Who can judge God?

Clearly, this is YOUR concept of god. Each theist has their own personal concept of god. And, that is all that gods consist, personal concepts and nothing more.

So u are sayin every person is judging God with his PERSONAL opinion?

i mena the judgment is just a personal individual opinion?

is that what u ment?

Thanks for your Answer swivel.But it lead us to a personal opinion?

Clearly, this is YOUR concept of god. Each theist has their own personal concept of god. And, that is all that gods consist, personal concepts and nothing more.

Your concept of people believing in Gods is also just your concept of understanding it, it is not a factual representation of how things are but your personal concept and nothing more.
Thanks for your Answer swivel.But it lead us to a personal opinion?


Either all judgments are personal opinions, or there is an Objective Moral Truth.

If the former is true, then I clearly can judge any god.

I am one of the rare people that thinks the latter is true, and that all ethical judgments have to be made with the OMT in mind. I do not think the OMT can include the killing of innocents for no reason whatsoever, which is what the creator of the universe does with alarming regularity. So even with the more stringent condition, I can judge god.

There are other ways we can judge god besides ethics. One would be aesthetics. The layout of the stars at night seems banal and random to me. Orion hardly looks like a hunter at all. I give god very low marks in stellar arrangement.

I can also judge god on lack of imagination. Having all life on Earth be based off of DNA is restrictive and leads to a ton of repetition. I could have done much better with hardly any effort. This is a judgment.

Earth has an embarrassing wobble in its rotation.

Siamese twins were not a good idea. Not at all.
oh my aren't we so special...how intriguing

You are an idiot, aren't you? I am pointing out the uniqueness of myself holding an unfavorable position because it is weak and difficult to prove. In other words, I am admitting that I am a bit daft.

I can't tell which is worse: trying to comprehend the garbage you type or watching you attempt to sort out what other people are talking about. Most of the time your posts make me throw up in the back of my throat a little.
You are an idiot, aren't you? I am pointing out the uniqueness of myself holding an unfavorable position because it is weak and difficult to prove. In other words, I am admitting that I am a bit daft.

I can't tell which is worse: trying to comprehend the garbage you type or watching you attempt to sort out what other people are talking about. Most of the time your posts make me throw up in the back of my throat a little.

well if you must consort to insults, I will cease talking to you upon your direct request to do so.
So u are sayin every person is judging God with his PERSONAL opinion?

Perhaps, but the god they are judging is one they created themselves, unless of course, you believe people actually can see god?
Your concept of people believing in Gods is also just your concept of understanding it, it is not a factual representation of how things are but your personal concept and nothing more.

How things are?

Then tell us all, how factually are things, exactly?
How things are?

Then tell us all, how factually are things, exactly?

I love listening to dragon go back and forth between "We can't possibly know anything" to "Let me tell you how it all is".

"God exists outside of reality" (a statement of fact about god) and "Because of this we can not know anything about God" (a refutation of the aforementioned fact) to "God created the first universe" (now we are refuting the second fact) and "universes have always existed in a cycle of infinite universes" (refutation of third fact)

I'm surprised dragon hasn't been banned for life from the forums. There are no standards here at all.
my previous thread,about how God look alike,was about Gods creation.

Now the Concept God,who is God,what is God . who can judge him?

? Is God immanent? Or is He transcendent? Or is He both? How can God’s presence be felt?
If God is not immanent, yet exists, transcendental, yet having concern for this world, understanding how his presence can be felt becomes easier
? Did God create human beings in His image? What is meant by the image of God? Does God have an image or is it just in our imaginations?
Kind of like a drop sea water displays the qualitative aspects of the ocean (eg saltiness) but not the quantitative (eg - you can't drown in it). Similarly we display the quality of god but not of his quantity.
? Does God sit on a throne above the heavens? Abu Dawud and Thirmidhi in Hadith No. 5480 Mishkat give physical details of the throne of Allah. According to them, Allah’s throne rests on the back of mountain goats that are standing in an ocean above the seventh heaven!
Many scriptural texts read like mystery novels with the last page ripped out (you never find out whodunnit), primarily because they are concerned with basic religious principles (eg - reminders that its not ok steal, murder and sleep with your neighbour's wife)
Creation of the Universe:

? How did God create the Universe? Did He get tired and need rest? The Bible states that after creating the Universe in six days, God rested on the seventh (GENESIS 2:2). Tafseer Ibn Katheer in interpreting Sura Fussilat says, in a story similar to the Biblical story of creation, that God created the earth on a Sunday and Monday and the stars, sun, moon and angels on Friday. One is left to wonder how the days of the week occurred before the creation of the planets and the stars?
the original language that "rest" is written in more correctly translates as "pause" ..... kind of like there is a pause in a musical composition, not because the trumpet player is flustered but for aesthetic merit.

