when would YOU shot a cop, solder or pollie?

Thinking back ....

See #1520038/45. The transcript from Brust's Teckla is the relevant part. The rest pertains to a different question.

That said, if things ever go that far, it will likely be a decision in the moment, a matter of perceived necessity and desperation as the world around me collapses.
challanger this thread isnt about wether you would defend your life from a rouge cop, its about when you would "take up arms" purly FOR POLITICAL REASONS
challanger this thread isnt about wether you would defend your life from a rouge cop, its about when you would "take up arms" purly FOR POLITICAL REASONS

When they invade my home without a warrant, when they take away my children without a court order, when they beat my friends because of their race, colour, creed or religion. When they support a government no longer elected by the people.

And, yes, they're extreme cases. But I live in Australia..
reality disagrees with you draqon, england, NZ and Australia are perfect examples of STABLE goverments where the people have no fear of the goverment itself.

The "government" is really nothing more than of bunch of people, a bunch of humans with human frailties and faults ....yet you trust them all explicitly?

Goverment agencies are respected (pollies not so much) and agnologed as there to HELP not to hurt.

Sounds somewhat similar to what the government told the German people during the 1930s in Germany, don't it? And you've read history about the rise of the Nazis in Germany?

Baron Max
The cops? they got automatic submachine guns, grenade launchers, kevlar belts...have fun citizen trying to save yourself.
Apparently you are not very familiar with the American population. Quite a few civilian citizens have that kind of arsenal as well.
My cousin has an AK-47 replica, an original AK, a 12 ga. shotgun, a mini-14 rifle, two pistols, a 20 ga shotgun for his g/f, and about 450 rounds of ammo.
I also know people who have even more stuff than that.
Did you not see footage of that now infamous bank robbery in Hollywood a few years ago, where the two robbers had automatic weapons? The cops did not. All they had were pistols and shotguns (which didn't phase the robbers' armor) and had to go to a local gun store to get some AR-15s to better arm themselves.
when they were directly threatening my freedom and any other option would only see them come back with some more of their gang mates. most people i would try to simply walk away unless they tried to physically stop me, but with the pigs you dont have that luxury, as you will get home and find all 1400 of them waiting for you, and i simply dont have that many bullets.

challanger this thread isnt about wether you would defend your life from a rouge cop, its about when you would "take up arms" purly FOR POLITICAL REASONS

a rogue cop i wouldnt have a problem with, its the ones that have a gang of fellow thugs behind them that you have to watch out for, they're the ones that can track you down and kill you in your sleep.
When they invade my home without a warrant, when they take away my children without a court order, when they beat my friends because of their race, colour, creed or religion. When they support a government no longer elected by the people.

And, yes, they're extreme cases. But I live in Australia..

Agreed, but we don't have the 2nd amendment
for the yanks who seem to belive that the gun is the only form of politics, i ask.....

So ONLY those types of "yanks" should answer your question? ...only "yanks" who believe that the gun is the only form of politics?

Asguard, I'd be willing to bet that there are no such "yanks" anywhere in the world. If you found such a person, it would probably be in a looney bin.

... when would you physically pick up that weapon and start resisting?

When tens of thousands of others felt the same way and were ready to revolt against the government. I doubt that anyone would try a revolution all by himself, do you?

Now for a really good question, at what point would the courts rule you not guilty based on the second amendment for taking the life of a pollie, a cop or a solder?

Numerous cases of people breaking into private homes ...self-defense is one of the major court defenses against that kind of shooting.

Baron Max
yet you were against the goverment capitulating to the demands of the protesters?

and your being delibratly missleading, you know dam well im talking of AGRESSIVE action, not defencive. When would the courts accept you picking up a gun and trying to take over the goverment?
I find it interesting that the posters here most in favor of having guns also have the biggest hard on for the cops.

Take the "don't taze me bro" incident. Any true American would have opened up on those pigs with their auto shotgun. Yet all the protests here on sciforums came from the liberals, while the conservatives just chuckled about it.

America is already a police state. No one's going to pick up guns to defend themselves, as long as they can consume cheap goods like well fed sheep.
really? yet you were against the goverment capitulating to the demands of the protesters?

Different situation, Asguard. For one big reason .....I am not part of that revolution in Thailand!! If I were part of it, I'd have guns ....lots and lots of guns!

and your being delibratly missleading, you know dam well im talking of AGRESSIVE action, not defencive. When would the courts accept you picking up a gun and trying to take over the goverment?

I wasn't being misleading, I simply answered your questions. You did't say a freakin' thing about "aggressive" action in that part of your question.

Would you like to ask it a bit different now?

Baron Max
ok it wasnt ovious enough,
i was trying to discuss when it is acceptable to use violonce in the percute of political goals. Not what would you do if a cop tried to shoot you, or broke into your house. When would you storm the white house, congress ect and try to take out the goverment.

would you like to answer that?