Who is more clean, your average transgressor, or a Cat.

In which case it was part of her "holy book" and the decision to believe or not is also part of each individual's "holy book".

So in other words your cats are "clean" simply because YOU decided for them.

So if it's my opinion that it is neither rude nor offensive why shouldn't I refer to a cat as being owned?

Where did I say "think badly of"?

Maybe if you scanned yourself for traces of rationality it would be an improvement.
“I care not whether a man is good or evil; all that I care / Is whether he is a wise man or a fool. Go! put off holiness, / And put on intellect.”
Wm. Blake.

Since a tree has neither ears nor self-esteem what does it matter?

I dont disagree with your statement.

I dont see it as me deciding not to give my cats pork. why would i kill a pig and chop it up then give it to my cat. thats a random sequence of events for an animal to do just as to avoid not deciding that particular thing. your mind is very set in its ways can you not see how in the box everything you just said weas, and a direct result of social conditioning.

If you insult something are you not thinking badly of it?, or do you insult people as a parrot would talk you just blurt out any old random insult without thought attatched to it?.

Those are the words of Shaytan, "i care not if a man is good or evil" such a sentence is disgusting to me.

It matters to me that im not rude tot he tree.

We bid you farewell.

I dont disagree with your statement.
I dont see it as me deciding not to give my cats pork. why would i kill a pig and chop it up then give it to my cat. thats a random sequence of events for an animal to do just as to avoid not deciding that particular thing. your mind is very set in its ways can you not see how in the box everything you just said weas, and a direct result of social conditioning.
The sole reason your cats do not eat pork is because you yourself do not eat it and therefore do not feed it to them. It's nothing whatsoever to do with any "choice" (or holy book) made by the cats themselves.

If you insult something are you not thinking badly of it?
You have yet to show (or even support your contention) that calling myself a cat's owner is insulting. So far all you've done is state that this is your opinion and expect me to conform.

, or do you insult people as a parrot would talk you just blurt out any old random insult without thought attatched to it?
Nope. I do my best to very carefully consider each and every one of my insults. After all there's little point insulting someone if it's not going to have the desired effect.

Those are the words of Shaytan, "i care not if a man is good or evil" such a sentence is disgusting to me.
Oh dear. And not even attributing the quote gave you a clue?

It matters to me that im not rude tot he tree.
One more time: how can you be "rude" to a tree?
The sole reason your cats do not eat pork is because you yourself do not eat it and therefore do not feed it to them. It's nothing whatsoever to do with any "choice" (or holy book) made by the cats themselves.

You have yet to show (or even support your contention) that calling myself a cat's owner is insulting. So far all you've done is state that this is your opinion and expect me to conform.

Nope. I do my best to very carefully consider each and every one of my insults. After all there's little point insulting someone if it's not going to have the desired effect.

Oh dear. And not even attributing the quote gave you a clue?

One more time: how can you be "rude" to a tree?

Naturally Cats would not eat pigs was one of the main points I was trying to stress,

How do you own the cat?, im not only saying it is offensive I am going 10 steps further and telling you that. "You Do Not Own The Cat", I guess that it merely Tolerates you for warmth and food sources.

Why would you want to even use insults and Pre-Meditate and calculate their effects. There is a difference between Joking around and using negative malicious insults. One of them is bad the other can be good.

Walking Up to a tree and Lopping one of its main branches off is rude. If I walked up to you with one of my Katana'a and Severed your arm would you not consider that slightly "Rude" or "Ill-mannered"

Naturally Cats would not eat pigs was one of the main points I was trying to stress
Which is nothing to do with your original contention. They would if they could (witness the fact the big cats will kill and eat a pig).

How do you own the cat?, im not only saying it is offensive I am going 10 steps further and telling you that. "You Do Not Own The Cat", I guess that it merely Tolerates you for warmth and food sources.
Incorrect again. This is still merely your unsupported claim (that it is offensive). I agree with regard to the actuality: a cat will move to someone else's house and live with them if it prefers their company, which is nothing to do with the "offensiveness" of the term

Why would you want to even use insults and Pre-Meditate and calculate their effects. There is a difference between Joking around and using negative malicious insults. One of them is bad the other can be good.
One is bad? Opinion again?

