Who is more clean, your average transgressor, or a Cat.


Recent discussions on Sci-forums has lead me to briefly ponder something about my behaviour.

I make sure everything around me is blessed, the air I breathe, the water I drink, the Food I consume, The people that come into my "Spiritual Bubble" or my "Personal Space".

I have for 70% of my life lived in a house or apartment shared with Cats, I never like to say I own pet cats it is offensive and implying they are my slaves which they are not. Now I let my cats eat from anything I am eating or water I am drinking from.

Now the obvious occured to me, I see Cats as cleaner than Transgressors of law. If somebody Eats Pork I do see them at the same standard as a Pig or a Dog, (not those nice clean baby pigs they might be cleaner).

For the record my Cats do not eat pork, they drink mineral water and melted snow I collect for them. Also they eat only Halal/Kosher meat, I let them Eat anything they Hunt for them-selves. Eating live prey is Halal.

By "clean" you really just mean "holy" or "pious" or "in accordance with Islam".

Cats don't follow Islam, so your notion of "clean" doesn't really apply to them.
Maybe I'm just confusing you with another member...but didn't you used to be a Buddhist or something? Did you convert or something?
I share with my cats and friends equally. I don't think of food in terms of "transgressors of the law" because I assume God wants me to use my brain and I do so by applying moderation to [almost] all my behviour. So I don't fuss too much where cats, friends and food is concerned.
By "clean" you really just mean "holy" or "pious" or "in accordance with Islam".

Cats don't follow Islam, so your notion of "clean" doesn't really apply to them.

Cats follow their own holy book which is written in their instinct. But my cats are not Najis.

Also it is not just Islamic law but Torah law also.

So what does a cat's "holy book" say about pork?
Do you imagine that cats don't eat pork?
As usual you start a thread with a question when you've already decided the answer and proceed to do nothing more than espouse your own (more than somewhat skewed) view of things.
Maybe I'm just confusing you with another member...but didn't you used to be a Buddhist or something? Did you convert or something?

I have studied also discussed Buddhism with abbots and scholars, I in a way lived a "buddhist" life while I Trained at the Shaolin Temple but I have never been a Buddhist in heart I can't even really tell you what a Buddhist is, there is now so many types of buddhism I have lost track. Zen Buddhism I studied under. Through Qi gong I guess you can say I was buddhist in my actions and meditations.

I took my Shahada but convert no I have converted to nothing my mind is the same as before I never preached against the Most high even when I was a Daoist I would Defend His honour.

I share with my cats and friends equally. I don't think of food in terms of "transgressors of the law" because I assume God wants me to use my brain and I do so by applying moderation to [almost] all my behviour. So I don't fuss too much where cats, friends and food is concerned.

You can just ask everybody who is touching the food some questions. It does come off sometimes as Blunt but It is no hasstle or fuss I don't mind asking people.

So what does a cat's "holy book" say about pork?
Do you imagine that cats don't eat pork?
As usual you start a thread with a question when you've already decided the answer and proceed to do nothing more than espouse your own (more than somewhat skewed) view of things.

The cats holy Book that is written in its species DNA and instinct tells him that if he tries to take down a wild boar or feral pig he better tally off one of his 9 lives.

I would love to see my cat or any felis domesticus try and take out a Pig, that would truly be funny.

Yes I posted a thread and Told you my creed in accordance to the topic, now we can discuss it and other things people bring to the table. Is this not cool with you?.

The cats holy Book that is written in its species DNA

and instinct tells him that if he tries to take down a wild boar or feral pig he better tally off one of his 9 lives.

I would love to see my cat or any felis domesticus try and take out a Pig, that would truly be funny.
Not what I asked.
Do you imagine a cat wouldn't eat pork?
I didn't ask about killing a pig.

Not what I asked.
Do you imagine a cat wouldn't eat pork?
I didn't ask about killing a pig.

Explain to me what instinct is then, if not a book of guidelines and instructions written in a species DNA.

How would this Cat get said "pork" to even start eating it if it can't hunt it. Cats are not natural scavengers.

Explain to me what instinct is then, if not a book of guidelines and instructions written in a species DNA.
Oh now you twist the meaning. Well done.
What I called nonsense was your terminology of instinct being a holy book. If that were the case then how would explain humans not following their DNA and all acting according to this "holy book"?

How would this Cat get said "pork" to even start eating it if it can't hunt it. Cats are not natural scavengers.
Cats are not natural scavengers?
Your cats have never taken food off your plate when your back is turned?

How would cats get pork?
Oh wow, have you ever heard of cats being fed scraps from a meal? Being given pieces of meat while their owner* is eating.

