Which came first, the theist or the atheist?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Just curious about this, but I've been on this forum since 2001, and I've seen at least a couple of members embrace atheism including myself. How many atheists on this forum have left atheism to become theists?
How can you embrace Atheism?
Theres nothing to embrace. You should embrace the person of Christ instead.
I've left atheism but I wouldn't call myself a theist... theists see me as an atheist and atheists see me as a theist. Both sides avoid me.

Which came first? None of them. When we're children, we don't yet know what God is so we can't believe or disbelieve.
Lapdog: How can you embrace Atheism? Theres nothing to embrace.
M*W: One can 'embrace' an opinion or idea or philosophy or or faith or religion or the lack thereof.
Lapdog: You should embrace the person of Christ instead.
M*W: I know you're a newbie here, but I was a sincere, devout Roman Catholic scorching the Earth in the name of all that was Christianity. Then I received wisdom while standing at the high altar in St. Peter's that Christianity was all a big lie! In reality, there is nothing real nor true to 'embrace' with Christianity. There are no monotheistic nor polytheistic nor pantheistic god(s). They're all plagarized lies of plagerized lielss. Atheism is the only truth to 'embrace.'

I take it that you've never heard of the 16-25 born of virgins, dying, rising demigod saviors who preceded the myth of Jesus. If you can prove that any of these people, especially Jesus H. Christ existed, I'm sure we'd all like to hear about it.

BTW, the Roman Catholic Church and everything that came before it is not christianity. It's the antichrist.
Neither scenario is very convincing. Theism, with God defined as a separate, omnipotent, kingly entity, is obviously a human creation. Atheism fails to inspire, and take into account the possibility that although not externally controlled, the universe may have an integrated and self-organizing principle similar to the Eastern concept of Tao, and that while not needing to be worshipped, could be discovered within ourselves.
spidergoat said:
Theism, with God defined as a separate, omnipotent, kingly entity, is obviously a human creation.

Using electricity is also a human creation.
Actually, animals preceded us in that. Many animals like fish, sharks and the platypus have an electrical sense for hunting prey. Come to think of it, the nervous system in general is electro-chemical.
So, maybe God (the Christian form) is similar... like with electricity... we might think it is a human creation, but it existed before humans.

What makes you think that a "separate, omnipotent, kingly entity", is a human creation?
Which came first...

Clearly the atheist was first. There was certainly a point before human intelligence was capable of language, let alone the concept of a "creator". In that sense early humans were the perfect, natural atheists. No concept of a "god" was necessary or even possible.

Then one day a wonderful thing happened. A smarter atheist proto-human realized that if he (or she) could convince the others that a super-powerful "sky bogey man" would tear them to pieces without their blind obedience, and that he (or she) was the direct link to the "sky bogey man", what power that would be!

So the others (being stupider than the new and improved proto human) followed him willingly and with great obedience lest he stop interceeding with the sky dude on their behalf.

Thus followed all of the theists.
Superluminal said:
Clearly the atheist was first. There was certainly a point before human intelligence was capable of language, let alone the concept of a "creator". In that sense early humans were the perfect, natural atheists. No concept of a "god" was necessary or even possible.

By this logic my dog is also a perfect, natural atheist.
superluminal said:
Then one day a wonderful thing happened. A smarter atheist proto-human realized that if he (or she) could convince the others that a super-powerful "sky bogey man" would tear them to pieces without their blind obedience, and that he (or she) was the direct link to the "sky bogey man", what power that would be!

The idea of God arose when man became conscious of himself. When something evil happened, he wondered why, he felt guilty and assumed that it must have been an unknown force which punished him for something he had done. Man didn't realize that it was his ignorance and his subconscious mind (the higher self) which was punishing him, so that he would learn. Our own ignorance is what we should fear.
Abrahamic religions appear to be cheap knockoffs of the Zoroastrian religion. Why is the dogma from any of the three 'right' and everything else 'wrong'?
Only because religions talk about the same things doesn't mean they have been plagiarized. ALL religions talk about the same thing: the meaning of life. Jesus has appeared in different religions, with different names, just like God has. The flood really occured 5000 years ago, that's why many religious scripts mention it. It doesn't need to be a sign of plagiarism. And even if some things were "plagiarized", it doesn't matter.

What is right is subjective. One likes Christianity, someone else likes Islam and so on. All these religions still come from the same God and lead to the same goal.
superluminal said:
Yeah? So? What's your point? All atheists have dog brains? We should be so lucky...
It was just a joke, regarding your "logic". Just poking fun, haha, whatever.
Yorda: So, maybe God (the Christian form) is similar... like with electricity... we might think it is a human creation, but it existed before humans.
M*W: Who knows? Electricity could be god.
Yorda: What makes you think that a "separate, omnipotent, kingly entity", is a human creation?
M*W: Because a "separate, omnipotent, kingly entity" is merely an idea created by humans. It really doesn't exist.
Yorda: Only because religions talk about the same things doesn't mean they have been plagiarized. ALL religions talk about the same thing: the meaning of life. Jesus has appeared in different religions, with different names, just like God has. The flood really occured 5000 years ago, that's why many religious scripts mention it. It doesn't need to be a sign of plagiarism. And even if some things were "plagiarized", it doesn't matter.

What is right is subjective. One likes Christianity, someone else likes Islam and so on. All these religions still come from the same God and lead to the same goal.
M*W: You're only partially right, Yorda. All the Abrahamic religons do come from the same 'god,' Amen Ra, as in Ab-RA-ham, Is-RA-el, etc. All religions known to humankind have come from early humans fearing and awing the sun, solar system, the elements, and women.