Where's the Devil?

i dissagree marlin, i try to be a good person but i will never belive in christ and i would say the same thing about budists and hindus and all the other non christan religions. what about them? the dali lahma DEFINITLY doesnt belive in christ and he is VERY old and i doubt he will change his views before he dies so what about him?
Bowser said:
God bless you, marlin :)

Back to the Devil: Marlin, if you were searching for the Devil, where would you first look?

I dunno--maybe a pornography store, or the House of Representatives...:D
Asguard said:
i dissagree marlin, i try to be a good person but i will never belive in christ and i would say the same thing about budists and hindus and all the other non christan religions. what about them? the dali lahma DEFINITLY doesnt belive in christ and he is VERY old and i doubt he will change his views before he dies so what about him?

Those who don't get the chance to hear and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ in mortality will get a completely fair and just chance to accept it in the next life. And as people become convinced that only in Christ is there eternal life, and that all other ways lead to spiritual death, one by one they will convert. It's a matter of having the proper perspective. After Christ's doctrine becomes understood as Truth, people will flock to Him in droves, to the confounding of all false doctrine.
oh i herd it alrigh, i was brought up catholic, i just belive its a lump of marsh gas. The ONLY useful bit in it seems to be the bit everyone ignores "do onto others as you would have them do onto you" and look around and ask yourself how many "christans" even TRY to follow that?

As i said its all a lump of marsh gas and budaisum is a MUCH better religion anyway
Asguard said:
oh i herd it alrigh, i was brought up catholic, i just belive its a lump of marsh gas. The ONLY useful bit in it seems to be the bit everyone ignores "do onto others as you would have them do onto you" and look around and ask yourself how many "christans" even TRY to follow that?

As i said its all a lump of marsh gas and budaisum is a MUCH better religion anyway

Well, if you actually do unto others as you would have them do unto you, you'll be doing very well in God's eyes, regardless of your religious preference.
thats my point, that there is a flaw in christan teachings. To many people think that if you go to church all your life and "belive in christ" that automatically makes you a good person. It doesnt if you happen to be a mass murder who doesnt change. Its the ACTIONS not the belife that should be more important but under this worlds views at least right now its all fire and brimstone and muslims are evil and christans are good. Thats just not the case
Asguard said:
thats my point, that there is a flaw in christan teachings. To many people think that if you go to church all your life and "belive in christ" that automatically makes you a good person. It doesnt if you happen to be a mass murder who doesnt change. Its the ACTIONS not the belife that should be more important but under this worlds views at least right now its all fire and brimstone and muslims are evil and christans are good. Thats just not the case

I think many Christian denominations today miss the point and exclude works and actions from their "to do list" and say that all you have to do is believe. To these churches, Christ's grace is seen as all-important, to the total exclusion of works and righteousness. Mormonism recognizes that grace saves us, but only after all we can do. In Mormon belief, we have to not only believe in Christ, but we have to emulate Him and take His name upon us. Works play an important part in our salvation. Grace is what gets us into heaven, but it doesn't come cheap like so many other churches teach.
oh B\W the next mormon or johoves witness who comes knocking on my door is going to get force feed hash cookies:p
Asguard said:
oh B\W the next mormon or johoves witness who comes knocking on my door is going to get force feed hash cookies:p

LOL, make sure they ask a blessing on them first. We can't have high missionaries! :D
i have an intence dislike of door to door salesmen and they are no different. If i chose to aproch there church then fine or asking questions here fine but no one comes to my house who i dont invite, that is MY space
Bowser said:
If the devil lives, what form does it take and where would we find it?

A simple invitation to explore the nature of evil :D

Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Satan and his multitude of devils that follow him are totally evil and more intelligent than men. They exist in another dimension that occupies the same space as the Earth, the spirit world. They are disembodied spirits with no physical bodies and they have telepathic contact to the minds of men. They tempt men do evil and try to deceive men so that men will go to hell. God is allowing them to have this power now to test men to see if they will do evil or not, to see what men are worthy to be angels of God in the afterlife and what men are not worthy of it.
Satan and the devils can manifest themselves as evil thoughts telepathically sent to a person and the evil words and deeds that those thougts can cause a person to say or do. They can manifest themselves as visions of points of light or ghostly images to deceive.
[The poltergeist movement of objects might have something to do with the devil making a person believe that the objects will move, and in response to that belief the objects move; a form of psychokinesis.]
I Am Satan!
And You're All Going To Hell!

Bwah Haah Hahaah Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Bowser said:
If the devil lives, what form does it take and where would we find it?

A simple invitation to explore the nature of evil :D
who is te story teller?...'you'..what ARE you? well you know you got a conscious aspect and an 'unconscious' aspect

the culture ou've been raised in--after a long line of a similar mindset, makes you pay more attention to te conscious aspect--especialy its logical functions--rather tan your more subtle unconscious aspects

all of tha latter becomes suppressed. and scapegoated. and an infamous concept/character created out of this is the scapegoat ...The Devil. al sexuality non accepted, repressed aggression, etc etc is projected onto this figure.....part man part beast.part human part earth. demon-ized. cause te mindset tat created him--Christianity looks wit fear at Nature. it wants escape from Natre or to put-it-right via 'Jesus'---ie., 'spiritualize it.

is it any woner that the /devil's 'other half, 'Jesus is noted in the Bible not to have had a sex life , and even not to have been conceived in 'lust'......? tis revels te ci;ts deep fear of natruality, including sex. and thus....doen't it seem inevitable to you they would then PROJECT all teir unacknowledgeddeeper part onto a 'devil' who lives under the Earth?
GodlessEvil said:
I Am Satan!
And You're All Going To Hell!

Bwah Haah Hahaah Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Some advice:
Go to an assembly of God church, or a church of God church, or a Church of God in Christ church and ask them to perform an excorcism if you think that you need one. Then believe in Jesus and repent of sin.

You have some interesting thoughts. What you seem to be saying is that the Devil lives in the hearts of Men. In essence, the devil lives because we give it life? :D