When/ how did you become an atheist?


What would intervention look like? Regrowth perhaps for some would be sufficient in terms of a reaction? For me the implications of what is neccesitated for life could be considered a reaction. We basically live off death. If you want god to manifest as an entity and help save the world I would rather be asleep or "not conscious" because that would negate "free will" and the world would eventually blend the values of good and bad untill they were obsolete happy fat california cows singing and all. Like a dream being an emulator instead of whats being emulated which would kindof suck ass afterawhile if we were to lets say dictate what will happen in the dream completely as a system. What if this was one out of infinite reality systems based on interactions that will always evolve relating to contigent matter and its expansion with its mirroring of layers forming different properties. Like life and death really being nothing but entropy/energy and relativity in a purely biological experience eventually we go back to the vaccum state and collapse again...which is instaneous not eternity and resurface.

Would you rather keep your children ignorantly blissful? Or give them the true low down in lieu of certain consequences that will result from doing so...

I'm only speaking about the Gods of the various known religions around the world and how they describe him.

What you're saying is irrelevant. I see a lot of what if's and theoretical questions. I only care about what's real or what is perceived as real. A child can only understand that he shouldn't put his hand on a hot stove until after he has burned himself or someone teaches him it's not wise to do so.
So, after hearing all too many of the suppositions about God's realm through 5th grade, I turned to literature and science and found a whole 'nother world of information in lieu of groundless fabrication and its further structuring of myth upon myth. Myth-takes and their conflicts with reality were left behind.
I did read the Bible, as I was Catholic [until 5th grade], and so I am referring to some of my 4th Grade notes: God, not really being everywhere, moves about from place to place, walks around in the Garden of Eden, comes down from Heaven to see the Tower of Babel, the city of Sodom, and so on… So, God is neither everywhere nor knows everything, since he must come over to investigate things. As in… God asks Adam where he had hidden himself and asks Cain where his brother is. Nor is God invisible, as he can be ‘seen’ above, but has eyes, ears, hand, arms, fingers, and such; however, some who see him are ended by “No one can see me and live”. Moses was OK since he only saw the back of God. Abraham, Jacob, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others also saw God. Actually, nowhere in the Bible does it say that God knows everything. I learned all these facts at St. Bernadine Catholic grammar school, in Forest Park, Illinois, which is next to the atomic fireball factory that burned down once… but that’s another story.

After my conversion to normalcy in 5th grade, but before falling in love with my nun in 6th grade [Another story], I looked even deeper into the beauty and the strangeness of the Bible since I was bored in school, and noted that: Many Bible stories were recorded in writing for the first time [they were oral before] long after the historical events described, thus creating a further history altered by hindsight, it being shaped by the intervening events. For example, the destruction of Solomon’s Temple is foretold in the books of prophecy written long after the event, foretelling what had already happened…

Same for the New Testament, but only a few generations or so afterward… I also found some notes from Molly McGuire, but that is another story. (By the way, we raided the dumpsters of the atomic fireball factory and filled the empty desks with fireballs.)

Unfortunately, my 6th grade nun ran off with our priest. I didn’t even know that little old me might have had a chance with her… I was afraid to ask to walk her home and all that. She was really quite beautiful, even mostly covered up.

What would intervention look like? Regrowth perhaps for some would be sufficient in terms of a reaction? For me the implications of what is neccesitated for life could be considered a reaction. We basically live off death. If you want god to manifest as an entity and help save the world I would rather be asleep or "not conscious" because that would negate "free will" and the world would eventually blend the values of good and bad untill they were obsolete happy fat california cows singing and all. Like a dream being an emulator instead of whats being emulated which would kindof suck ass afterawhile if we were to lets say dictate what will happen in the dream completely as a system. What if this was one out of infinite reality systems based on interactions that will always evolve relating to contigent matter and its expansion with its mirroring of layers forming different properties. Like life and death really being nothing but entropy/energy and relativity in a purely biological experience eventually we go back to the vaccum state and collapse again...which is instaneous not eternity and resurface.

