Which One is the "Word of God"?

How do you know Jesus spoke Hebrew? I though that was the language he spoke am I wrong or is it not certain what language he would have spoken! I'll try to make sure I do not post things like facts unless it is something I am certain of from now on.
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Why was the NT written in Greek if he spoke Aramaic? I do not know do you?
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How do you know Jesus spoke Hebrew? I though that was the language he spoke am I wrong or is it not certain what language he would have spoken! I'll try to make sure I do not post things like facts unless it is something I am certain of from now on.

M*W: The myth goes that Jesus spoke Aramaic. Why do you think Mel Gibson made his movie in ancient Aramaic? Not that it matters.
By the very fact that you are using a devise you type your crap in, each instant you hit a key on your keyboard, your are by default manipulating nature! :rolleyes:

You're deceiving yourself. If you wanted to think of anything as being manipulative, then why don't you look at how the natural process of things has forced you into doing what you do because of your genes and what you have been exposed to. Then it is nature manipulating you into typing all that crap.
You're deceiving yourself. If you wanted to think of anything as being manipulative, then why don't you look at how the natural process of things has forced you into doing what you do because of your genes and what you have been exposed to. Then it is nature manipulating you into typing all that crap.

Whether the natural process of things has "forced" me or not to think one way or another is not what is question here! nor it was what I meant.

No, we cannot manipulate nature.

So what is that you call that devise in front of your eyes?

Is this not a manipulation of nature? Perhaps you need to look at how computers work, how electricity works, how electrons are being manipulated to work each time you type on your keyboard!! Thus it's the manipulation of nature that has enable me to type my message!. And it has been the manipulation of nature, of how you get to see it in front of that screen! :rolleyes:
Jesus would not have spoken English,this has all been translated to English so the words are different then what he would have spoken. They would have the same meaning since they came from the same source even if the words are different.

They really should indeed all teach the same thing but they clearly do not.

Some have the words “in heaven” and some do not. Are those words actually in the original or are they just added because of, Ummm…I don’t know why? So which one is the “Word of God” on that issue?

In some we are asking God Himself not to tempt us with evil. So apparently God is actually capable of doing this to us and we are asking Him not to. But I thought Satan was responsible for temping us with evil. In others it just says, "Do not let us be tempted". So again, which one is the “Word of God” on that issue?

In addition:

We are asking that His will be done when His will is already being done without exception. How does that work? Why ask this at all?

And if we forget to ask Him for food, does that mean that He will withhold food from us until we starve? Does that make any sense?

We are even asking Him to forgive our sins, but for the Christian they have supposedly already been forgiven. And it is now even conditional on whether or not we forgive others. So are we forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus only if we forgive others? Is that how it works? That would kind of blow the whole salvation by grace through faith theory.
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Trying to make sense of nonsense is a hard task, let alone every sect of one denomination or another interprets the same text with their own way, or every individual interprets the best way it suits him/her.
I do not find it hard to see the meaning really, this is a world where we can be tempted by things that seem like fun or good in the moment but will be the end of us, I learned "deliver us from evil" the meaning is to not be occupied with evil and useless fun or materal things when what we need is our health,life,love and the simple things that make us happy and live a long health life. That there are people who do want what is best for other people.
I learned "deliver us from evil" the meaning is to not be occupied with evil and useless fun or materal things when what we need is our health,life,love and the simple things that make us happy and live a long health life.

Sorry, kindly explain exactly what is wrong with "useless fun" or material things?
Sorry, kindly explain exactly what is wrong with "useless fun" or material things?

Pastors do not want their people to love material things like enormous multimillion-dollar church buildings. Have you ever seen the Crystal Cathedral? :rolleyes:

Hope that clears this up?
Pastors do not want their people to love material things like enormous multimillion-dollar church buildings. Have you ever seen the Crystal Cathedral?

Oh, I fully understand it from a priest/church perspective.. I'm just asking Kendall why he would personally consider "useless fun" or material things as wrong or bad etc.
Oh, I fully understand it from a priest/church perspective.. I'm just asking Kendall why he would personally consider "useless fun" or material things as wrong or bad etc.

I am sure you also already know that almost every church in existence today, with few exceptions, would rather that you give your money to their very "materialistic" building fund instead of giving your money to the poor.

I know you already understand these things and I have a great deal of respect for you, because of it.

The deception and mental raping of mankind in this age is great!
Whether the natural process of things has "forced" me or not to think one way or another is not what is question here! nor it was what I meant.
sure seems like a crucial point in what we were talking about...

So what is that you call that devise in front of your eyes?
Let me ask you this, where exactly does nature end and our manipulation begin?

Is this not a manipulation of nature? Perhaps you need to look at how computers work, how electricity works, how electrons are being manipulated to work each time you type on your keyboard!! Thus it's the manipulation of nature that has enable me to type my message!. And it has been the manipulation of nature, of how you get to see it in front of that screen! :rolleyes:
But how is this our manipulation of nature if we ourselves--as well as all our actions--are a product of nature?
“ Originally Posted by SnakeLord
Sorry, kindly explain exactly what is wrong with "useless fun" or material things? ”

Kendall:It is not that they are wrong but it is usually an escape from what we really want and need.
Let me ask you this, where exactly does nature end and our manipulation begin?

Did nature produce plastic?

But how is this our manipulation of nature if we ourselves--as well as all our actions--are a product of nature?

We are a product of nature, yes, we produce products that aren't "produced" by nature but by our intellect, then nature has been manipulated!

Simple enough for ya? :shrug:
Kendall:It is not that they are wrong but it is usually an escape from what we really want and need.

Would this be an example of you projecting your wants and needs on to everyone else?, (evidenced by the 'we')
Did nature produce plastic?
How do you know how to answer this question? This would require seperating ourselves completely from nature, which is impossible. Could it be that we and our 'creations' are simply the natural flow of process?