Walking Up to a tree and Lopping one of its main branches off is rude. If I walked up to you with one of my Katana'a and Severed your arm would you not consider that slightly "Rude" or "Ill-mannered"
Oh dear. How did we get from "insulting" to "lopping off branches"? Regardless how is it "rude" to lop off a branch? And the difference is that I am sentient being, which trees (Ents notwithstanding) tend not to be.
Which is nothing to do with your original contention. They would if they could (witness the fact the big cats will kill and eat a pig).

Incorrect again. This is still merely your unsupported claim (that it is offensive). I agree with regard to the actuality: a cat will move to someone else's house and live with them if it prefers their company, which is nothing to do with the "offensiveness" of the term

One is bad? Opinion again?

Oh dear. How did we get from "insulting" to "lopping off branches"? Regardless how is it "rude" to lop off a branch? And the difference is that I am sentient being, which trees (Ents notwithstanding) tend not to be.

Does your Wife or Girlfriend need to Lay down a scientificaly proven explanation of why you should possibly maybe next leap year make love with passion.

Could you stick to the point?

You dont give me the oppertunity to stick to a point because your a round little Egg-Man, who keeps wanting to get caught up in the minor details that i quite frankly have not got the time nor want to indulge in.

Lets say your right about cats hunting and people killing piggies and sharing them with pets, and if you think its classed as slavery just because its not a human.

May The Most High Please Soften Your Heart Upon Reading This.
You dont give me the oppertunity to stick to a point because your a round little Egg-Man, who keeps wanting to get caught up in the minor details that i quite frankly have not got the time nor want to indulge in.
And you STILL haven't answered the question about "owned" being an insult to cats.

Lets say your right about cats hunting and people killing piggies and sharing them with pets, and if you think its classed as slavery just because its not a human.
I didn't mention "slavery". Stick to the questions please.

Basically you've made claims that are insupportable (or at the very least totally unsupported so far) except for "because it's your personal opinion" and you've done nothing but skip round giving any direct answer.
Do you see now.

I made you talk about some crap that I noticed bugged people in another thread,I Opened this thread because I wanted to troll the trolls. You are all so young still. even when your 100 you wont know anything unless you accept the most high and be his student.

I compared you all to mere animals, to things you eat and kill. To me you were the animals. It's not nice to treat things like they are your comodity is it. You have alot to learn about emotions and life. For all your book smarts what grain of emotional intelligence do you teach.

Do you see now.
I made you talk about some crap that I noticed bugged people in another thread,I Opened this thread because I wanted to troll the trolls. You are all so young still. even when your 100 you wont know anything unless you accept the most high and be his student.

I compared you all to mere animals, to things you eat and kill. To me you were the animals. It's not nice to treat things like they are your comodity is it.
Missed my point. Failed to make yours.

You have alot to learn about emotions and life. For all your book smarts what grain of emotional intelligence do you teach.

So you can't/ won't answer any of the questions?
Fine. Just admit you're making shit up and stop posting please.
Am I really the Person you think i am?

Do you percieve me as a certain type of person,

You expect to be able to prey using book smarts when somebody is already toying with your spirit and emotions by being polite to you and gathering intel by reading your emotional content instead of your academic in-put.

You are the type of person who is easy to brainwash you simpleton. What of me i have told do you think is true? Am I a made up Character or am I real? you dont know who I am If only you had any idea of anything in the essence of reality.

For the Record I am not a Liar and that should clear up the part about everything i said could be a lie to trick you all. I Lay down parables at times and I have not told you if it is my own opinion or if i agree with it, and you have assumed what you wanted from reading it, judging by the type of person you assume I am.

Grow Up.
You wont Understand my sense of humour until you can smile upon death and embrace it.

This brought me lets say 30 mins of smug enjoyment, but I hope you have learned a Valuable lesson and stop being so negative.

Am I really the Person you think i am?
Someone who makes claims but can't back them up?

