Who here likes me?

Pollux V,
As I had said earlier in this thread, you all are doing just fine. Sometimes it takes a while here before people form their opinions of you. (Through your posts) Most folks want an opinion early, when they have been here for a couple of hundred posts. Almost all of the time that isn't enough, unless someone has taken an early dislike for you. I am no different as I wondered when I first came. Cris pointed to one of the reasons earlier in this thread. What he is saying is that you haven't the exposure within all of the forums yet and as such haven't made a strong impression. (Sorry Cris, don't mean to put writing in your mouth)

Every so often someone starts a popularity post. Then everyone states who they like and for what reasons. I think the last one went haywire and got off on a tangent. All I can say is be patient and continue to post and speak your mind. There will come a point when you post relavent to the topic that others see your points and agree or disagree, and evaluate your logic and reasoning. This is when most likely they will form their opinions of you, for better or worse.

So get back in there and have at it...
Well, going on holiday tomorrow, so by the time I'll get back, you'll have forgotton about me. :( Yes, I know, my looking for approval is sickeningly obvious... :D
I'm rather unnoticable , right wet1?:D

been here long enough , but I don't think that I have any big reputation...
why...maybe because I do not piss out everyone enough or my posts are just too plain:eek: :rolleyes:
I don't believe we've spoken before.
I've been off the forum for a little while.
I'll check some of your posts and reply.
No Avatar, you have been here long enough.

There are a lot of people who have formed their opinions of you. Some of your posts I get tickled at, some I agree, and some I don't. That doesn't say a lot in itself from me but it is true none-the-less.

I thought you made quite a splash in the picture thread alone. It made me want to go visit you and see it for my self.

Being nice has value. I do not care if I am noticed or not (Yes I do) but to me being nice is second nature. It is not flashy but it fits me and is what I choose to do. Most of the time it is what you choose to do also. Please continue. In the long run it pays off.
Hey Avatar, I like you. I've read lots of your posts and I have to say you make me laugh. I also agree with most of them, others are just plain confusing. Wet1 is right ya know.
Esp, I've seen one or two of your posts lying around somewhere. Can't remember where though. I do hope to read some of your new stuff though.
Firefly, I'm gonna miss you. Send me a message when you get back
Actually Wet1, I've never stooped to ask about opinionation of myself, from my perception it looks as if I get ignored because I go into some explaination and kind of lose most people somewhere in it.

Nearly as bad as someone stopping while walking in front of you along a street etc.

If I wanted a popularity contest, then I think I would enter one :D

Simply put most people tend to get on with one another as long as they don't allow themselves to take things too seriously.
Kind of reminds me of a post Porfiry made some time back about how some of his comments aren't serious, although some might perceive them so.

Oh well....

Buy your THOR T-Shirts here.... 5 Dollars. lol

[BTW, mentioning Wet1 at the start was just proof how something can seem to be directed at someone, when it's actually aimed at everyone. It was just I was writing with what Wet1 had said in mind.]
Five bucks, Thor T-Shirts are worth much more than that. Seven Dollars, no less...........I'll take 17

I would say I'm intricate, although most of the time I have the habit of just typing and not proof reading. Thats mainly because I struggle to proof read things for a few reasons there is no point in divulging :D.

Anyway we know what most male people think of Bebelina who are single at least :eek:
*stands in line for a Thor t-shirt*

Thor, you are so totally cool, man! Your ideas are awesome, and when you post, the entire room acknowledges your presence. Even the Iron Chef ain't got nothing on ya! You are brilliant, suave, and the single most attractive male in this entire forum! All the women you've ever met want to marry you (or at least stay the night), and your friends should revere the very path you walk on! The rest of the forum cannot match your superior imaginative abilities, and when you pee, people bottle it up and sell it as perfume! LOL!! :D :D :D :D :D

<center> WE LOVE THOR!!! </center>
I think you are overexcited about thor, blue soul:p:D

maybe you should make a "we love thor" fanclub....

I hate all kinds of fan klubs, so I'm not in, but aybe others will like it.
Hmmm...maybe I should have added a "The above is meant to be said with a slight hint of sarcasm?" :D

Yeah, but no, I like fan clubs, they really help drive you crazy, because after all, there's power in numbers! hehe :)

Fan club for Thor? Erm...to be honest, I have very little background information on him, beside what I can acquire from his postings. *shrug* :D :D

But I like everyone in SciForums. Even if 90% are missing, and no one likes me, I'd still like the people at SciForums. In fact, I like everyone I meet, until they give me a reason not to (ie. They hate me), hahaha :D
I like you...

but I don't agree about fan clubs...
I am fond of many things, but fanning just seems to me a good activity for joung immature teens.
hmm... interesting thread here, I'm indifferent, no real affection or loathing so your safe for now:eek: