Who here likes me?


haha. you didn't wake up...
im so glad ur amused
and u wer up all this tym and didnt even throw water on me

but hey.. if you loose your job you could become a professional yearbook signer.
did u like that?
i think it would have been better if i included:
"and have a neat summer!"
yes. and the word "great". when signing yearbooks i find myself using the word great alot. lol.
Had a great time this year, you a great person, have a great summer. These past # years have been great. have a great time at college. LOL.

i would use "great", but down here we dont have anything great like great lakes or whatever.
we just have lakes.
we just have a lake.
and it isnt even magical or anything like avalon.
its just there.
they have little lakes at the university, but theyre suposd 2 b really dirty so i never jumped in.
they had a huge budget for beautification, but really if you get up close, it is kinda gross.

the yearbook at my highschool had so many huge mistakes in it.
every page had mixed up names and pictures and tons of typos.
and they charged the students all this money for it. lol.
half of the students names were spelled wrong.
one person's name was "KEVIN KAVFMAN"
somehow it got turned into "KEVIN KAVEMAN".lol.
I would not easily ask such a question, I would consider it craving for too much attention.

But I do not want to judge you or your motives.
Hey, HEY.

This threads about me. talk about me some more Come guys. Talk about me. Plz. Pretty Plz. With sugar, and icing and stuff
Bluesoul: Its the thought that counts *cough*cheapskate:D

Bah, humbug. :D

*gives you a friendly poke instead* I don't regularly hug people...it wasn't built into me at an early age. But I do enjoy poking! *poke*

My fellow Children run run from here don't look in his eye as he try to brain wash into a tellytubbies

Hey Brolly, you sound just like me! *hi-five!*
Paranoia and tin foil hats good. :)

you are hugging so often I might think you all are from one swingers club :p

no hugs from me:eek:

Awww...makes you want to hug Avatar all the more, don't it? :D
Awww, ain't that sweet. Good for you. Really

I wish we could all find love *sniff*
Aww, that is really sweet!! (Does she know you're doing that?) :)

Well, that's one of thr mysteries of the universe solved... thanks. :)
Aww, that's SOO sweet!! Awww!! AWWW!!!!1 AWWW!!!!!

OK, I'm done. :p :)

I'm such a romantic. :rolleyes:

Awww!!!! Would ya bless 'is cotton socks already?!
