When does no, mean no?

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No means no. Period. If someone is playing hard to get or trying medieval modesty the no will be weak and accompanied with a strong tug by the wailer. Unless the chap want to be smart and invoke King James biblical english and said he heard 'know' and not 'no' he is facing a tough trial. The lady rolled away from him for crying out loud. She was drunk, a yes from an intoxicated party doesn't count and here we've a no. The guy took advantage of her vulnerability. In a country where dealing justice is done expeditiously, i'll say prosecute. Otherwise out of court settlement will suffice if agreed upon by the victim, who of course should draw the terms.
He wasn't.
In her phone call to him he said she told him how to get in and she did not dispute that.
When the DA mentioned that she told him how to get in as a reason to not press the charges she did not dispute it then either.


Again, beside the point.

We have the confession from the alleged suspect that he went into her bedroom after she had gone to bed, got into her bed and started to touch her sexually. She said no, and rolled over away from him. He then started to touch her again and then proceeded to have sex with her as she lapsed in and out of consciousness.

Whatever implied consent or appearance of consent that may have existed prior to that went out the window as soon as she explicitly told him no. Any appearance of consent that existed prior to that disappeared as soon as she lost consciousness and as soon as she was that drunk.

It is interesting that you and Mr Buck seem to just ignore the actual confession and instead concentrate solely on what she did prior to his entering her bedroom after she had gone to bed. In other words, you absolve him of any responsibility and absolve him of his own confession where he admitted to actually raping her after she said no, rolled away from him, lost consciousness and then tried to push him off, and choose instead to lay the blame on her.. Not suprising that someone like Lori agrees with you. She seems to be under the belief that being married means that her husband owns her vagina and she has no right to say no. Or John99, who seems to believe that 'no' really means 'yes' and who seems to believe that being unconscious means that a woman is fair game.

What is interesting, however, is that Mr Buck's position and comments and reasons that he told the victim actually goes against what the law itself dictates.

Lori_7 said:
and i don't say no to my husband. i have a conjugal duty.
Interesting. So you believe you owe your husband sex on demand?

I find it interesting that you don't say no. I personally think you are lying, as there will be times where you will say no. For example, if you're puking your guts out in the toilet and your husband suddenly starts to feel randy, you'll go 'sure honey, fuck me while I puke.. it's my duty'? Or will you say 'no, sorry, feeling like shit at the moment'?


Do you believe in marital rape, or that rape can occur in marriage Lori?
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Interesting. So you believe you owe your husband sex on demand?

I find it interesting that you don't say no. I personally think you are lying, as there will be times where you will say no. For example, if you're puking your guts out in the toilet and your husband suddenly starts to feel randy, you'll go 'sure honey, fuck me while I puke.. it's my duty'? Or will you say 'no, sorry, feeling like shit at the moment'?


Do you believe in marital rape, or that rape can occur in marriage Lori?

not in a good marriage.

my husband's not an asshole or an idiot. and while he doesn't "demand" sex, it is the reason we got married. if it wasn't for sex, we'd just be friends.
what in the hell are you talking about? :confused:

i don't have respect for myself because i'm married? that makes no sense.

No if you think someone else owns your body and you have an obligation to have sex with them you have no respect for your self. Don't play stupid your not smart enough to pull it off.
not in a good marriage.

my husband's not an asshole or an idiot. and while he doesn't "demand" sex, it is the reason we got married.
So he doesn't demand sex, but it's why you got married?

if it wasn't for sex, we'd just be friends.
Ermm okay.

I married my husband because I love him and he makes me happy and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I guess not everyone is the same. You seem to have married your husband because you wanted a regular fuck buddy. To each their own.
It is interesting that you and Mr Buck seem to just ignore the actual confession and instead concentrate solely on what she did prior to his entering her bedroom after she had gone to bed. In other words, you absolve him of any responsibility and absolve him of his own confession where he admitted to actually raping her after she said no, rolled away from him, lost consciousness and then tried to push him off, and choose instead to lay the blame on her.. Not suprising that someone like Lori agrees with you. She seems to be under the belief that being married means that her husband owns her vagina and she has no right to say no. Or John99, who seems to believe that 'no' really means 'yes' and who seems to believe that being unconscious means that a woman is fair game.