You expect to be able to prey using book smarts when somebody is already toying with your spirit and emotions by being polite to you and gathering intel by reading your emotional content instead of your academic in-put.
Wrong again. What "book smarts" am I using to ask you to support your claim?
How are you toying with me by posting nonsensical claims and refusing to answer questions?

You are the type of person who is easy to brainwash you simpleton.
Wrong. And was "simpleton" intended as an insult? Something you don't do? Oops. Who's playing with whom?

What of me i have told do you think is true? Am I a made up Character or am I real? you dont know who I am If only you had any idea of anything in the essence of reality.
Oh dear me EFoC. I know you far, far better you think I do. I know from years ago.

For the Record I am not a Liar and that should clear up the part about everything i said could be a lie to trick you all. I Lay down parables at times and I have not told you if it is my own opinion or if i agree with it, and you have assumed what you wanted from reading it, judging by the type of person you assume I am.
I see, you're not a liar but you might be making posts you don't agree with.
How... not dishonest that is.

Grow up?
From a guy that makes ridiculous claims and then despite stating
I dont insult living things not even trees it's rude.
proceeds to call me a simpleton. (AND compared SciForums posters to "mere animals".)
Tell me, is that not lying/ somewhat childish?
You wont Understand my sense of humour until you can smile upon death and embrace it.
Assumption on your part. Fail.

This brought me lets say 30 mins of smug enjoyment, but I hope you have learned a Valuable lesson and stop being so negative.
Assumption (negative? I asked questions which you have failed to answer).
And you've had 30 minutes of smug enjoyment at posting nonsense with zero intention of answering questions and you claim you don't insult living things?
The entire thread is an insult if it was done for your personal amusement.
Are you actualy not accepting the fact that I dont care and this thread was just a Bait for me to confront your negative nature.

Let me ask you, do you want help to become a more positive person because I can teach you as I have taught many before.

Are you actualy not accepting the fact that I dont care and this thread was just a Bait for me to confront your negative nature.
I see you're still making assumptions about me.

Let me ask you, do you want help to become a more positive person because I can teach you as I have taught many before.
And again.

I suggest you ask yourself the questions you posed to me:
Am I really the Person you think i am?
Do you percieve me as a certain type of person
For someone who supposedly constantly checks himself for "negativity" you're not doing very well at all.
And I also suggest you work at not lying.

It appears you've done nothing but waste your time.
Also I forgot to Add, You and I both know I follow Scripture and that is the basis of many of my ways. You most of the time try to debate thign sin a scientifically proven way when its down to my personal choice on how I live my life.

Im not telling you to follow my creed, I doubt any man on earth follows such a strict and numerous amount of rules as I do. But on the other hand you are pushing to a point where you are saying All my rules are based on a fairytale book with no basis, and your trying to say I shouldnt live by these laws in essence.

You can't argue facts when its down to personal belief so stop trying to engage in stupid arguments with people its a waste of your own time to do so.

I am not entertaining any of your points its useless to try and engage me in those things did i not tell you.

Accept it you were but a fly in my web I shall not reply again in this thread it has served it's usefull-ness to me imdone with it.

We bid you good day.
You most of the time try to debate thign sin a scientifically proven way when its down to my personal choice on how I live my life.
Yet you don't allow the rest of us to have the same privilege.

Im not telling you to follow my creed
But you term people who choose another path "Transgressors of law".
You attempt to define for the rest of us what is offensive and what isn't.

I doubt any man on earth follows such a strict and numerous amount of rules as I do.
And you make claims about your lifestyle/ character that are subsequently shown to be false.

But on the other hand you are pushing to a point where you are saying All my rules are based on a fairytale book with no basis, and your trying to say I shouldnt live by these laws in essence.
Which posts? I have queried your claims about what is an insult to cats and trees. I haven't made claims about your book. Or what rules you should live by.

You can't argue facts when its down to personal belief so stop trying to engage in stupid arguments with people its a waste of your own time to do so.
If it's case of belief then there are no facts. :rolleyes:
The "stupid arguments" start when YOU start espousing your beliefs as if they were fact and expecting everyone else to conform to what you want.
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