? Is the Universe real or imaginary? According to Plato, the Universe is imaginary in that it exists only in the imagination.
Actually I think that plato addressed the phenomenal nature of this world as being contingent on the activities of the mind
In Hinduism, the Universe is considered to be Brahma’s dream while he is asleep.
Brahma is credited as being involved in the secondary creation (or visarga) .... he has no connection with the manifestation of the base elements of the phenomenal world (which are credited as belonging to Vishnu)

BG 7.4 Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego—all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.
Brahma is the Hindu God of creation—Hindus have different gods for different things, for example, the goddess of money is called Lakshmi.
All of whom are understood to be empowered representatives or servants/plenary expansions of Krishna

BG 5.29 A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.
? Is the Universe a shadow of God? This concept has led to a branch of Muslim mysticism called Wa‘hadt-ul-Shahood.
you could say that the material world is something like a reflection of the spiritual world (and that the spiritual world is completely socialized around the service of god) .... kind of like the shadow has the form and movement of an object but not the substance.
? Are God and the Universe one and the same? Is God matter and is matter God? Is God human? The concept of God and the Universe being the same is called Pantheism in western philosophy, Wa‘hadt-ul-Wajood in Sufism (Muslim mysticism), and Vedanta in Hindu Mysticism.

CC adi 7.146 “One’s relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, activities in terms of that relationship, and the ultimate goal of life [to develop love of God]—these three subjects are explained in every aphorism of the Vedänta-sütra, for they form the culmination of the entire Vedänta philosophy.”

"activity" and "relationship" tend to suggest a personal aspect

Relationship of Humans to God and the Universe:

? Can human beings comprehend God?
the main stumbling block is understanding that they can't be God, however

Is the human mind even equipped to comprehend God?


that is why part of the understanding process involves transcending the (conditioned) mind

SB 11.13.6 Until one revives one's direct knowledge of the spirit soul and drives away the illusory identification with the material body and mind caused by the three modes of nature, one must cultivate those things in the mode of goodness. By increasing the mode of goodness, one automatically can understand and practice religious principles, and by such practice transcendental knowledge is awakened.
The Quran states that God cannot be comprehended (6:103) but Sufi mystics claim they can comprehend God. They claim they can even establish dialogue with God.
If one identifies with the body/mind, they cannot comprehend
? Is there a purpose behind the creation of the Universe and the creation of human beings?
the purpose of life is to seek enjoyment
the purpose of the material world is to teach us where this actually is

How does God exercise control over His creation?
many ways
but most specifically

BG 15.15 I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness.

How are human beings related to the Universe and to God?
usually we are related to the universe through a desire to exploit it's resources

BG 7.5 Besides these, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature.

This runs contrary to our relationship with god, namely that of an eternal servant

SB 11.2.37 Fear arises when a living entity misidentifies himself as the material body because of absorption in the external, illusory energy of the Lord. When the living entity thus turns away from the Supreme Lord, he also forgets his own constitutional position as a servant of the Lord. This bewildering, fearful condition is effected by the potency for illusion, called mäyä. Therefore, an intelligent person should engage unflinchingly in the unalloyed devotional service of the Lord, under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, whom he should accept as his worshipable deity and as his very life and soul.

The human mind, although limited in its potential, is nevertheless, curious about the unknown. It is no wonder, then, that many of the greatest minds in the fields of religion, classical literature, poetry, philosophy, mathematics, and modern science having been preoccupied with the above questions, have produced mountains of literature. However, without a proper concept of God, the human mind will not be able to understand the mystery of God’s true relationship with human beings.

Before we can understand God’s relationship to his creation, it is important to differentiate between the concept of God and our concept of God.

Idea of God

Anthropologists tell us that the idea of God first arose in the human mind when primitive humans felt threatened by the violent forces of nature. They say that an idea of God (or some higher power) has always existed and was often expressed through prayers and other rituals. A more formal expression of the idea of God occurs in religion. Congregational prayers performed weekly, daily, or, in some cases, multiple times a day, are all done for God. In addition, within religions, people tend to stay with the same concept of God bequeathed by their forebears; people are resistant to re-evaluation of inherited concepts of God. Further, a closer examination of the lives of people reveals that the God they pray to is very different than the God they believe rules their lives. Why is this so? This is because people hold a personal and subjective relationship with God.

