Where did you meet god?


Registered Senior Member
What was he like? was he a crushing bore as most over achievers are? or was he more like an incomprehensible burst of photon-packets up the nostrils?
Then again, some people say you only ever find god 'within' and seeking him externally is somewhat missing the point.
In which case, id be interested to know if any of you have ever found god lurking inside you and whether this ever made you uncomfortable going to the toilet after you subsequently found out.

Seriously though i am genuinely looking for god (or a girl friend im not entirely sure yet) so if you know where he hides let me know.
i met him on the internet when i was 12 and he asked me to meet him in the park without my parents dident get to go tho i wonder what would have happend if i did tho
What was he like? was he a crushing bore as most over achievers are? or was he more like an incomprehensible burst of photon-packets up the nostrils?
Then again, some people say you only ever find god 'within' and seeking him externally is somewhat missing the point.
In which case, id be interested to know if any of you have ever found god lurking inside you and whether this ever made you uncomfortable going to the toilet after you subsequently found out.

Seriously though i am genuinely looking for god (or a girl friend im not entirely sure yet) so if you know where he hides let me know.

God doesn't hide from them who want to know him or believe in him. Those that do know where God is and seem to be able to communicate with him at any given moment through prayer.

I miss him. It was so much easier to have someone else tell me what to do and not have to make my own decisions.
But, I grew up. I guess I miss him like a child misses a parent. Theism gave me a solid foundation, but I have made the house. (so to speak)
I miss him. It was so much easier to have someone else tell me what to do and not have to make my own decisions.
But, I grew up. I guess I miss him like a child misses a parent. Theism gave me a solid foundation, but I have made the house. (so to speak)

You seem that you might want to repent?
What was he like? was he a crushing bore as most over achievers are? or was he more like an incomprehensible burst of photon-packets up the nostrils?
Then again, some people say you only ever find god 'within' and seeking him externally is somewhat missing the point.
In which case, id be interested to know if any of you have ever found god lurking inside you and whether this ever made you uncomfortable going to the toilet after you subsequently found out.

Seriously though i am genuinely looking for god (or a girl friend im not entirely sure yet) so if you know where he hides let me know.

DarksIdZz ? Is that you ? lol
I believe you chould eather see the diety all the time or never, Killing in his name and wearing dresses and not gaving sex with women in his name aren't going to increase your changes a bit.
Haha i come back and my che guevara joke has been removed, i wasnt really going to gather a people's army online and force sci forums into submission you know chaps.
Seriously though whats going on here? i come back from a months trip in the states and everyones had a sense of humour bypass.
I really hate to think that grown men actually scurry home at night to eagerly hand out internet infractions, but this seems to be the real world reality of it all.
What saddens me the most is that i know youre better than this brothers, alot of you could actually make milk monitor if you really put the effort in.

Tag youre it, im telling, last one on the climbing frame is bent. etc.
Still cant find him, although i did come across a link on the left hand side of this page, titled 'god is a myth', looked promising i thought.
So i clicked on the link but unfortunately all i found was some sort of scientism cult, they probably say 10 hail dawkins before bed every night i shouldnt wonder.
What was he like? was he a crushing bore as most over achievers are? or was he more like an incomprehensible burst of photon-packets up the nostrils?
Then again, some people say you only ever find god 'within' and seeking him externally is somewhat missing the point.
In which case, id be interested to know if any of you have ever found god lurking inside you and whether this ever made you uncomfortable going to the toilet after you subsequently found out.

Seriously though i am genuinely looking for god (or a girl friend im not entirely sure yet) so if you know where he hides let me know.

How could anyone take your seriously after posting a post like that?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I met god, when I worked in an asylum, in fact several times funny thing though they all looked different, I also met a lot of Jesus’ a couple of napoleon's and a Marilyn Monroe, but he had dark hair and a beard.
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