Where's the Devil?


Valued Senior Member
If the devil lives, what form does it take and where would we find it?

A simple invitation to explore the nature of evil :D
I would suggest that most of the <i>bad shit</i> that happens to people in this world is caused by other people. I suspect that God's love has nothing to do with it.
Bowser said:
I would suggest that most of the <i>bad shit</i> that happens to people in this world is caused by other people. I suspect that God's love has nothing to do with it.

Depends on what God loves or loves doing?
Killing millions comes to mind. Not sure if God really loves anything. He always comes across as being pissed off at something or other. Usually settles most problems with a smiting or two. Would he do it if he didn't love it?
the white house

But God doesn't run the country :D

Killing millions comes to mind. Not sure if God really loves anything. He always comes across as being pissed off at something or other. Usually settles most problems with a smiting or two. Would he do it if he didn't love it?

I suppose it depends on how you look at God. The harm that I see in this world comes from men, not God.
god not again, most of what has been done in the name of god would have been done in the name of brociali if they could have goten away with it. Very little has to do with religion and very much has to do with religion being used as a tool for political ends in order to get money or power. You need to look below the surface
Somewhere I read that the Devil rules the World. I find little evidence to the contrary.