Which is the more enlightened way to think?

Which is the more enlightened way to think?

  • A

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • D

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
Which is the more tolerant and more enlightened way to think (A) (B) or (C)?

1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.

To: Person who rejects my Faith.
1. I consider yours to be a false and, at least somewhat, a corrupted faith,
2. As per (1) I will not worship your corrupted faith.
3. I know my faith to be the only true and uncorrupted faith,
4. As per (To: ), you, will not worship my faith.
In conclusion:
Unless you convert, you will continue to worship your false and corrupted faith and I will continue to worship the one and only true faith.

The One and Only True Last Prophet

PS: Maybe don't tell me or my children about your corrupt faith because I want them to continue to worship THE true faith - better yet, you go your way and I'll go mine (that's a hint, take it. No you are not invited to my BBQ, it's best we're not close friends - get it now? Good day to you then sir.)

1. Well, you don't believe the way I do.
2. It's OK, you may actually be correct and I may be wrong.
3. Who knows? Maybe we're both right somehow?
4. Or, maybe we are both wrong?
5. Lets agree to not worry too much about it seeing as we really won't know and it really doesn't matter anyway.
6. Want to come over to my house for a BBQ this weekend?

1. Do not accept any of my words on faith, believing them just because I said them.
2. Be like an analyst buying gold, who cuts, burns, and critically examines his product for authenticity.
3. Only accept what passes the test, by proving useful and beneficial in your life.
hey hey we agree :) Oh, so why did you pick C?

Actually, anyone really, why did you make your choice?
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The first, because its the only one that actually addresses an issue [the rejection of faith], the rest are just ramblings which make no sense. Also, because I won't invite any militant atheists for a BBQ. I'd rather they went their way and kept on walking.
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The first, because its the only one that actually addresses an issue [the rejection of faith], the rest are just ramblings which make no sense. Also, because I won't invite any militant atheists for a BBQ. I'd rather they went their way and kept on walking.
Oh, yeah, right.... :bugeye:

Come on SAM :p

As for me, I come from a multicultural society, so maybe I have been brainwashed to think its wrong telling Blacks (or Whites or Asians or Indians or Monotheists or Muslims or Polytheists or Atheists or etc..) this: "you stay with your kind and me with mine". I suppose it's been brainwashed into me to think multicultureal integration is better. But, Baron, he doens't seem to think so. You either. Nope. You guys seem to think "Stay the F*ck off my Yard" is the way to go. Whereas I think this philosophy comes from intolerance and leads to war. I'm kind of surprised you can't see it? But, meh....

Also, in case you were wondering, the last "ramblings which make no sense" was actually a quote from Buddha... ... and you know how you sometimes say that thing about people who denigrate their own culture - self hatred or something? You kind of remind me of this when you denigrate such a peaceful and intelligent person from your own culture's ancient past. :shrug:


I think:

1. Well, you don't believe the way I do.
2. It's OK, you may actually be correct and I may be wrong.

does indeed address the issue of people having different "faiths".
Ah no wonder. The Buddha never made much sense to me, unrealistic sort of chap. And I've seen what multiculturalism looks like in the US too. So yeah, not surprising its not something we don't see eye to eye on either. I'll never forget your opinion of Indian immigrants.
Indian immigrants? I've dated Indian's before - I don't have any problem with Indian immigrants. I actually like Indian people, they should migrate to the West. Most are hard working and honest people. Never see Indian's on the dole. Nope. Oh and the chicks have really nice eyes... :)

RE: Buddha quote, maybe his stuff is too deep for you? I know it is for me :D but this quote is pretty straight forward hey? I mean, it's down right simple.
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And I've seen what multiculturalism looks like in the US too.

sounds like your talking about a failed attempt at multiculturalism (this is speculation, i haven't been to America and i'm not commenting on Australia's efforts)
Multiculturalism in the US means everyone gives up their culture and embraces Walmart instead.Its a good lesson on how not to [dis]integrate.
RE: Buddha quote, maybe his stuff is too deep for you? I know it is for me :D but this quote is pretty straight forward hey? I mean, it's down right simple.

Quite possible. I guess I may need to abandon my responsibilities for a couple of decades, sit under a tree and hope people will be impressed by my utter lack of ability to move my ass and feed me out of the goodness of their hearts while I pontificate. Hopefully my father has enough money to dispense with my commitments while I sit around thinking till I've had enough.

