when would YOU shot a cop, solder or pollie?


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
for the yanks who seem to belive that the gun is the only form of politics i ask when would you physically pick up that weapon and start resisting?

Tiassa has posted MANY examples of surposed freedoms being stripped away that would give people on BOTH sides of the political fence the excuse they need so when would you do it?

what would make you do it?

Now for a really good question, at what point would the courts rule you not guilty based on the second amendment for taking the life of a pollie, a cop or a solder?
Americans believe in the enshrined right to own and carry loaded weapons.

Why? And when do they believe this right, affords them the actual use of a weapon to resist arrest/detention by the state's forces?
Or is the belief just nonsense? It's a fallacy perpetrated by the state? Americans don't own any guns after all?
so its a wrong assertion to suggest that the second amendment is to keep the goverment in line? Buffalo doesnt agree with you there

well taking your assertion i guess you would be ok with removing it as outdated right?

after all you have the police to protect you internally and the army to protect you from external threats so there is no need for every indervidual to be armed right?
draqon of course it depends on the situation, thats why it was an open ended question
What situation would YOU think its ok?
what situation would YOU do it?
what situation would the courts NOT procute you for taking action in?
thing is, even if you had a gun nowdays...so what, its not going to save you from cops. For example the cops are given order to kill you, because you are seen as a threat to the population of the city, and yeah...your right to own a gun...you used it, now you got a gun here somewhere with 8 bullets.

The cops? they got automatic submachine guns, grenade launchers, kevlar belts...have fun citizen trying to save yourself.

So yeah even though the right to own the gun is there, its useless in a sense that when time comes for it to be used, it is worthless junk.
fine fine.

situation 1:
you see CIA agents killing some dude cause he compromised security of USA, you scream at them...manage to run away. The cops are on to you with order to kill you cause you are a real bad a** and (with official story you have killed 20 people) you need to be killed.

But hey ya, good luck using your gun against the cops.
so meanwhile u all disgussing here when its ok to shoot a cop and when not...to me its obvious that in these days this is impossible because the guns population is given right to have are useless against the government.

And when government misbehaves...your/we're all dead.
for the yanks who seem to belive that the gun is the only form of politics i ask when would you physically pick up that weapon and start resisting?
i doubt if i would ever use a gun.
i prefer an ax or machete.

i mean seriously, a gun? come on. how on earth can you get all your frustration out by squeezing a trigger?
for the yanks who seem to belive that the gun is the only form of politics i ask when would you physically pick up that weapon and start resisting?

Tiassa has posted MANY examples of surposed freedoms being stripped away that would give people on BOTH sides of the political fence the excuse they need so when would you do it?

what would make you do it?

Now for a really good question, at what point would the courts rule you not guilty based on the second amendment for taking the life of a pollie, a cop or a solder?

WTF is this site? An info farm on the member's.

You first Asguard.
for the yanks who seem to belive that the gun is the only form of politics i ask when would you physically pick up that weapon and start resisting?

Tiassa has posted MANY examples of surposed freedoms being stripped away that would give people on BOTH sides of the political fence the excuse they need so when would you do it?

what would make you do it?

Now for a really good question, at what point would the courts rule you not guilty based on the second amendment for taking the life of a pollie, a cop or a solder?

Let's imagine a not too incredibly unlikely near future. The US economy crashes and worse than in the great depression.

So now you have a desperate nation with the world's most powerful military. In crises there are always calls for more aggression, aimed both inward and outward.

Can you, Asguard, imagine it being worthwhile that a desperate unbelievably powerful rogue nation would need to consider the problems of domestic resistance to tyranny?

and, just to be clear, I have never owned a gun and often wish the gun lovers had another planet, some other one that is. Nevertheless....
never, i would relie on the courts always, (that being said i will qualify this. the thread is about a goverment action NOT about a threat to your own life by a rouge cop, that situation is under any law self defence and is irrelivent to the second amendment)

thats kind of my point, the second amendment is redundent. Any stable democrasy relies on the established procidures like the courts and the political proccess itself, not on how many guns the citizans carry.
no such thing as stable democracy, thats just lunacy...utopia illusion. And courts? can be bought and swayed with money, especially in capitalistic nations.
reality disagrees with you draqon, england, NZ and Australia are perfect examples of STABLE goverments where the people have no fear of the goverment itself. Goverment agencies are respected (pollies not so much) and agnologed as there to HELP not to hurt.

who shows you the reality? the media of your country? the same country that decides to show you how free and stable democratic country it is?

I see. BBC is truth eternal.
actually its the ABC but never mind that:p
how do you determine stability?
absance of civilan dis-satisfaction with goverment?
the ability to live a life as you see fit unburdened by outside demands?
that is after all what buffalo and barron keep talking about isnt it?
By all measures australia IS a stable country, we have NEVER had a civilan rebelion, we have been a civilan run democrasy for over 200 years CONTINUASLY

seriously how do you want to measure it?
Australia is how old of a government? 200 years hardly...

Your war is yet to come, every nation gets it.