Would you rather keep your children ignorantly blissful? Or give them the true low down in lieu of certain consequences that will result from doing so...

then this theory has no point and it's just life living off life like how there is constant slaughter or killing to live. if you think that's a good creation, then that's your sick mind. i prefer to absolve the idea of a psychotic creator by thinking it doesn't exist since none of this really makes sense. it just seems to be an outcome of cause and effect, rather than a creation.

and i don't know why you reject religious ideas of god since it matches your take pretty well. perhaps you think your ideas will be taken more seriously if you say you aren't religious.
then this theory has no point and it's just life living off life like how there is constant slaughter or killing to live. if you think that's a good creation, then that's your sick mind. i prefer to absolve the idea of a psychotic creator by thinking it doesn't exist since none of this really makes sense. it just seems to be an outcome of cause and effect, rather than a creation.

This is pretty much incoherent post regarding what?? I never said there is a "good" creation. If you prefer to absolve the idea of a psychotic creator it is fine because I have as well. I suspect you are not understanding what im posting. It's okay but cause and effect in the premise of origin means what?

and i don't know why you reject religious ideas of god since it matches your take pretty well. perhaps you think your ideas will be taken more seriously if you say you aren't religious.

I am religious I believe in god just dont believe in organized religion systems.....
Not buying that. Atheism is a lack of a belief in God as well as the refusal to believe in god? So under the former context we are born atheists.

First prove that plants, rocks, flowers, animals are all atheists and you can't say that just because they don't pray like people they're atheists.
Don't lecture me on pain. You have no comprehension of the pain I have endured.

But holding onto bitterness is not healthy.

You misunderstand. I don't have any bitterness about any pain I've endured. But, that said, what kind of an imbecile would I be if I allowed another being to continue harming other individuals if I could do something about it?

Happiness for myself isn't the point. It is the suffering of others that bothers me. My life is not important in the scope of things.
Universaldistress said:
holding onto bitterness is not healthy.

When I tried to let go of my bitterness I became even unhappier.
I shall stick with being a bitter bitchstard.

That "You have to forgive for your own sake!" crap? Meh, I'm happier and more functional hating certain deserving people.:D
First prove that plants, rocks, flowers, animals are all atheists and you can't say that just because they don't pray like people they're atheists.


1st prize for most boneheaded post in this thread.
First prove that plants, rocks, flowers, animals are all atheists and you can't say that just because they don't pray like people they're atheists.


If we posit that living beings are not embodied souls, but that instead we are all our bodies, merely biomechanical systems
- then we must also posit that there is no essential difference between humans, animals and plants (and perhaps even rocks)
- and thus we must also posit that the term "atheist" applies to them as well - or to nobody.

If we posit that living beings are not embodied souls, but that instead we are all our bodies, merely biomechanical systems
- then we must also posit that there is no essential difference between humans, animals and plants (and perhaps even rocks)
- and thus we must also posit that the term "atheist" applies to them as well - or to nobody.

Yes, we humans are as organic as anything else in nature, not that plants can decide the views that we are able to.
Saying one is an atheist is saying one disbelieves in an abstract concept.

It takes a rather complex neurology to think about abstract concepts.

We may be the only species that has such, although whales, dolphins, and elephants might.

Saying one decides not to believe means you have the capacity to believe and the ability to choose not to...

Rocks and plants don't seem to have something that allows complex thought.

I'm not getting the logic here.
You misunderstand. I don't have any bitterness about any pain I've endured. But, that said, what kind of an imbecile would I be if I allowed another being to continue harming other individuals if I could do something about it?

Happiness for myself isn't the point. It is the suffering of others that bothers me. My life is not important in the scope of things.

Why attribute that pain to a god who doesn't exist as yet, and who may not be directly responsible? The fact god could be giving us free will isn't an issue to hang the poor deity?