were alive and walking the earth today, he'd eat a pork sandwich right out of a dumpster in order to break bread with a beggar.

jesus didn't fear the physical; he mastered it. remember? turned water into wine, walked on water, multiplied loaves and fishes, rose from the dead. he also wasn't afraid of being "punished"...obviously. and neither am i.

in the garden, we were organic vegan raw foodists. iow, we walked about, picked our dinner off a fucking tree, and ate it. i bet it was really good too. by the time noah came about, and after the flood in particular, our environment had changed to the point where we had to eat meat to survive, so i don't know if you've noticed but, we're not in the garden anymore sweetheart.

i don't care what you eat. what i care about is why you eat what you eat. and the way you've presented it here, perhaps i'm mistaken, but it sounds trite, and ritual, and snobbish. as if you're "above" other people because of what you eat. or as if god's going to give you some physical exam before allowing you into heaven. it's silly and arrogant.

imo you express gratitude to god for whatever you've been given for sustenance. and you bless people by being kind, loving, and honest. not because you're afraid they're going to defile your holy ass. not everyone can afford organic vegetables, and kosher meat, and mineral water for their cats, and that in no way means that they are any less holy than you are.
and i think if he were alive and walking the earth today, he'd eat a pork sandwich right out of a dumpster in order to break bread with a beggar.

Lori, in spite of what I've said about you in the past, you are a well intentioned and good person.
Lori, in spite of what I've said about you in the past, you are a well intentioned and good person.

thank you very much alexg. this is one of the harder posts i've responded to. i am well intentioned sometimes, and when i am, i can do some good things i suppose. but to be honest with you, the best thing i've ever done is seek the truth. it came in the form of a good hard look in the mirror, and it hasn't been pretty. but at least i can see now. and that helps. A LOT. what good you see in me, i attribute to jesus.