Which One is the "Word of God"?

> "I just finished reading "Misquoting Jesus" by Ehrman... A fabulous and rock-solid look into the world of Biblical scholarship. If you believe that the King James Version is the actual "word of God" you have to read this book."

Interesting stuff, reminds me of the capitalist word of "Gods" in 1 Samuel 4:8 of the King James Version, blamed on one of my ancestors, Pop-Pop Denke. It was my deceased Uncle Roland Totera who discovered the fact back in 1961, while in England on a business trip. Apparently a German sailor, G "Pop-Pop" Denke, was rightfully accused of piracy, and then imprisoned for it. He was 'employed' as a King James Version typesetter for Seven years. Ten full pages about the incident are recorded here, in my Uncle Rolly's diary (inheritance). Here is the passage that 'unkeen eye' Pop-Pop the pirate served time for:

1 Samuel 4:8 (KJV, virginia.edu)
"Woe unto us! who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness."

Capitalist word of "Gods" (as it is called) is not in Ehrman's "Misquoting Jesus", but I thought it would be of interest to you and the thread. Non-capitalist word of "gods" in 1 Samuel 4:8 of the King James Version has been verified by ancestral Biblical scholars from the original First Westminster Company: Lancelot Andrewes, John Overall, Hadrian Saravia, Richard Clarke, John Layfield, Robert Tighe, Francis Burleigh, Geoffrey King, Richard Thomson and William Bedwell manuscripts. "Gods" has since been changed back to the Committee's original non-capitalist word of "gods" from the capitalist word of "Gods":

1 Samuel 4:8 (NKJV, biblegateway)
"Woe to us! Who will deliver us from the hand of these mighty gods? These are the gods who struck the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness."

Ehrman's work is a fabulous rock-solid look into Biblical scholarship, agreed, but my favorite "word of God", King James Version, is the word of "Gods", unfortunately "Pop-Pop's".

Why did 'Pops' do it? Was it the flaw of his eye?
Nowhere else does 'Gods' of the Bible appear.

One diary Chief entry

aka "Pops",

Dragon Dagon

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, then beat 'em.
-Madalyn Murray O'Hair

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It is a mistake to interpolate the Doctrines of one particular sect to all of Religion.

The Word of God Doctrine is particular only to Christian Protestantism. Not even the Catholics believe it, as they have always studied their scriptures in context, that is, supposing that the words of Jesus would probably carry more weight than the words of some minor hebrew prophet that was wrong about most of what he said anyway.

The reason why the Protestants developed the Doctrine of Word of God was because they wished to abide only by the Doctrines of paul. If such was the case they needed to officially make the words of Paul equal to those of Christ. They only way they could do that was to declare every word of the Bible effectively equal... so we have the Word of God Doctrine.

So it is that almost every Protestant will tell me that I can't discredit the Letters of paul without equally questioning everything in the Bible. Without even knowing the sinister causality of their Doctrines (I should hope) they think in perfect accord to their evil intent, and are never worried at all that they have reduced the Words of Jesus to the same value as those of an angry murderer who never in his life performed even his first miracle, that is, paul.

Oh, why this solicitousness for Paul? Well, Paul, unlike any other Religious Personage in the History of the World, promised the Forgiveness of Sins. So of course those interested in the continuance of Sin would go to great Theological Lengths to support his Teachings.

But that does not make them Spiritually Valid. I should hope that people could simply see that Teachings For Sin should have no place in any honest Religion.

So this is why they created that Word of God Doctrine... once Paul was published side by side with Jesus, then they only had to claim an effective equality.

it is surprising that it makes so much sense to them.