Who created God?

(Q) said:
No, atheism is more along the lines of "I don't need to believe in gods." The difference is in the assertion that gods exist.
Same thing from a theist's point of view kid.

To me you're like a blind man saying; "I don't need to believe that a planet Jupiter exists because I can't see it." As far as the blind man is concerned Jupiter affects his life in zero (0) ways as he cannot percieve any of its effects - quite different from my view.

You're using "one sided" logic.
Fear of God is the Beginning of Wisdom.

In all matter of faith and morals, as well as tradition,
rites, and custom, as well as ethical matters
involving scientific investigation (what limits should be set
and what methods are ethical or not),
The Catholic Church is the only lawful Authority,
solely appointed by God for this purpose,
whose union is signified by her singular Pontiff,
the vicar of Christ on Earth
and her teachings are the fullness of Truth,
without flaw or error, they are NOT mere opinion,
nor are they misled by psuedoscience.
To me you're like a blind man saying; "I don't need to believe that a planet Jupiter exists because I can't see it."

Strawman. You can't "see" gods either.

You're using "one sided" logic.

You're not using any logic.
You're using "one sided" logic.

It amuses me, that the unreasonable, the ilogical, claim that they have logic. When in fact "logic" is what the theist hate the most, logic is what the church has fought ardently to destroy. Reason the ability to use man's mind, is what the theist in their doctrine have strived to destroy!.

MarcAC said:
So for the person who wants to die but has no means of killing himself... say someone bedridden; empathise?

Now you are getting it.

MarcAC said:
Atheism is a dangerous thing.

And a scary one, as well. Why, children run away in terror when I cross them on the street. Because, you know, there's always the danger that I could empathize them to death. Children are mighty perceptive, that way.
Atheism is a dangerous thing.

It is only dangerous to those who use religion to control and repress.
(Q) said:
Not all atheists are feeling that they don't need Him.

That makes no sense - how can someone feel they need that which they don't believe exists?
Cause actually we do need Him. In war and suffering the need for God becomes clear. Like light in darkness.

Agnostics haven't made their mind on the matter, they won't say that they don't believe in God.

Agnostics are essentially atheists as well - they do not believe gods exist.
Then they would be atheists. Though I must say that agnostics are well on the way of becoming atheists...either you look towards Him or you look away from Him, many agnostics are seekers that haven't found their place yet, troubled by the diversity of the religions and their own role in it all. Agnostic isn't a state that one can remain in. One must seek in one direction. Ultimatly a choice must be made.
(Q) said:
You can't "see" gods either.
That's the blind man speaking - there's no escaping the simple reduction that atheism is a statement "I don't need God" - if you thought you did you'd believe in God.
Cause actually we do need Him. In war and suffering the need for God becomes clear. Like light in darkness.

Again, I ask, why would someone be in need of something they don't believe exists?

Then they would be atheists.

They are, if they don't believe gods exist.
atheism is no more dangerous than any other beleif system. the saalem witch trails were all held in the name of god, the crusades, bush's war on terror (aka lets bomb the living tar out of the middle east and profit) even hitler's genocide was held in the name of god.
The atheist has common sense, and consequences in life rather than death which are all incentives to refrain from killing people left right and center. If it was so dangerous, why don't you see anarchy on the streets? There's every chance that the person mugging the old lady in the street has a religion
there's no escaping the simple reduction that atheism is a statement "I don't need God" - if you thought you did you'd believe in God.

The person who makes that claim is not an atheist, for they are already presuming a god exists.

It is the belief in gods that atheists do not require, not the alleged gods themselves.
fadeaway humper said:
And a scary one, as well. Why, children run away in terror when I cross them on the street. Because, you know, there's always the danger that I could empathize them to death. Children are mighty perceptive, that way.
To give you a clear indication of what my post was referencing when you mistook my misunderstanding of your post as a misunderstanding of the term empathy. As atheists impose their belief that there is no God they will similarly impose thier beleif that life is meaningless and all should die. Many an atheist have told me god does not exist. If atheists simply empathised they would have no business at a religions forum - in fact, an atheist would have nothing to state.
(Q) said:
The person who makes that claim is not an atheist, for they are already presuming a god exists.

It is the belief in gods that atheists do not require, not the alleged gods themselves.
... and for your information one sided logic is equivalent to zero (0) logic.

Similarly, you are already presuming god does not exist such that you would reduce god to a simple belief.

Nice try but you must realise that the "lack of belief" claim is a pretty botched up patch...

and the blind man analogy is still of veritable relevance.
MarcAC said:
To give you a clear indication of what my post was referencing when you mistook my misunderstanding of your post as a misunderstanding of the term empathy. As atheists impose their belief that there is no God they will similarly impose thier beleif that life is meaningless and all should die. Many an atheist have told me god does not exist. If atheists simply empathised they would have no business at a religions forum - in fact, an atheist would have nothing to state.
not really, nobody's here to try and impose anybodies veiws on anybody. if anything we're here for some "intellectual masterbation" or maybe to gain a better understanding of other peoples views. after all its a lost hope trying to change my mind haha
MarcAC said:
As atheists impose their belief that there is no God they will similarly impose thier beleif that life is meaningless and all should die.

OK, now that you have a solid understanding of the concept of empathy, here's a new one for you to look up: "non sequitur".

MarcAC said:
Many an atheist have told me god does not exist.

Wow. Go figure.

MarcAC said:
If atheists simply empathised they would have no business at a religions forum - in fact, an atheist would have nothing to state.[/color]

Or maybe, if people like you would stop spouting demented nonsense about what atheism is, an atheist would have nothing to state. Pretty simple, no?
(Q) said:
Again, I ask, why would someone be in need of something they don't believe exists?
Another analogy to drive your logical thinking; if an individual, say a non-scientific layman, doesn't believe that positrons exist are they necessary for the individual's existence? Of course the positron is the electron's counterpart.

You still apply one sided logic as if your disbelief (lack of belief) is of any dominant veracity as opposed to the opposing belief (belief).

If that's atheist logic I'll stay away from it. :D