Where's the Devil?

The Devil is in the same exact place as God.
Both reside in the collective intentions, actions and knowedge of man, and they are in a constant struggle with each other.

Every action you take affects the lives and decisions of countless people around you and each one of those actions that were affected by your action affects many more.
It is an endless collection of ripples interacting in an infinite pool of time.

Let's call all those influences combined at any given moment the Collective Subconscious Force.
That force, though it can not been seen, heard, measured or quantified, certainly has very real effects.
It ran through the deep south many years ago and convinced people to lynch niggers.
It pulled people together at home to gather their efforts and cooperate while their sons and husbands were off fighting World War II.
It made Michael Jackson a star.
It made Michael Jackson a pitiful laughing stock.

It can not be seen by human eyes, but people can feel its presence.
It is omnipotent: It can force the hands of man and turn the tides of fate. It can not be stopped or contained. No one man can control it, but every man can influence it -it hears the prayers of every man, and responds accordingly.
It is omniscient: It is the sum of the knowledge, wisdom, experience and emotions of everyone, past and present. There is nothing that happens that it does not know about. There is nothing that has happened that it does not remember. It can predict the future (though, with enough concerted effort from man, that future is not inevitable).
It is omnibenevolent: It contains the sum all the benevolent influences of mankind.
It is omnipresent: There is no place man can go without being affected by it.
It is eternal: It has existed since man the dawn of man's consciousness. As long as man exists, it will exist.
It creates man in it's own image.

Every attribute of God and the Devil, every bible story, every ideal and ideology can be ascribed to the Collective Subconscious Force.
What is it about Bush that defines the Devil. You have given it a name, but that's far from defining the Devil. :)
well are you look from a religious sence or using the devil to define evil?

if your trying to define evil in a sociaty sence i would say that a homicidle meglamaniac with the power of the strongest nation on earth at his desposal would define it somehow. Admitedly he is probably no more evil than blair, howard, osama, or the president of zimbubwee but he has more power so that makes his actions worse. Those who have more power must be held to a higher standard than those with LESS power

In truth its not him who is evil because he has the mind of an infant, the evil lies in those who PUT him there KNOWING that he has the mind of an infant
One_Raven... Thank you.

Every action you take affects the lives and decisions of countless people around you and each one of those actions that were affected by your action affects many more.
It is an endless collection of ripples interacting in an infinite pool of time.

Wow. Thank you again...
Devils exist all around us, trying to get us to obey them and become miserable like they are. They are spirits without physical bodies, fallen angels who rebelled against God in the "pre-existence." Here's a link for more info about the devil:

Bible Dictionary: The Devil

Evil is an infection of the spirit, isn't it? It can influence our individual actions and intentions, causing the infection to spread beyond our control.
Bowser said:

Evil is an infection of the spirit, isn't it? It can influence our individual actions and intentions, causing the infection to spread beyond our control.

I don't think evil is a substance as far as matter goes, but I do agree that it causes spiritual ills and diseases to come upon us and influence us unduly if we let it.
I don't think evil is a substance as far as matter goes, but I do agree that it causes spiritual ills and diseases to come upon us and influence us unduly if we let it.

Would you classify yourself as being a creature of substance or a creature of spirit?
Bowser said:
Would classify yourself as being a creature of substance or a creature of spirit?

Both, actually. Mormon belief says that spirits are made of matter, but it is more refined and pure than what we consider to be "material matter." My spirit is made of matter, and my body is made of (cruder) matter.
Mormon belief says that spirits are made of matter, but it is more refined and pure than what we consider to be "material matter." My spirit is made of matter, and my body is made of (cruder) matter.

Interesting... But you believe the spirit of a man has the capacity to reject the spirits of evil?
Bowser said:
Interesting... But you believe the spirit of a man has the capacity to reject the spirits of evil?

Absolutely. All beings with physical bodies have power over those who don't. We need not fear the power of the devil if we keep the commandments, and the Priesthood (the power to act in God's name on earth) can protect us from all evil spirits and their activities.
We learn to recognize it over time, over the course of our lives. Here is what the Book of Mormon says about recognizing good and evil:

Moroni 7:15-17

Basically, it says that whatever invites us to do good and believe in Christ and love Him is good, and whatever tries to make us deny Christ and not serve and love Him is of the devil.
what about people who dont belive in god but are good people and people who are evil but DO belive in god?
For behold, a bitter fountain• cannot bring forth good water; neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water;

Very true

Wherefore, all things which are good• cometh of God; and that which is evil• cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin•, and to do that which is evil continually.


For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge•, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.

I'm not certain how I feel about the above.
Asguard said:
what about people who dont belive in god but are good people and people who are evil but DO belive in god?

The Book of Mormon is clear: what leads to Christ is good, and what leads away from Christ is evil. Good people (including good atheists) will eventually, upon finally understanding all the issues, convert to God's side and believe in Christ. Evil people who believe in God will have to repent or they cannot be saved.
Marlin, would it be safe to say that if God loves you and me, he also loves Asguard? Heck, I would stretch that thought to cover everyone in the world. :)
Bowser said:
Marlin, would it be safe to say that if God loves you and me, he also loves Asguard? Heck, I would stretch that thought to cover everyone in the world. :)

Of course. That goes almost without saying. God has a perfect unconditional love for each and every one of His children (us).
God has a perfect unconditional love for each and every one of His children (us).

God bless you, marlin :)

Back to the Devil: Marlin, if you were searching for the Devil, where would you first look?