Where is Jesus right now?


Where did he go after ascending into the sky? Does that imply that heaven is actually in the sky, or can otherwise be entered by going into space? If he physically rose from the dead, and his physical body ascended into heaven, which is supposed to be a spiritual realm, then how does that work? Where is he waiting until the Second Coming?

These are some things that puzzle me.
Jesus left the Earth on a spaceship, presumably using an ion drive since everyone saw a very bright light without heat...traveled somewhere into space...

Halo above Jesus would suggest that he was wearing a helmet...which supports the claims from space origin and use of spacecraft to ascend to heaven which is space.


Jesus today...currently is presumably in another galaxy alltogether...as there are many references to stars in the Bible.

The eleven stars (Gen. 37:9); the seven (Amos 5:8); wandering (Jude 1:13); seen in the east at the birth of Christ, probably some luminous meteors miraculously formed for this specific purpose (Matt. 2:2-10); stars worshipped (Deut. 4:19; 2 Kings 17:16; 21:3; Jer. 19:13); spoken of symbolically (Num. 24:17; Rev. 1:16, 20; 12:1)

whatever constellation has 11 stars in it...

which is Corvus, constellation Corvus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvus_(constellation)

Also it can be assumed that Jesus had either an autonomous spaceship which transported him on board using some sort of beam which was able to capture his mass and transport him on board or there was an accomplice of Jesus or a pilot who controlled the spacecraft

or maybe...God did not go anywhere...it is we who went somewhere...Maybe God is a programmer. SO he programmed this universe in C++ and we are the algorithm of this huge program that is inside his computer sitting in Jesus's room.

Maybe Jesus is just drinking diet-pepsi right now and playing pac-man...while this universe is running on his computer.
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Where did he go after ascending into the sky? Does that imply that heaven is actually in the sky, or can otherwise be entered by going into space? If he physically rose from the dead, and his physical body ascended into heaven, which is supposed to be a spiritual realm, then how does that work? Where is he waiting until the Second Coming?

These are some things that puzzle me.

He did not ascend into the sky. There is no heaven. He did not physically rise from the dead. The whole jesus myth does not work for any rational person. There will be no second coming.
You have the right questions, work out the answers rationally.
welcome future agnostic/atheist:cool:
If there is anything beyond our physical realm, why coudn't Jesus have done what he'd done?

You guys are too materialistic

And I'm agnostic too
ok current agnostic...do you agree that Jesus used a nuclear powered ion engine using the xenon gas for propulsion? :bugeye: or what gas than do you think Jesus used? :bugeye:

Maybe he didn't move at all, but just moved the entire universe until he was in heaven? :shrug:
Where did he go after ascending into the sky? Does that imply that heaven is actually in the sky, or can otherwise be entered by going into space? If he physically rose from the dead, and his physical body ascended into heaven, which is supposed to be a spiritual realm, then how does that work? Where is he waiting until the Second Coming?

These are some things that puzzle me.

To answer the op which asked where Jesus is NOT how he travelled, I can confidently say that he is with his Heavenly Father.
Meanwhile Myles...I actually answered the question of were Jesus is...based on reference of 11 stars in Bible...Jesus is in Corvus Constellation
We can calculate the mass Jesus weighed and the minimum weight of that spacecraft...and thus the energy needed to accelerate the spacecraft towards speeds as fast as light...
who do we trust more? Jesus or Einstein? I think it is a fair game that we all know the answer to that question.
We can calculate the mass Jesus weighed and the minimum weight of that spacecraft...and thus the energy needed to accelerate the spacecraft towards speeds as fast as light...

You are indeed foolish. Jesus is pure spirit. He has no weight.
When did Einstein ever feed the multitude with a few loaves and fishes ?

parallels here...he fed us with equations to feed the masses...equations that spoke of barriers like speed of light that we cannot overcome and equations that told us that we are energy if we accelerate ourselves fast enough.