Who built the Pyramids?


Genesis 6:4 contains a verse which has baffled
commentators for many centuries:

“There were giants [NEPHILIM] in the Earth in those days,
and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men and they bare children to them...”

APOCALYPSE” is totally unique:

It is the first in-depth book to throw light on a mysterious race known as the NEPHILIM and to provide evidence of who built the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico and the other great monuments of ancient history.
It is the first book to show that the dark forces which roamed the Earth in those primeval times will once again be at large during the coming Apocalypse with the purpose of visiting mass destruction on an unsuspecting world.
This book also demonstrates why the builders of the ancient world chose the pyramid shape, and it links this to a prophecy which was written almost 2,000 years ago and is still unfulfilled – THE PYRAMID OF THE APOCALYPSE.

The largest of the pyramids, those of the Sun and Moon, were said by tradition to have been built by the giants that existed in those days. Legend asserts that Teotihuacan was built by giants with the purpose to transform men into gods
http://www.logoschristian.org/demon.html The Origin of Demons

In addition to giantism, the Nephilim had powerful psychic abilities like out of body experiences, levitation, mind control, time travel, mind reading, remote viewing, the power of placing curses and diseases, the power of removing curses and diseases, and ways of knowing and predicting the future. They were cannibals and vampires! They were astrologers, homosexuals, lesbians, serial killers, and the mighty men of renown. They sacrificed human beings all over the planet in temples and pyramids. They drank our blood and slaughtered our babies. Human sacrifice was the order of the day. They had super powerful brains and they were extremely intelligent. They knew all the sciences, architecture, and engineering. In short, they had demonic powers. They used these powers to control and enslave mankind and this is how they built the great pyramids and great wonders around the pre-flood world.
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PID Radio #19: The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse
Our guest in the Bunker this week, by telephone from Dublin, Ireland, was author Patrick Heron. In his new book, The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse, Patrick makes the case that the great pyramids of ancient Egypt, Mexico, and elsewhere, were built by fallen angels and their offspring, the giants known to the ancient Hebrews as nephilim, the “fallen ones”.


August begins with David Flynn, author of Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars. There was a civilization once on Mars–and the monuments on that world are strangely similar to some here on Earth.

David will also discuss the occult significance of the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico on July 4th, 1947. The event
Sorry, "Deep MindQuest," but a belief in ancient "giants" is neither supported by any evidence, nor does it supply any reasonable explanation. It would appear that your spam above is nothing but advertisement for a work of fiction that tries to pass itself off as fact.

Again, the pyramids have sufficient explanation as to who built them. But mystery-mongers and the ignorant (such as yourself), continue to seek other, wild and strange explanations to satisfy your need for significance. Each of the posts above relate to speculation and fantasy, not factual information. Please find another, less scientific board to spam. Or at least discuss something rather than copy/pasting from a marketing site.

It most certainly is. Indeed, there is a preponderance of evidence for indiginous builders for the structures in both Egypt and Teotihuacan as well as other sites of monumental architecture that woo-woos love to go on about. Nor is there any evidence for a "Nephilim" race. It is POPPYCOCK.
sorry skin but your ignorent and dont know anything about the pyramids perhaps you could read up a bit ? as you sure dont know what your talking about! anyway thanks for boring us with the primative brain !
Deep_MindQuest said:
sorry skin but your ignorent and dont know anything about the pyramids perhaps you could read up a bit ? as you sure dont know what your talking about! anyway thanks for boring us with the primative brain !

It's certainly easy to tell who is ignorant here (and can't even spell the word correctly) when they post something like the following absurdity:

"August begins with David Flynn, author of Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars. There was a civilization once on Mars–and the monuments on that world are strangely similar to some here on Earth."

Monuments? Ha! What monuments???
Don't mind this so-called "deep mindquest," he/she belongs to a new age religious cult-in-the-making that believes that not only were the pyramids the result of beings other than human/Egyptians, but that these beings are biblically related! Ha!

I love it!

Tell me, oh wise one (deep mindquest), what should I be reading? As an archaeologist, I'm dying to know. But as an anthropologist, I'm completely fascinated by your behavior in general! :cool:
I'm sorry, I didn't read all of this thread but I've often wondered about this myself. You folks who mentioned the pullies and levers, I wonder what rope would have been strong enough to hold the incredible amount of weight each of these blocks weighs. There isn't anything that compares to them in weight. Infact even with modern technology we can't lift them except by one of two extremely massive cranes. These cranes aren't even portable. We would be hard pressed to cut the stones and place them today as the accuracy is beyond us. I don't know how they were built but I don't think many of you have a grasp of what it would take to pull this off, even with todays technology.
Experimental archaeology was conducted which demonstrated that the available materials that the Egyptians had would have been sufficient. Moroever, there are murals which demonstrate the very methods which the archaeologists settled upon. Tool marks on the stones and remnants of rope are likewise consistent with the conclusions.
Deepmindquest I've read of these Nephlim and I find it interesting. I don't know exactly what to make of the beliefs of them and there spirit fathers. I haven't read any books on them other than the bible but the book you speak of sounds interesting, if for nothing else but intertainment. I don't (as obvious intellectual giants such as skinwalker) discount the spirit realm or the bible as being nonsense. It has yet to be scientifically proven or disproven. I find it funny how supposedly educated, open minded people close their minds to the possibilities of a spirit realm or an alien realm. Remember the best science at one point thought the world was flat while the bible described it as a circle. I am not so sure of myself or science to jump to conclussions until either hypothesis is proven. It's almost as if science is terrified thatit will be found to be totally invalid if they admit they don't know whether a spirit realm exists. If scientific community is so sure of itself why the anger and arrogance, to me they become awful emotional over the subject. I was always taught a good scientist remains detached, he or she doesn't get emotional. Skinwalker not to pick on you but your attitude leaves a lot to be desired. If you are a scientist and not just a wanna be then you should be ashamed.
I get passionate when I see ignorance proliferate even when the knowledge exists to discount the nonsense that some individuals attempt to pass off as fact.