* Regarding your comment "I never like to say I own pet cats it is offensive" - offensive to whom? The cat? I've never met a cat yet that gave a damn one way or another what was said to it. So that would imply you consider it offensive. Get over it.
Explain to me what instinct is then, if not a book of guidelines and instructions written in a species DNA.

How would this Cat get said "pork" to even start eating it if it can't hunt it. Cats are not natural scavengers.


Congratulations on 9,000 posts!
Oh now you twist the meaning. Well done.
What I called nonsense was your terminology of instinct being a holy book. If that were the case then how would explain humans not following their DNA and all acting according to this "holy book"?

Your not even going to give it a shot and attempt to exoplain what Instincts are?. im just typing im not even thinking come on....

Cats are not natural scavengers?
Your cats have never taken food off your plate when your back is turned?

How would cats get pork?
Oh wow, have you ever heard of cats being fed scraps from a meal? Being given pieces of meat while their owner* is eating.

* Regarding your comment "I never like to say I own pet cats it is offensive" - offensive to whom? The cat? I've never met a cat yet that gave a damn one way or another what was said to it. So that would imply you consider it offensive. Get over it.

Humans have free will and have knowledge of good and evil now.

My plate is clean to take things off, my cats can take what they like.

So cats only get pork when transgressor humans give it to them, not in the wild or in a clean house.

It is offensive to the cat ofcourse, I dont insult living things not even trees it's rude. you can feel free to be rude to things you walk your own path.

Humans have free will and have knowledge of good and evil now.
Yet that decision (to partake of the knowledge of good and evil) was in our DNA from the start - it's part of our "holy book". :rolleyes:
Slight error with your wording: the use of "now" implies we didn't have "free will" before hand. In which case it wasn't our (Eve's) choice to take the fruit was it? Maybe she was meant to...

So cats only get pork when transgressor humans give it to them, not in the wild or in a clean house.
So a cat will eat pork if it's available? Yes or no?
If yes then a cat is only "clean" because their owner has decided to keep them that way.

It is offensive to the cat ofcourse
Yeah? And you know this how?

I dont insult living things not even trees it's rude.
It's rude to insult trees? How on Earth do you "insult a tree"?
"Hey tree! Your leaves are the wrong shape!" :shrug:
You can just ask everybody who is touching the food some questions. It does come off sometimes as Blunt but It is no hasstle or fuss I don't mind asking people.


Its my experience that most people have more issues with how, what and when they eat than I do. I usually only have to find out what other peoples food issues are so that I don't inadvertently offend them. This includes my cats.
Both my cat and I think this is one of the sillier threads Empty has started.
Yet that decision (to partake of the knowledge of good and evil) was in our DNA from the start - it's part of our "holy book". :rolleyes:
Slight error with your wording: the use of "now" implies we didn't have "free will" before hand. In which case it wasn't our (Eve's) choice to take the fruit was it? Maybe she was meant to...

So a cat will eat pork if it's available? Yes or no?
If yes then a cat is only "clean" because their owner has decided to keep them that way.

Yeah? And you know this how?

It's rude to insult trees? How on Earth do you "insult a tree"?
"Hey tree! Your leaves are the wrong shape!" :shrug:

Maybe she was meant to.

Cats will eat cooked pork i think usualy if its offered. Not sure about Raw.

It is offensive for the fact it is rude and of bad taste in my opinion, You think because it is a cat it is ok to think badly of?. Negative words are they not also negative thoughts?. I dont Direct negative thoughts at anything im actualy constantly scanning myself for traces of negativity.

Well saying a tree is ugly i dont think is nice, like you wouldnt call a human ugly if they have a wierd look or face. I wouldnt chop a tree down either unless I had too for building a shelter/house.

Maybe she was meant to.
In which case it was part of her "holy book" and the decision to believe or not is also part of each individual's "holy book".

Cats will eat cooked pork i think usualy if its offered. Not sure about Raw.
So in other words your cats are "clean" simply because YOU decided for them.

It is offensive for the fact it is rude and of bad taste in my opinion
So if it's my opinion that it is neither rude nor offensive why shouldn't I refer to a cat as being owned?

You think because it is a cat it is ok to think badly of?
Where did I say "think badly of"?

Negative words are they not also negative thoughts?. I dont Direct negative thoughts at anything im actualy constantly scanning myself for traces of negativity.
Maybe if you scanned yourself for traces of rationality it would be an improvement.
“I care not whether a man is good or evil; all that I care / Is whether he is a wise man or a fool. Go! put off holiness, / And put on intellect.”
Wm. Blake.

Well saying a tree is ugly i dont think is nice, like you wouldnt call a human ugly if they have a wierd look or face.
Since a tree has neither ears nor self-esteem what does it matter?