When children rape...

17 is different than 12. My daughter turns 12 this year and it would never occur to me to give her birth control. Never!
She knows about it, but I'm not supplying it. Her daddy will be slapping an ankle monitoring bracelet on her or showing up on some boy's doorstep.
Well that is reasonable.

I don't think a normal kid even starts to want sex aged 12. I know I was still confused at 12.
Why not?

My mother was open with me when I was with my second boyfriend aged 17. She even took me to buy condoms.

It made for a much better and more relaxed situation than if I had to go get them in secret.

Don’t get me wrong what I think your mother did was good and I encourage such interaction between parents and their children, the problem is many disagree at what age this type of interaction should occur. For me I was 13but I was a boy and already entering puberty and it was my father who talked to me about condoms and the responsibility of sex and becoming a parent.
Don’t get me wrong what I think your mother did was good and I encourage such interaction between parents and their children, the problem is many disagree at what age this type of interaction should occur. For me I was 13but I was a boy and already entering puberty and it was my father who talked to me about condoms and the responsibility of sex and becoming a parent.

I guess you have to judge where in the maturing process your child is at.

If the kid is 13 and just curious about sex, you obviously don't need to give them condoms.
Well that is reasonable.

I don't think a normal kid even starts to want sex aged 12. I know I was still confused at 12.

What was normal for you might not be normal for others, and to assume “normal” kids don’t want sex at age 12 you are assuming a lot?

My fist sexual experience with a girl was when I was 9 and it was innocent discovery, unbeknownst to our parents as we played in the basement. By the time I was 12 I was a horny little boy who wanted sex.
I guess you have to judge where in the maturing process your child is at.

If the kid is 13 and just curious about sex, you obviously don't need to give them condoms.

Yes it all depends on the maturity and other factors. Another point I would like to make is that I live in a very rural farming area, where animal nature and sex is openly talked about at a very early age because the animals are always fucking at all times of the day and when your 8 year old son is watching any mating animals and begins asking questions you honestly respond to teach them about the reproductive aspects of animals, including humans. You cannot hide it or lie when a hose has a huge hard-on and is trying to fuck a mare.

City children who are not exposed to such up close and regular animal mating might not mature as fast as rural farm children in regards to sex. Just this morning while in the coral a calf was trying to fuck another calf, and I though “child sexual behavior in wrong STOP”, but they didn’t listen to me when I yelled “Stop that you perverts”.
Yea but what if the you found out that your sister was one of the girls who “liked it” and wanted it, would you feel the same way if you discovered your sister was “easy”? I mean would you slap your sister around for being a slut, or just the boys who took advantage of her for being one?

The only right answer is to start pimping her!
...If the kid is 13 and just curious about sex, you obviously don't need to give them condoms.

wishful thinking. My husband was having sex at that age with his sister's 16 yr old best friend. It horrifies me to think of my kids following in those foot steps. It horrifies him as well. LOL

My son started at 16.
Question is....what made them do this? What was their original motivation..what "inspired" them to do this?

They are old enough to realise whether raping someone is wrong or not, especially when every f*cking newspaper and news channel reports rape cases all the time and how the rapists got convicted. But as usual, there's always an instigator or better said a leader in groups like that.

Castrate them.
I make my kids do things they don't want to do all the time. How does a child know that makign others do what they don't want to do is wrong.
They see a lot of sex in the media, but do they understand what rape is? Do they understand how sex and rape are different?
I make my kids do things they don't want to do all the time. How does a child know that makign others do what they don't want to do is wrong.
They see a lot of sex in the media, but do they understand what rape is? Do they understand how sex and rape are different?

Well, you've got a point. Nobody really explains the difference between rape and normal sex when they report rape cases...But I can imagine that they realise as much when they see that the girl's screaming in pain or all scared that what they're doing is definitely not cool. I don't think that this can be hard to comprehend.....
My daughter screams when she falls off her bike, when she has a toy taken away from her, when she's pissed.
I think there are a lot of children out there taught that they deserve respect, all the while not showing it. I don't think its hard for a bully to move on to rape
it would never occur to me to give her birth control. Never!

I would never let my personalhangups get in the way of my daughter's needs.

It sounds like your daughter doesn't need BC and that's fine. If my daughter did though I would get it and I would get something simple and fool proof like an IUD so there weren't mistakes made.

Then we'd talk about slowing down a bit and learning to develop lasting relationships.

But when the hormones kick in, they kick in and teens with kids is historically the norm for humanity, not the exception.
swarm ... you would subject ANYONE to those foul devices? I have never been able to understand why they are even on the market.

Do you even have any idea how they WORK?

They cause an infection in the reproductive tract so that it to inflamed for a fertilised egg to implant. However that infection has a LARGE number of side effects, it can become systemic leading to septic shock, it can lead to scaring causing permident infertility and even if it DOESNT it makes the area extreemly painful for the girl and even the boy as normal lubrication becomes harder for her body.

The pill and its related drugs do have side effects and some women do die from the DVT's it can cause however that risk is miniscule compared to those on IUD's. Get the injectable form of the pill by all means, encorage and make avilable condoms (a recent piece of resurch i was doing for uni came up with 80% of adolessants reported not using a condom in a relationship less than a year old which is quite concerning) but DONT force ANYONE let alone a child to use those foul devices
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I have never been able to understand why they are even on the market.

Then educate yourself:


The IUD is the world's most widely used method of reversible birth control, currently used by nearly 160 million women ...IUD use ranged from 1.5% in North America, to 18% in Scandinavia, 33% in Russia and China, and 40% in Kazakhstan. Use in China increased to 45% of married women by 2002.
from your own link

Both the ParaGard and the Mirena IUDs affect the way sperm move, preventing them from joining with an egg. If sperm cannot join with an egg, pregnancy cannot happen. Both types also alter the lining of the uterus. Some people say that this keeps a fertilized egg from attaching to the lining of the uterus. But there is no proof that this actually happens.

yes by causing an infection, possably POSSABLY the second type they list acts hormonally but i doubt it. Tell me swarm, what did YOU think the copper did? BTW i would be highly surprised to find that wasnt written by the company selling them, thats how it reads, NOT like something written by the health department, an organisation like the TGA ect

Oh and the fact that its widly used doesnt mean it safe, sadly the countries you listed have a long history of unsafe cheep products. Anyone rember the chiness baby milk scandle?
I would never let my personal hangups get in the way of my daughter's needs.....

I won't either. But she's 11 and doesn't even have her period yet.
When she is older, I have no problem going over birth control with her.
...They cause an infection in the reproductive tract so that it to inflamed for a fertilised egg to implant. However that infection has a LARGE number of side effects, it can become systemic leading to septic shock, it can lead to scaring causing permident infertility and even if it DOESNT it makes the area extreemly painful for the girl and even the boy as normal lubrication becomes harder for her body....

I cannot believe you are going into the medical profession
They do not cause an infection as a form of birth control. :wallbang: If they caused infections, they wouldn't be used. :rolleyes:
Or is there some obscure meaning to infection just like disease = shock?
what exactly DO you think shoving a piece of copper up you vagina does?

i would love to know, if you belive its not designed to cause an inflamitary responce then how EXACTLY do you think it works?

The effects of the pill are quite easerly described, they trick the body into thinking its pregnant. Condoms are easerly described as well, they provide a physical barrier to prevent sperm entry

So how does a little piece of copper work?