What is interesting, however, is that Mr Buck's position and comments and reasons that he told the victim actually goes against what the law itself dictates.

Interesting. So you believe you owe your husband sex on demand?

I find it interesting that you don't say no. I personally think you are lying, as there will be times where you will say no. For example, if you're puking your guts out in the toilet and your husband suddenly starts to feel randy, you'll go 'sure honey, fuck me while I puke.. it's my duty'? Or will you say 'no, sorry, feeling like shit at the moment'?


Do you believe in marital rape, or that rape can occur in marriage Lori?

I support tougher sentences for all cases of rape and have stated so. In some countries there is a defense attorney involved though who represents the defendant and what we are doing (seems like most of us are) is looking at some things a defense attorney would bring up.

Greeley Police Chief Jerry Garner said that isn’t the case. He said the case was handled “exactly appropriately” by the DA. “This was a case that would never succeed in court. There was no chance this would result in a conviction,” he said.

At the time, Buck said he sent the police reports to the Boulder County DA’s office for review as well, and that they agreed with his analysis that this would have been a difficult case to prosecute.

The victim also says she showed the case to three different attorneys and was told by each that the case for conviction was much stronger than for acquittal. “None of them could understand why he wouldn’t file charges,” she said.

A rape victims’ advocate in Greeley told the Independent that this case seemed to be a turning point for Buck. The Weld County DA’s office “learned a lesson from that case,” Deana Davies said. Davies is coordinator of the Assault Survivors’ Advocacy Program in Greeley.

“He (Buck) came to us after that case and said, ‘We need to do things differently in the future. How do we do this better?’”

“The way he handled that victim was unfortunate, but he did learn from that experience.” Davies said that shortly after this case, Buck helped start the SART Program (Sexual Assault Review Team), which includes law officers, victim advocates and others who review cases that may fall into gray areas or look difficult to prosecute.


You probably support tougher sentences or vigorous prosecution as well. These cases dont just fade away either becasuse there is not satute of limitations on these cases. That mean she can still seek justice.
Again, beside the point.

No it's not.
Had she not told him how to get in, then the DA could have also charged him with breaking and entering and that would have also taken the steam out of a defense lawyers ability to show that his client thought he had the appearance of consent and thus the DA's case would have been much stronger.

But, with the facts as they were, like Buck, the Greeley Police Chief Jerry Garner said “This was a case that would never succeed in court. There was no chance this would result in a conviction,”

Again, people familar with the case and the people and the juries that they deal with knew they couldn't prevail.

I'm sure you are going to come back and say, but for all these reasons it was rape, but what you don't seem to understand is that isn't the issue.

Do you believe in marital rape, or that rape can occur in marriage?

Sure, but I don't believe a prosecuter would bring a case to trial unless there is some physical evidence to suggest serious force or a realistic threat was used.

In my state, that is in fact a requirement (unless you are separated and living apart).

No if you think someone else owns your body and you have an obligation to have sex with them you have no respect for your self. Don't play stupid your not smart enough to pull it off.


the entire point of marriage is an obligation.

pray tell, what did you think marriage was about?
the only failure here is yours of respecting your self and females in general

the entire point of marriage is an obligation.
only if you have a victorian era veiws on sexuality and femonism

pray tell, what did you think marriage was about?

love and respect. Your religiososity has warped your mind. the fact you think you have a duty to have sex because of marriage is fucked up. you need to get some veiws that aren't out of the 1500's.

your whole attitude smacks of laying the blame for rape on the victim. no one has any right to have sex with another person it is a privilage that must be earned.

