Where did you meet god?

Haha i come back and my che guevara joke has been removed, i wasnt really going to gather a people's army online and force sci forums into submission you know chaps.
Seriously though whats going on here? i come back from a months trip in the states and everyones had a sense of humour bypass.
I really hate to think that grown men actually scurry home at night to eagerly hand out internet infractions, but this seems to be the real world reality of it all.
What saddens me the most is that i know youre better than this brothers, alot of you could actually make milk monitor if you really put the effort in.

Tag youre it, im telling, last one on the climbing frame is bent. etc.

You used CHE in a joke?
Have you not heard of the new directive?

read quickly
removal imminent.

I think what's happening is that the discussion group has been beset
possilby coincidentally or possibly by design
by a number of people who are more interested in pushing
a particular point of view than in general discussion.

Instead of just banning them
they are applying the rules fairly harshly to everyone
so that when they kick off the hidden agenda people it is seen to be fair.
I've not been here long enough to know what it was like before.

Maybe there's a legal aspect to it.

The rules are fairly complex
and are frequently bent
but not at the moment it seems
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How could anyone take your seriously after posting a post like that?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I thought people would see that the humour is just my own way of dealing with my personal existential crisis rather than an underhanded way of poking fun at other people and their beliefs.
Although i can see how my initial post could come off as disingenuous, although i assure you im very genuine about wanting to find god! :p

I think this leads to some interesting points though, is 'seriousness' rather than mirth a better mind set in which to find God? does God require a basic level of gravitas?
You used CHE in a joke?
Have you not heard of the new directive?

read quickly
removal imminent.

I think what's happening is that the discussion group has been beset
possilby coincidentally or possibly by design
by a number of people who are more interested in pushing
a particular point of view than in general discussion.

Instead of just banning them
they are applying the rules fairly harshly to everyone
so that when they kick off the hidden agenda people it is seen to be fair.
I've not been here long enough to know what it was like before.

Maybe there's a legal aspect to it.

The rules are fairly complex
and are frequently bent
but not at the moment it seems

Its like i came here looking for god and all i found was multi-leveled internet bureaucracy!
Self-inflicted bureaucracy is one of the greatest mysteries of modern day life, think about it - the internet is a completely open framework, in theory sci forums could be complete anarchy and probably function pretty well (i know some forums that have co-opted this model actually and have done very well from it).
But er yeah where was i, oh yeah...what's interesting is that people actually seek out to recreate the same bureaucratic institutions online that they claim to hate so much in real life. Then again enforcing rules and living by them are too very different things.
All of this is completely old news to god of course, hes the ulimtate lawmaker and bureaucrat in chief.

Maybe ive been looking at this all wrong, maybe stringent bureucracy is the true way to God's heart.
Its like i came here looking for god and all i found was multi-leveled internet bureaucracy!
Self-inflicted bureaucracy is one of the greatest mysteries of modern day life, think about it - the internet is a completely open framework, in theory sci forums could be complete anarchy and probably function pretty well (i know some forums that have co-opted this model actually and have done very well from it).
But er yeah where was i, oh yeah...what's interesting is that people actually seek out to recreate the same bureaucratic institutions online that they claim to hate so much in real life. Then again enforcing rules and living by them are too very different things.
All of this is completely old news to god of course, hes the ulimtate lawmaker and bureaucrat in chief.

Maybe ive been looking at this all wrong, maybe stringent bureucracy is the true way to God's heart.

There are plenty of sites without this kind of regulations, and they are a joke. You cannot have a serious conversation and the whole point is missed in the stupidity of the masses. So, if you don´t like this kinda site, then don´t go in this kinda site.
If it was that kind of site, I wouldn't use it.
I don't like anarchy.

Things will balance out eventually.
There are plenty of sites without this kind of regulations, and they are a joke. You cannot have a serious conversation and the whole point is missed in the stupidity of the masses. So, if you don´t like this kinda site, then don´t go in this kinda site.
I dont mind regulations as long as theyre sensible - for instance i should have really been pulled up for going insanely off-topic on this thread, not for saying a word that only the most sensitive of souls would consider offense.

