Where was the Garden of Eden?

We never were, there.

Photographic evidence:

I've been trying to figure that out for years.
I think maybe Ethiopia, near where the Niles converge, but I lean towards somewhere between Iraq and Turkey as well.

Hey, does anyone know what Turkish sounds like?
I assume it sounds Semetic, is that right?
The Niles converge in Sudan, but the legendary Lake Tana is the source of the Blue Nile.
The way people speak when giving language lessons is not necessarily the same as when they speak in conversation, but it's a start.
M*W: Eden was located in the zodiac in the sky between the constellations of Virgo, Serpens and Arcturus. For those of you who haven't heard me explain this before, Arcturus is Adam, Virgo is Eve, and Serpens is the Serpent in Eden. They were not human beings. They were mythological beings created by ancient nomads who traveled by the night skies.
The Garden of Eden is the Forth Dimension, its already there, we can go there if we seek for it. It has been called many names like: "The Kindom of God", "Heaven" or "Nirvana".
The Garden of Eden is a metaphor for a certain place on a woman's body that's directly across from where the tree of knowledge is located on a man.
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The Garden of Eden is the Forth Dimension, its already there, we can go there if we seek for it. It has been called many names like: "The Kindom of God", "Heaven" or "Nirvana".

the fourth dimension is time... did you mean that is in a dimension beyond our perception? because we can certainly perceive time
M*W: I like your definition. It makes the most sense of them all!

Occasionally I have a moment of brilliance. After it came to me I thought it made a lot of sense, especially when you consider the bible's scribes use of metaphor which is so proudly professed by its interpretors.

God's happy as long as the Garden is properly tended, and there are many ways. If my interpretation is correct then I swear God wants us to enjoy sex, but should a woman get any idea like taking a personal interest in the staff of life, well, then that's something he never thought of.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if the first sin was an act of oral sex, fellatio, insomuch as the scribes had to disguise it thus. Forbidden fruit in the one place where man's brain is apt to be.