Who built the Pyramids?

kmguru said:
Saw on the net:

"The oxygen content of the air we breathe has decreased from 38% to about 20%, in major cities; the oxygen content of the air has measured as low as 10%. This means that the oxygen levels in the air we breathe has dropped about 50% or more. The decline in oxygen seems to collate with the increase in disease. Many deficiency disorders and degenerative diseases are at least partially, attributable to oxygen metabolism dysfunction, or oxygen deficiency."

Can you quote sources?

I did a couple of google searches and couldn't find anything like this. Although, if the oxygen content did drop to 10% in major cities, everyone in there would be light-headed and dizzy all the time, so I don't quite believe this.

kmguru said:
Water can not be separated to Oxygen and Hydrogen from evaporation only.

Of course, this just makes it into water vapor.
kmguru said:
Saw on the net:

"The oxygen content of the air we breathe has decreased from 38% to about 20%, in major cities; the oxygen content of the air has measured as low as 10%. This means that the oxygen levels in the air we breathe has dropped about 50% or more. The decline in oxygen seems to collate with the increase in disease. Many deficiency disorders and degenerative diseases are at least partially, attributable to oxygen metabolism dysfunction, or oxygen deficiency."

Where in the world did you come up with this baloney? Some thick-headed conspiracy theory site? There's never been any such drop in oxygen levels anywhere! And that phrase "oxygen metabolism dysfunction" isn't even a real medical term. It actually makes no sense. It's only used by quacks and a few so-called "health" sites on the web. Try saying it to a real doctor - any real doctor - and he/she will laugh right in your face.
kmguru said:
Saw on the net:

"The oxygen content of the air we breathe has decreased from 38% to about 20%, in major cities; the oxygen content of the air has measured as low as 10%. This means that the oxygen levels in the air we breathe has dropped about 50% or more. The decline in oxygen seems to collate with the increase in disease. Many deficiency disorders and degenerative diseases are at least partially, attributable to oxygen metabolism dysfunction, or oxygen deficiency."

Water can not be separated to Oxygen and Hydrogen from evaporation only.

I think you're reaching a lot here, though I know not for what. I fail to see what a spurious quote you "saw on the net" about oxygen has to do with Who built the pyramids?, but I can tell you that collation does not imply correlation. Nor does either imply causation.

I can also tell you that this quote was found on a snake-oil website trying to sell some bogus alternative "remedy." You, too, can get a 2 oz bottle of "liquid-stable oxygen" for only $33.00.

I was going to suggest that, perhaps, this thread got back on topic, but since the topic question was long since answered it really has no further purpose.

The answer, again, to the topic question is: the Egyptians.

Vrob, I think I may have addressed your comment about water erosion in an earlier post in this thread. I'll look back and see.
My mistake in supplying a healthfood store link that talks about Oxygen level going donw from 38%...I could not find any assay from air pockets in permian frost...so the only link I was able to google was 23% going down to 21%.

I also could not find the Oxygen level in major cities over the last hundred years while there is a major cliam by environmentalists that our CO2, NO2, NO, CO and other gaseous pollutants are increasing. If other gases are increasing and binding with Oxygen, then what happens to the free Oxygen content....

Anyway, back to who built the Pyramids? My ancestors did.:D
kmguru said:
My mistake in supplying a healthfood store link that talks about Oxygen level going donw from 38%...I could not find any assay from air pockets in permian frost...so the only link I was able to google was 23% going down to 21%.

I also could not find the Oxygen level in major cities over the last hundred years while there is a major cliam by environmentalists that our CO2, NO2, NO, CO and other gaseous pollutants are increasing. If other gases are increasing and binding with Oxygen, then what happens to the free Oxygen content....

Kmguru, you're also making another mistake by not considering the full facts involved. Normal air consists of 20.9% O2 and 0.1% CO2. All the other gasses you mentioned above, including the increases are still measured in terms of 1/100s of 1%. So the effects on free oxygen are almost non-existant.
Perhaps. However as we cut down trees, should not that create a negative effect on the Oxygen level? If we keep burning fossil fuels, are we not using up the Oxygen faster, which was not the case in say 1000 years ago?
kmguru said:
Perhaps. However as we cut down trees, should not that create a negative effect on the Oxygen level? If we keep burning fossil fuels, are we not using up the Oxygen faster, which was not the case in say 1000 years ago?

Yes, that's certainly true. And there's no "perhaps" to what I told you - it's pure fact, no more, no less - so we can drop the "perhaps" business.

And even though what you just said (above) and that I agreed to, in no way substantiates what you seem to be afraid is happening - depleting the oxygen level. The percentage effect is extremely tiny.
I am glad that there is no oxygen depletion occuring. I saw a lot of older people on Oxygen tanks in Los Angeles and so I thought that the air in Los Angeles has a reduced Oxygen content...I am glad to learn that no matter how much fossil fuel we burn, and cut down our trees, we will not make a dent in our atmosphere composition...so nothing to worry about....
SkinWalker said:
Repeat after me, "Rabon, where are the data." No data=no evidnece. No evidence=you are a liar.

with you it is always no data, no evidence as well no common sense.

Well i find it intreseting that now you are saying that oxygen is not released from the oceans ect.... ok then how about air disloved by water, and so also then what happen to all of the ice, so well documented in the ice ages. really your so good at comming up with quotes from other people on the internet about geology, i like to know how you account for the large amounts of ice during any ice age. how do you account for the exstent of the ice age reaching the Sahara desert, or even the 39 latitude of the north american land mass, don't get to funny becuase as a student of geology or at least a quoter of geolgy you should this is document as the exstent of the ice age.
Also where did this ice go?? mr skin walker, did it melt and run into the oceans if so then what was the sea level at the time, can you count the tonnage of ice that it took to carve out the formations in the landmass covered by the exstent of the ice covering the sahara desert. And i am still wounder when you will come up with the awnser of how that ice crawled up on the surface of the land mass in the first place, was it water vapor that fell as snow, if so how did the oceans evporate that much water and fall as snow.