Its off-topic meanderings and character attacks that are the true debate-derailers and ive no problem with those issues being addressed, but they still dont seem to be.
Im just getting a strong whiff of bureaucracy for bureaucracy's sake here, 'sall im saying.
*waits for the half the thread to be deleted*

Anyone seen god like?
Its off-topic meanderings and character attacks that are the true debate-derailers and ive no problem with those issues being addressed, but they still dont seem to be.

I agree.
Why are cauliflowers so expensive at the moment?
Is it something to do with Global Warming or what?
I thought people would see that the humour is just my own way of dealing with my personal existential crisis rather than an underhanded way of poking fun at other people and their beliefs.
Although i can see how my initial post could come off as disingenuous, although i assure you im very genuine about wanting to find god! :p

I think this leads to some interesting points though, is 'seriousness' rather than mirth a better mind set in which to find God? does God require a basic level of gravitas?

Of course God knows your thoughts and motivations in approaching the subject as you have. But me being only human can only read what you have put down and form an impression of your attitude from the limited amount of information i am getting.

You post just sounded mocking and sarcastic to me.

Humour often works better when people are in each others physical presence and even then people can get their wires crossed and it can all come out pair shaped.

Of ten when people are making jokes in forums the put a little "jk" at the end to make it clear. But anyway if your serious i will take another look at your post.

I think being earnest and genuine are important factors when seeking God..

Jeremiah 29
13And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I take your point, its just my coping-mechanism for A. not going insane and B. preventing myself from turning into what robert anton wilson would call as 'cosmic shmuck'.
In other words im very serious about not taking myself too seriously :p

Anyway, as i said i am genuinely interested in all your experiences.
Although im assuming alot of people on here are opperating on the basis of faith (presumption) of god's existance.
But im also sure that there are a few here that have had some sort of experience of god to arrive at a belief in him/her/it.
What was he like? was he a crushing bore as most over achievers are? or was he more like an incomprehensible burst of photon-packets up the nostrils?
Then again, some people say you only ever find god 'within' and seeking him externally is somewhat missing the point.
In which case, id be interested to know if any of you have ever found god lurking inside you and whether this ever made you uncomfortable going to the toilet after you subsequently found out.

Seriously though i am genuinely looking for god (or a girl friend im not entirely sure yet) so if you know where he hides let me know.

Ok You cannot find God physically in this state of existence. You know in the physical form.

Finding God is an expression that some people use to express that they have established a relationship with God or they have found the will of God or have discovered that God exists. The seeking is not a physical search but a search for the truth of Gods existence and the search for His will.

( I do find it hard to believe that you do not understand this. But as you say your serious)

Those who say they can find God within are more likely that not new agers who believe that God is a force and we are all a part of that force so God is within us so we are God and the tree next to the road is God and the tyres your car is supported by are gods. This goes in hand with nature worshipers who think god is the universe the sun the stars and mother earth and all that stuff.

So to answer your question God is not found physically inside me or you or the TV remote controller and do not worry, you will not flush Him down the toilet either.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What was he like? was he a crushing bore as most over achievers are? or was he more like an incomprehensible burst of photon-packets up the nostrils?
Then again, some people say you only ever find god 'within' and seeking him externally is somewhat missing the point.
In which case, id be interested to know if any of you have ever found god lurking inside you and whether this ever made you uncomfortable going to the toilet after you subsequently found out.

Seriously though i am genuinely looking for god (or a girl friend im not entirely sure yet) so if you know where he hides let me know.

If you want to meet god You dont even need to speak to anyone other than him. Ask him to present himself, be open minded and loving. He will show yo his love if you let him. Place your soul in his hands and ask him to do with it what he wills.
Among many things here are few i am experiencing since conversion.

1.Inner Peace
2.An infinite supply of love.
3.An amazing journey from this life to the next.
4.An understanding and acceptance of suffering.
5.The wisdom to allow humility to become part of your life.
6.The present becomes eternity.
7.The gift of many Graces.
8.A realization that satan right beside you.
9.But the power to laugh in his face.
10.A better understanding of your own life.
11.No religion/non-religion is correct or wrong its the way you lead your life through love that counts.
12.No love can surpass the love one can have with god.

