Where was the Garden of Eden?

Occasionally I have a moment of brilliance. After it came to me I thought it made a lot of sense, especially when you consider the bible's scribes use of metaphor which is so proudly professed by its interpretors.

God's happy as long as the Garden is properly tended, and there are many ways. If my interpretation is correct then I swear God wants us to enjoy sex, but should a woman get any idea like taking a personal interest in the staff of life, well, then that's something he never thought of.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if the first sin was an act of oral sex, fellatio, insomuch as the scribes had to disguise it thus. Forbidden fruit in the one place where man's brain is apt to be.

M*W: Yeah, that's the ticket! I also like the lyrics, "I love your peaches, want to shake your tree!" It has similar meaning.
I believe it is located somewhere in the Mesopotamia area, around the Tigris and Euphrates, Iraq sounds about right.
the fourth dimension is time... did you mean that is in a dimension beyond our perception? because we can certainly perceive time

Yes, you are right, but I think is beyond most people´s perception.
If you take in consideration that time is eternal, that it never started and never ended, you would realize how insignificant the lenght of a lifetime is.
If you meditate, and that is to put your mind in blank, not think about anything, you become eternity. The future haven´t happened, the past already did. But to live in the present is to live in eternity. Can you close your eyes and think about something you have NEVER seen? Think about it, close you eyes, millions of images are going to pass through you brain. But all the images are going to be reconstructions of things you have seen. If you imagine a flying frog in a Gold cloud, you are not imagining anything new.

Think as each cell of our body as a Universe, an endless Universe. Physical and mental posibilities are just illusions created by us, to live this glimpse of eternity pleasing others.

The present time is the Garden of Eden, but the mind lives in the past or future, never in the present.
The origin of the term "Eden", may be linked with the Akkadian and Sumerian words meaning "plain".
The discovery of the river Pishon and other key findings indicate that Eden is now underwater, (due to sea level rise), off the coast of the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates.

Photographic evidence:


Not aceptable without some real sinning - like a knee-trembler with Eve against the tree.
You got that sentence wrong. It should not be Adam seeded to the core but Adam needed to score.

Sorry Myles, I fucked up.

What I meant to say was Adam scored but sorely needed to be sure that surely she'd be seeded...to be sure, to be sure. ( Adam was an Irishman!)
And that voyeur of a snake was an under-equipped Aussie.

Yes, yes, the one-eyed trouser snake, often ill-equipped for the rigours of outback life ( Sheila be right mate!)

What's the difference between an Aussie bloke with a hard-on and an outback Sheila with hert pants off?

One's a daft bloke with a rigid rope
and the other's a hard case with shaft hope. ( forgive me, making it up as I go along)
Yes, yes, the one-eyed trouser snake, often ill-equipped for the rigours of outback life ( Sheila be right mate!)

What's the difference between an Aussie bloke with a hard-on and an outback Sheila with hert pants off?

One's a daft bloke with a rigid rope
and the other's a hard case with shaft hope. ( forgive me, making it up as I go along)

No wonder the roos hop it
No wonder the roos hop it

Yeah, those poor marsupial tragics have been a bit jumpy since the blackfellas arrived ( in God's image..with a raging hard on!)

Vive la bestiality!

Shit. The Pope just arrived and all the altar boys took refuge under a Nun's robes ( bad decision!)
I agree with Snakelord. It would have been located near the Tigris and Euphrates river, in Syria and Iraq, possibly extending north

As for whether or not it existed, well, obviously it may not have been truly as it was described in the religious books. But that doesn't necessarily mean there wasn't some sort of bountiful garden-like area that the civilizations of the region thought of as "perfect" or something like that
And at the oasis the men were eating their dates. Still quite popular among men today. The Garden of Eden is and always will be at that famous intersection of the Thighs.