Do I discount a "spirit realm" or other mystical/supernatural explanations. Yes. The reason is simple, they cannot be tested. The moment they can, they seek to be supernatural and are natural. Are there things that science cannot explain? Certainly. But the construction of the pyramids isn't one of them. There are mysteries regarding them, but these mysteries are with specifics regarding ancient Egyptian culture and even some specifics regarding their architecture. We know they had the ability, the means and obviously the motivation.

What we don't know, specifically, is what that motivation was. We also don't know for sure if they built ramps that encircled the pyramid or if they levered each stone to the next level. Though we are safe to assume that they used ramps since ramps are found still intact at temples which were left in mid-construction at Luxor.

I'm emotional about the ignorance of pseudoscience and its proliferation. I'm dismissive of speculations that are offered as fact, particularly when they are wild or extraordinary speculations that lack evidence. I enjoy speculation, and it is always a good step in science, but ultimately one has to support that speculation with tests, evidence, or verified with predictions as with any other hypothesis. Settling on a wild speculation as a cause without evidence is pseudoscience.
Skinwalker do you realise that the stones used to build the pyramids ranged between 2.5 tons and 800 tons. The cutting and placing of these stone is incredible and still even today would be an incredible feat. I've often pondered it even though I've not really studied it other than the discovery channel or national geographic. It is, regardless of how it was accomplished, fasinating.
Well As enjoyable as this has been I've got to get some rest. Remember folks just because someone has a different belief on a subject doesn't make them the enemy or wrong it just means you have something of interest to discuss. I'll check back later...
Deep_MindQuest said:
sorry skin but your ignorent and dont know anything about the pyramids perhaps you could read up a bit ? as you sure dont know what your talking about! anyway thanks for boring us with the primative brain !
unless you are like 5000 years old you have a lot of nerve don't you?
lowefly said:
Skinwalker do you realise that the stones used to build the pyramids ranged between 2.5 tons and 800 tons. The cutting and placing of these stone is incredible and still even today would be an incredible feat. I've often pondered it even though I've not really studied it other than the discovery channel or national geographic. It is, regardless of how it was accomplished, fasinating.

It is quite fascinating. And one of the reasons I've made archaeology my educational focus.

Here's one of the murals of antiquity I mentioned. There are many such depictions of ancient labor which have contributed to our inferences about how the stones were transported. Depictions like this are what motivated experiments in which various methods of construction were attempted by archaeologists like Mark Lerner.


Notice the sledge and the person pouring the oil in front of the skids. This was shown to be a very effective technique and even the heaviest stones were moved quite easily. Add to that a ramp system that surrounded the pyramid and the stones only had to be levered into place from short distance. Levering was another technique that was demonstrated through experimental archaeology.

In the experiments, the workers got progressively better as they went along. Putting stones into place became easier to do with experience. The same thing is present in the archaeological record when we look at the pyramids themselves. Beginning with Djoser's step pyramid, then moving on to the Bent Pyramid, the complexity and size grew.

lowefly said:
... just because someone has a different belief on a subject doesn't make them the enemy or wrong it just means you have something of interest to discuss

I don't disparage those with different beliefs unless those beliefs are based in pseudoscience and asserted as facts.
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Deep_MindQuest said:
sorry skin but your ignorent and dont know anything about the pyramids perhaps you could read up a bit ? as you sure dont know what your talking about! anyway thanks for boring us with the primative brain !

Without hesitation I'd say that he knows MUCH more about the pyramids than you. And if you really believe all that junk you posted, you're in serious need of some help.
SkinWalker said:
Do I discount a "spirit realm" or other mystical/supernatural explanations. Yes. The reason is simple, they cannot be tested. The moment they can, they seek to be supernatural and are natural. Are there things that science cannot explain? Certainly....

I'm emotional about the ignorance of pseudoscience and its proliferation. I'm dismissive of speculations that are offered as fact, particularly when they are wild or extraordinary speculations that lack evidence. I enjoy speculation, and it is always a good step in science, but ultimately one has to support that speculation with tests, evidence, or verified with predictions as with any other hypothesis. Settling on a wild speculation as a cause without evidence is pseudoscience.

bogus, fallacious, contradictory and hypocritical reasoning.