Those that mock, mock less they understand.

*Meeting god doesn't mean like meeting bob next door. Its more like experiencing friendship for the first time but on an epic and completely individual level.
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I take your point, its just my coping-mechanism for A. not going insane and B. preventing myself from turning into what robert anton wilson would call as 'cosmic shmuck'.
In other words im very serious about not taking myself too seriously :p

Well that’s Good. But this discussion is not really about you and me is it? Well it should not be about you and me. Making jokes about oneself is cool i guess it can indicate a humble spirit within.

Anyway, as i said i am genuinely interested in all your experiences.

Experiences, experiences, experiences. Everybody wants to feel something, to get some euphoria or some kind of zap or zing some emotional earth moving high. I did experience tears and emotions when i was going through the process of seeking God but that was in relation to the Words of the Bible that affected my conscience and also made me joyful. So i guess in the seeking of God i went through a ot of emotional experiences but i never experienced anything like a cocaine high or a mind blowing cosmic experience of oneness with God.

I think people sometimes expect and actually are motivated to look for God not because they want to discover God and know his will but to get some gee whizz roller coaster experience in life.

Although im assuming alot of people on here are opperating on the basis of faith (presumption) of god's existance. But im also sure that there are a few here that have had some sort of experience of god to arrive at a belief in him/her/it.

I have had experiences beyond the emotions but they came after i believed, they did not cause me to believe. I have had special dreams but once again they came after i believed not before.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
11.No religion/non-religion is correct or wrong its the way you lead your life through love that counts.
Excise the italics and I'd agree.
Hence (even WITH the italics) why the need for god?
Finding God is an expression that some people use to express that they have established a relationship with God or they have found the will of God or have discovered that God exists. The seeking is not a physical search but a search for the truth of Gods existence and the search for His will.

( I do find it hard to believe that you do not understand this. But as you say your serious)

Im reasonably well-read on my theology, im really just asking people to share their experiences.
As in - what were you doing when you 'found' god? what state of mind were you in prior to and after this spiritual awakening?
was it a visceral experience, or was it more of an intellectual position you developed over the years? perhaps you found god via reason and rational analysis?

Those who say they can find God within are more likely that not new agers who believe that God is a force and we are all a part of that force so God is within us so we are God and the tree next to the road is God and the tyres your car is supported by are gods. This goes in hand with nature worshipers who think god is the universe the sun the stars and mother earth and all that stuff.
Do you not hold with pantheism?

So to answer your question God is not found physically inside me or you or the TV remote controller and do not worry, you will not flush Him down the toilet either.
Ok gotcha, so your view is that god is not so much a 'universal enity', or gross sum of the cosmos, but an entity devoid of proportion, mass, or spacial location.

i think people sometimes expect and actually are motivated to look for God not because they want to discover God and know his will but to get some gee whizz roller coaster experience in life.
Im not really interested in getting some kind of 'god-fix' is that's what you mean. If anything this is more about my own personal quest for some sort of meaning external to myself.
In that sense i guess you could say god is more of a middle-man for me to attain some sort of 'meaningfulness' beyond the confines of my own head.
Then again in some highly abstracted sense 'meaning' and 'god' could amount to the same thing, so if i find one i find the other :p

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What does this quote refer to btw?
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If you want to meet god You dont even need to speak to anyone other than him. Ask him to present himself, be open minded and loving. He will show yo his love if you let him. Place your soul in his hands and ask him to do with it what he wills.
Yeah this is the thing, as i said earlier in my post. It could simply be fear holding me back from such an experience.
I'll be in bed or quietly resting just on the cusp of 'getting somewhere' that feels abit alien or out of my comfort zone, and i'll immediately snap myself out of it before it gets too weird.
Its not so much having faith in god that's the problem, i think its having faith that i can actually shift my consciousness abit left of centre without losing my 'self' in the process.
If God is just around the corner of those experiences then im continally caught in my own private game of hide and seek with him.