Where was the Garden of Eden?

National Geographic say Eden is present day Bahrain and showed 'evidence' why.

The island of Bahrain was known as Dilmun to the Sumerians 5,000 years ago. And it could be supposed that the Dilmun civilisation still retained the distant memories of the submerged Mesolithic hunting grounds.
But, the evidence shows that Bahrain was not the site of `Eden`.

See also
Some sources using biblical station place it in Turkey between the Tigris river and Lake Van, near the cities of Kurtalan and Bitlis. This is a mountainous region though and I always thought it would have been in a more level plain near Iraq.

However the Flood did radicaly rearrange the Earth according to the Bible.
Concerning where the Garden of Eden is now. So reason that it still exist. They conclude that it's been hidden but God had no reason to destroy it. It seems more likely that the Garden and all that was in it was destroyed in that flood. I can reason that there was no reason to preserve it in a special way as though any of it was not reproducable or as though Man would be returning to it within Man's Life time.
The Garden of Eden is a metaphor for a certain place on a woman's body that's directly across from where the tree of knowledge is located on a man.

no it is not. That is not the metaphorical meaning of Garden of Eden, don't change history :mad:

Garden of Eden existed and it was an actual garden with the trees, animals, lakes...rivers and one man and one woman and a God.
no it is not. That is not the metaphorical meaning of Garden of Eden, don't change history :mad:

Garden of Eden existed and it was an actual garden with the trees, animals, lakes...rivers and one man and one woman and a God.

God didn't live in the garden, or maybe you are referring to the snake..
and were was heaven when Garden of Eden was there? Was not Garden of Eden the heaven?

Garden of eden was on earth, heaven is certainly not.. just look around you.
How can the garden of eden be heaven when we were expelled from it ?
Since God created the garden, where did he live before he created it ?
And where did he live before he created Earth ?

"Heaven" is a reference to 'the heavens', as in the skies.. among the stars.

Earth is also...among the stars.

God...did not live anywhere before that...God did not exist before Earth was created. The necessity came and so did the God came into existence.
Earth is also...among the stars.

God...did not live anywhere before that...God did not exist before Earth was created. The necessity came and so did the God came into existence.

What necessity was that ?