Subjective Concept of God

Most of us think of God (or a higher authority) only in moments of crisis. When the misfortune ends, we tend to forget God (10:12, 16:53-54, 31:32, 39:8). This cycle continues until old age when, anticipating death, we turn to God for spiritual support.
four primary catalysts for approaching god

BG 7.16 O best among the Bhäratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me—the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.

each category presents a different standard
However, such a concept is bound to create conflict among people having different concepts of God.

that is why there is a special emphasis on the word "begin"

IOW if material conditions drive one towards inquiry to god, they can just as easily drive one away again - eg - one is very devotionally inclined for as long as they are in material distress, but once they get the good life they swing back a bit

A Christian’s concept of God as Father is different from a Muslim’s concept of God as Allah. George Bush’s concept of God when he claimed he was “…doing the Lord’s work” was quite different from Saddam Hussein’s concept of God, who also claimed war (jihad) in the way of Allah. Billy Graham’s night vigil in the White House before the Gulf war sought help from the Lord to keep the oil flow to America. The Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades are other examples of war that was waged in the name of God. Hitler’s concept of God was quite different than Churchill’s, both of whom also waged war in the name of God.
tying political issues into religion certainly is good for nationality but it tends to diminish religious principles

infact, to state quite bluntly

SB 10.84.13 One who identifies his self as the inert body composed of mucus, bile and air, who assumes his wife and family are permanently his own, who thinks an earthen image or the land of his birth is worshipable, or who sees a place of pilgrimage as merely the water there, but who never identifies himself with, feels kinship with, worships or even visits those who are wise in spiritual truth—such a person is no better than a cow or an ass.
With so many different subjective concepts of God, it becomes impossible to achieve oneness of God. Oneness of God requires oneness in the concept of God. Otherwise, humanity will remain forever divided over God, and human conflicts and suffering will continue. Among Muslims, the prevalence of the subjective concept of God is best illustrated through the presentation of real life scenarios than through abstract concepts.
I don't understand what you mean by "real life scenarios" as opposed to "abstract concepts"

would like to see other peoples thoughts ,who can judge God?
why use the word "judge"?
Do you mean something more like "understand the qualities of", or "know"?
I tend not to become caught up in endless dialogue concerning God. I have studied many religions, and I am firmly Christian. The proof to me is the unmistakable transition that has occured over the years within my life. It had nothing to do with what came from the inside, but rather what came from the outside in. As for the contention and historical perversion of Christianity, what do you expect of human Beings? Perhaps it is up to the truly skeptical to discover the truth that has been questioned and twisted out of context by others through the centuries. If you are honestly looking, you will find the truth.
If you are honestly looking, you will find the truth.

one of the best lines on the whole thread

what/who is god? all of it

who told me? the words created by mankind

is there a single book on this earth someone can hold up and say, "here is God" and be telling the truth? Nope!

what is the proof of absolute truth? the understanding of life!
Be at ease

It is good that you have questions. Ask a lot of them, and often. Do not trust your own judgement completely. To me an athiest is an individual who is very disappointed in established Religion. Always has been. I have always said there is no such thing as an atheist really. I don't blame you for being turned off to God, with all the perversion of the truth throughout the centuries. Perhaps you will be the very type of person to discover the truth after all. Keep looking. Don't look for it inside of yourself, expect it to come from the outside in, to prove it to your own mind.
It is good that you have questions. Ask a lot of them, and often. Do not trust your own judgement completely. To me an athiest is an individual who is very disappointed in established Religion. Always has been. I have always said there is no such thing as an atheist really. I don't blame you for being turned off to God, with all the perversion of the truth throughout the centuries. Perhaps you will be the very type of person to discover the truth after all. Keep looking. Don't look for it inside of yourself, expect it to come from the outside in, to prove it to your own mind.

From a Xian's point of view that makes SOME sense :shrug:

But atheist disappointed in a certain flavor of religion?, it's not ice cream.
and don't trust YOUR own judgment ?.. what trust the myths of a tribe of desert warriors..c'mon .. talking snakes and talking mules..lol

how about some non perverted truths then.. some facts :shh:

lay it on the line
Imagine a concept: God is everything that is conscious, the whole concept behind everything that is conscious of itself, now wouldnt we be God too? part of God. So we can judge ourselves and thus judge a small part of God as well.

Wouldnt you be your own most fair judge?

Wouldn't you be your own most biased judge?
Very well then, I can lay it on the line. If you do not want to know, you won't. I think that is the real stump of the topic. Do you want to know? I know you need proof. I'm not trying to be flippant when I say this. I realize this is the main complaint of the one who questions: where is the proof? Study intensely the rational evidence, but you will find it will not be enough, ever. So I know myself and am convinced of what I believe in, and not out of desperation or any other " rational " observation, in fact If I really ponder all of this I am a bit stymied. Yet it is as solid than reality itself.