Who can judge God?

No, I am agnostic. So I may not be asking for proof as much as a " atheist "

Just wondering, were you "delivered" from drugs and alcohol, that seems to be a central theme I have heard in regards to "PROOF" from believers
I have tried many things. Years ago. Fortunately it was not out of desperation that I came to the truth. I too was an Agnostic. then, as has been explained many times before by many, I was changed outside of myself. It has been proven to me without any doubt at all. I'm never sure whether I am up to the challenge of contending with the world I have left many years ago, but it is what it is.
Wouldn't you be your own most biased judge?

In life yes, with memories, biased no doubt. But without memories of yourself, all that erased, it will still be you neverthless...and than you will be the best judge of yourself.
I tend not to become caught up in endless dialogue concerning God. I have studied many religions, and I am firmly Christian. The proof to me is the unmistakable transition that has occured over the years within my life. It had nothing to do with what came from the inside, but rather what came from the outside in.

It's always fascinated me how the invisible and undetectable can change the fate of men, and be so blatantly obvious.

It was you, sir, who made the change, perhaps with the help of family and friends, but it was the effort on your part that made that transition possible. Take some credit for your work, man. Don't give it all away to medieval mythology.

To me an athiest is an individual who is very disappointed in established Religion. Always has been. I have always said there is no such thing as an atheist really. I don't blame you for being turned off to God

Funny, I always thought there were no such thing as gods, considering you can't see, hear, touch, taste or feel gods, they are indistinguishable from the non-existent.

There really doesn't appear to be anything turned off about.

Maybe there's no such thing as a theist?
you are wrong, consciousness lives on, what we do loose is individuality. Its a frozen leaf, with ice melting away from it, and becoming oncemore part of the rest of the tree.

I am stating facts. No consciousness means no thoughts & vice versa.
IF you're saying individual consciousness merges with others then is no longer an individual, that doesn't mean no more thoughts.
I am stating facts. No consciousness means no thoughts & vice versa.
IF you're saying individual consciousness merges with others then is no longer an individual, that doesn't mean no more thoughts.

well not thoughts of that individual, at least. The body dies, there is no mind.
so you think you can judge God?



With my innate sense of right and wrong which is a product of my genetic history and culture. I think it was wrong for the Christian God to flood the Earth. I think it was wrong for any god to have created the mosquito.

Bad god. Bad. No. You are a bad god.

The god of the KJV, as many others, is evil & has no basis on which to, or any good character or personal integrity to qualify to, judge me.

well not thoughts of that individual, at least. The body dies, there is no mind.

You seem to see this yet are stuck. What is the mind if not consciousness.
The mind (in your theory) merges with others. It doesn't die.

Your concept of people believing in Gods is also just your concept of understanding it, it is not a factual representation of how things are but your personal concept and nothing more.

More so your personal concept of gods.
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I love listening to dragon go back and forth between "We can't possibly know anything" to "Let me tell you how it all is".

"God exists outside of reality" (a statement of fact about god) and "Because of this we can not know anything about God" (a refutation of the aforementioned fact) to "God created the first universe" (now we are refuting the second fact) and "universes have always existed in a cycle of infinite universes" (refutation of third fact)

I'm surprised dragon hasn't been banned for life from the forums. There are no standards here at all.

I'm glad you enjoy it. I don't.
Same with several others.
It is good that you have questions. Ask a lot of them, and often. Do not trust your own judgement completely. To me an athiest is an individual who is very disappointed in established Religion. Always has been. I have always said there is no such thing as an atheist really. I don't blame you for being turned off to God, with all the perversion of the truth throughout the centuries. Perhaps you will be the very type of person to discover the truth after all. Keep looking. Don't look for it inside of yourself, expect it to come from the outside in, to prove it to your own mind.

Very well then, I can lay it on the line. If you do not want to know, you won't. I think that is the real stump of the topic. Do you want to know? I know you need proof. I'm not trying to be flippant when I say this. I realize this is the main complaint of the one who questions: where is the proof? Study intensely the rational evidence, but you will find it will not be enough, ever. So I know myself and am convinced of what I believe in, and not out of desperation or any other " rational " observation, in fact If I really ponder all of this I am a bit stymied. Yet it is as solid than reality itself.

Here we go again.

It's always fascinated me how the invisible and undetectable can change the fate of men, and be so blatantly obvious.

It was you, sir, who made the change, perhaps with the help of family and friends, but it was the effort on your part that made that transition possible. Take some credit for your work, man. Don't give it all away to medieval mythology.

Funny, I always thought there were no such thing as gods, considering you can't see, hear, touch, taste or feel gods, they are indistinguishable from the non-existent.

What? You never tasted a god???

It's always fascinated me how the invisible and undetectable can change the fate of men, and be so blatantly obvious.

There really doesn't appear to be anything turned off about.

Maybe there's no such thing as a theist?

There isn't.
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Stranger.. they are entitled to their morphine drip , as long as they keep it out of the schools
Since gods haven't been shown to exist, then neither does your belief in them.

You actually boost my perception by your quote. Every skeptic confirms my solid assurance of what I believe in. It's the same old thing over and over again. I am relieved.
You actually boost my perception by your quote. Every skeptic confirms my solid assurance of what I believe in. It's the same old thing over and over again. I am relieved.

Then, you've made yourself impervious to reason and have chosen to wrap yourself in a security blanket of medieval superstition and myth. You've disengaged yourself from reality in favor of delusion. Well done.

What you don't realize is that your little world isn't sustainable and that you'll be forced to be intellectually dishonest with yourself, and everyone else, when you attempt to justify your so-called 'proofs' and the doctrines of your beliefs.