So he doesn't demand sex, but it's why you got married?

Ermm okay.

I married my husband because I love him and he makes me happy and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I guess not everyone is the same. You seem to have married your husband because you wanted a regular fuck buddy. To each their own.

you know bells, you really have a knack for intentionally not seeing the big picture, just so you can argue.

are you trying to tell me that sex wasn't a consideration in your marriage?

i love a lot of people. lots of people "make me happy". and i am committed to life long relationships with many people which do not involve sex at all.
the only failure here is yours of respecting your self and females in general

only if you have a victorian era veiws on sexuality and femonism

love and respect. Your religiososity has warped your mind. the fact you think you have a duty to have sex because of marriage is fucked up. you need to get some veiws that aren't out of the 1500's.

your whole attitude smacks of laying the blame for rape on the victim. no one has any right to have sex with another person it is a privilage that must be earned.

oh well yes, because modern society is so accomplished when it comes to marriage. what a load.

i love and respect a lot of people, but i don't have sex with them.
oh well yes, because modern society is so accomplished when it comes to marriage. what a load.
well marriage is a aberation against human nature in general but that is a whole

i love and respect a lot of people, but i don't have sex with them.

why not your attitude on sex with your husband shows you view yourself as little more than whore or slut.

Nothing entitles anyone to have sex with someone
Nothing a female does makes her responsible for being raped untill you get those facts into your head your opinions are worthless.

and save the bullshit on how you think it
your whole attitude smacks of laying the blame for rape on the victim. no one has any right to have sex with another person it is a privilage that must be earned.

no it does not.

the blame for the rape is on the rapist. i've reiterated that how many times now?

the blame for being negligent with her safety, in this case, is on the victim.

those are two different things.

the victim could have well been negligent without being raped. and the victim could have well been raped without being negligent.

i know this is really heady, but try.
well marriage is a aberation against human nature in general but that is a whole

why not your attitude on sex with your husband shows you view yourself as little more than whore or slut.

Nothing entitles anyone to have sex with someone
Nothing a female does makes her responsible for being raped untill you get those facts into your head your opinions are worthless.

and save the bullshit on how you think it

do the world a favor and never get married. you obviously don't get it at all.
no it does not.

the blame for the rape is on the rapist. i've reiterated that how many times now?
saying something and meaning it aren't the same. your continual attacks against this young lady shows you feel other wise

the blame for being negligent with her safety, in this case, is on the victim.
in other words its her fault for not meeting your victorian era notions of female virtues.

those are two different things.

the victim could have well been negligent without being raped. and the victim could have well been raped without being negligent.

i know this is really heady, but try.

There is nothing heady about your crass attempts to blame her for what happened to her.
do the world a favor and never get married. you obviously don't get it at all.

screw you, you conncieted bitch. Don't lecture me on something you willing see as putting your self into bondage on and claim that its purpose. I get marriage you don't. I get rape you don't. I respect woman you don't.

this case should have been prosecuted and this person disbarred for this
screw you, you conncieted bitch. Don't lecture me on something you willing see as putting your self into bondage on and claim that its purpose. I get marriage you don't. I get rape you don't. I respect woman you don't.

this case should have been prosecuted and this person disbarred for this

hahaha. tantrum much?

hypocrite much? i'm expressing my own views, values, and philosophies regarding my own marriage.

let me guess...you've never been married. you've never been a prosecuting attorney.

you call me conceited (i think that's what you were attempting to spell), and yet go on to boast. you're a fool.
saying something and meaning it aren't the same. your continual attacks against this young lady shows you feel other wise

in other words its her fault for not meeting your victorian era notions of female virtues.

There is nothing heady about your crass attempts to blame her for what happened to her.

oh you're so full of shit.

you want to try to tell us that drunk dialing some ex-fuck that you haven't talked to in a year, and giving him instructions on how to get into her apartment isn't stupid?

it's fucking stupid.

how much you wanna bet she never ever does that again?
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