Yeah, real deep.
Walmart is one part of the culture. The other part is the election of an African American to the office of President of the United States. Another part is bombing Iraq. Another part is donating money to Iran after their earthquake - even though Iran has the silly holiday called: "Death to America Day".
Note that the African American is completely integrated. He speaks English like a white man, supports a Jewish state of occupation and is willing to bomb Afghanis to keep the public happy.

Can't get more enlightened than that.
Note that the African American is completely integrated. He speaks English like a white man, supports a Jewish state of occupation and is willing to bomb Afghanis to keep the public happy.

Can't get more enlightened than that.
well you are catty today. First you call Buddha a moron and now Obama's a lapdog. Jeesh, someone got up on the wrong side of the coffin :p ....

As for me, I come from a multicultural society, so maybe I have been brainwashed to think its wrong telling Blacks (or Whites or Asians or Indians or Monotheists or Muslims or Polytheists or Atheists or etc..) this: "you stay with your kind and me with mine". I suppose it's been brainwashed into me to think multicultureal integration is better. But, Baron, he doens't seem to think so. You either. Nope. You guys seem to think "Stay the F*ck off my Yard" is the way to go. Whereas I think this philosophy comes from intolerance and leads to war. I'm kind of surprised you can't see it? But, meh....

Option (A) espouses a mixture of group segregation, isolationism, and non-interventionism, which suits our natural inclinations candidly. People implicitly prefer those who look like themselves, which creates ethno-racial divisions amongst us. Explicitly, people learn to prefer those who share their ideologies, which creates ideological and religious divisions amongst us. The culmination of these various divisions is the idea of a nation, state, or empire.

To be sure, Option (A) is not intended to be interpreted from an ethno-racial perspective; it is instead meant to be understood as strictly ideological. As a result, your inclusion of Blacks, Whites, Asians, and Indians in your argument against Option (A) is misleading.

Option (B) is social identity theory in play. This way of thinking is most prevalent amongst collectivist, ethnocentric, and authoritarian societies (Jewish, Chinese, and Japanese societies are good examples).

Option (C) is highly individualistic and most prevalent amongst European-derived peoples, whose unique evolutionary path molded them into displaying low levels of ethnocentrism and placing relatively low value in group allegiances.

Option (D) is individualistic, and places great value in reason and science. As reason and science are most prevalent in individualistic societies, this way of thinking is most likely to be adopted by European-derived peoples.

Option (A) and (D) seem to compliment each other, together insisting "as diverse individuals, we have come to share the same ideology through our own different analyses, and wish to remain separate from those who have chosen a different path".

Arguing whether one option is more "enlightened" than the other ignores the fact that we all have unique evolutionary paths which influence our "way of thinking".
The best way to think is to think for yourself. Never take anyones word for anything , always VERIFY what is being said. Others can and will be correct but remember there's always more than one way to get er done!
Quite possible. I guess I may need to abandon my responsibilities for a couple of decades, sit under a tree and hope people will be impressed by my utter lack of ability to move my ass and feed me out of the goodness of their hearts while I pontificate. Hopefully my father has enough money to dispense with my commitments while I sit around thinking till I've had enough.

Yeah, real deep.
Yeah Yeah, in the real world where Ballet and Opera are hungry monsters that devour the fruits of the worker - you'd make a good Communist SAM. I mean, did it ever occur to you that humanity is better off with Ballet, Opera, Music, Dance, Philosophy, Song, Literature, Sculpture?

Did it maybe occure to you that sitting under the tree and thinking is a way of earning ones keep? If people are willing to pay you for your advice or your knowledge, then it's no different than any other job.

SAM, again, if you think back to your very own words of advice on self-hatred and then remember that Buddha was an Indian.... clicking? any of it? a little bit?

anyway, I think my C is still a bit better than Buddha and much better than neuvo-Xian writings.
SAM, again, if you think back to your very own words of advice on self-hatred and then remember that Buddha was an Indian.... clicking? any of it? a little bit?

Umm so sitting around on your ass and expecting charity for it is to be admired because a Nepali Prince who may be mythological did it? Nice ideology you have there. Daddy had the money to pay the bills so the son could sit on his ass for decades. Its a luxury not available to nonprinces, hence the bhikshu tradition. Imagine making a religion out of sitting on your ass doing nothing. :rolleyes:

Why don't you try it for a few days and tell me what it feels like?

anyway, I think my C is still a bit better than Buddha and much better than neuvo-Xian writings.

Of course you do. You think multiculturalism is Walmart + MacDonalds, with everyone speaking one language and wearing the same clothes.