It seems to me that if that much water vapor existed there must be some pretty hot sun rays, as well it must have dissovled a lot of oxygen as well nirtogen from the air. may be that where we get the large deposits of nitrogen in the oceans, or maybe you could tells us why there is even nitrogen in the oceans. however common sense tells me that, that much energy would boil off much of earth atmosphere before that much of the ocean would become water vapor to cover that much earth in such tonage, so the that must mean that just before the ice age the air boiled so high that every one on earth suffocated.

Seems to me skin walker you have some things confused, as plainly the earths atomsphere was converted to water from solar particals, which made life possible and thats why you live today.

even so for many years the earth had a low concentration of oxygen making the building of the pryamids very unlikly done by large scale manual labor, either that or they where built just recently like say maybe last week.

So how ever could the water evaporate releasing oxygen could you tell me? or better yet could you find a quote for me.

Who are eygptians, as eygpt was conquered serveal times in histroy, would you be refering to the current populations, or the conqured ones. which who?

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
may be that where we get the large deposits of nitrogen in the oceans, or maybe you could tells us why there is even nitrogen in the oceans.

Rabon, you really don't know much about Earth science, do you?

From the above, it appears that you think there are "large deposits of nitrogen in the oceans" which is absurd. There are some nitrates and nitrites and a few other insignificent salts but the majority of it is simple dissolved elemental nitrogen. It's there because it dissolves in water - just as easy as that. And it's solubility is pretty small, about 0.018 g/L. Hardly what could be called "large deposits."

More than likely you're actually thinking of CO2 which does form large deposits in the form of carbonate (from the shells of sea creatures). That's where all our HUGE, deep layers of limestone came from. But even that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the junk you were talking about (Ice ages, water vapor, oxygen levels, etc.). You've made no sense at all - as usual.

You might as well face it. I'm never going to get off your case as long as you keep posting absolute nonsense.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
with you it is always no data, no evidence as well no common sense.

It's not just me, but it is the scientific method to which I subscribe. No data for your claims=no evidence. As to 'common sense,' I agree. You aren't demonstrating any use of it at all.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Well i find it intreseting that now you are saying that oxygen is not released from the oceans ect....

What are you going on about? I've not commented on oxygen at all beyond asking what it has to do with the construction of pyramids. You're clearly delusional.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
even so for many years the earth had a low concentration of oxygen making the building of the pryamids very unlikly done by large scale manual labor, either that or they where built just recently like say maybe last week.

You're perhaps the most ignorant person posting on this forum, Rabon. There is absolutely NOTHING that supports this bit of delusion or fantasy. Not only are you ignorant about geology, climatology, but of archaeology and history as well.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Who are eygptians, as eygpt was conquered serveal times in histroy, would you be refering to the current populations, or the conqured ones. which who?

Egypt wasn't conquered until thousands of years after the pyramids were built.
SkinWalker said:
You're perhaps the most ignorant person posting on this forum, Rabon. There is absolutely NOTHING that supports this bit of delusion or fantasy. Not only are you ignorant about geology, climatology, but of archaeology and history as well.

Now, now, Skinwalker. Let's not be overly generous with our resident boy genius!

Labeling him "ignorant" implies that he could correct himself by learning. He has proven, however, that he's not capable of that. So the correct operative word is simply "stupid."
Hi all,

Just joined the forum two weeks ago. Reading through this thread, I've heard both common sense and outlandish claims of how some of the larger stones were moved. I'd like to present two possible theories:

1)One theory is that a canal was built from the Nile, leading to a lake(lake Moeris), which in turn had another canal leading to the center of the great pyramid. The blocks were then floated down the canals all the way to the pyramid, where the block were pushed into place. The outlandish part of the theory is that pyramid's unexplained small passageways were part of a "lock" system (ala the Panama canal), which allowed the builders to raise (or lower) the water level to the appropriate level that the construction was at. I believe I still have the magazine which described this theory somewhere,
2)(My theory) I think they carved the stones initially into a column shape, and rolled them to where they needed to be (by PUSHING, rather than PULLING), and then carved them into angular shapes in situ. While I think this would produce a lot of waste, I think it would be much easier than dragging some of the larger stones.

marcopolo said:
I think they carved the stones initially into a column shape, and rolled them to where they needed to be (by PUSHING, rather than PULLING), and then carved them into angular shapes in situ. While I think this would produce a lot of waste, I think it would be much easier than dragging some of the larger stones.


You need to watch cartoons. They showed what the Egyptians did on a Saturday cartoon. You are close.

They carved the blocks, then put wooden forms that turned the block round. Then the rolled the block. When it gets where it is going, remove the wooden shapes and there is the rectangular block. Imagine taking a quarter, then cutting a rectangular hole in the middle. Put one of these quarters at each end of any rectangular object and you can roll it anywhere.

Haven't you ever seen old money? That is how they made old money. Pieces of metal with holes punched in the middle. Put something rectangular in the middle of your money and your kid has a great toy to roll around on the floor.
Sounds like that might work also, but I wonder how any wooden structure would hold up under 15 metric tons (The estimated weight of some of the largest blocks)

Also, did the Egyptian have access to enough lumber for a project of this size? (unless the wooden frames were reusable)