When children rape...

Does anyone know if their home life is being checked into. I was under the impression that children who sexually abuse other children are being abused themselves.
Does anyone know if their home life is being checked into. I was under the impression that children who sexually abuse other children are being abused themselves.

Well....not understanding what u said.
my guess is that kids or teens try to get back at their parents by doing wrong.
no, that's not what I meant. people who molest children were usually molested as children themselves.
When we lived in CA we had an 8 yr old neighbor boy who was caught with his 3 yr old sister on his face. He was showing her what he had learned from Mom.
no, that's not what I meant. people who molest children were usually molested as children themselves.
When we lived in CA we had an 8 yr old neighbor boy who was caught with his 3 yr old sister on his face. He was showing her what he had learned from Mom.

Say no more, that explains it (just joking)

Wow the mother was the one to be having sex; it’s rare to hear of such stories of mothers as usually men are the perp’s.

What happened to the mother?

That boy was carpet diving at 8 years old with both his 3 year old sister and his mother, that’s just too much to visualize.
Say no more, that explains it (just joking)

Wow the mother was the one to be having sex; it’s rare to hear of such stories of mothers as usually men are the perp’s.

What happened to the mother?

That boy was carpet diving at 8 years old with both his 3 year old sister and his mother, that’s just too much to visualize.

I don't know what happened to her. The adults were trying to keep it hush hush from us. The kids went into foster care.
I don't know what happened to her. The adults were trying to keep it hush hush from us. The kids went into foster care.

That’s sad they went into foster care because often foster care is worse than the original situation.

I hope she gets the help and support she needs.
It was over 30 yrs ago. I have no idea how things like that were handled then.

Oh back then she just got a slap on the wrist and I am even surprised they took her kids away, today she would be publicly judged and hung in the media with her picture splashed everywhere including Dr Phil doing a segment on her, she would be given prison time, made to register as a sex offender, and then when she was released (if she was lucky to get released) she would be restricted to where she could live (maybe under the famous bridge in Florida) and preventing her from getting a decent job, thus only adding to a problem that society will have to one day face and that is what to do with all these offenders as even with all the new laws and strict sentencing there seems to be a new case of abuse every day.
I'm thinking they would have called her son a deviant liar and blamed him

Yea you’re probably right and today he would have grown up to be a successful politician or lawyer, maybe even a gynecologist.

(Sorry I couldn’t resist the last one even though it was crude:eek:)
orleander thats true of very young children but i dont know at what age that stops being the case. Your right that child molestors are more likly to have been victoms themselves but that again seems to be a bit different in this case. For it to be concidered pedophila there has to be a certain gap in age (but i forget what it is, i THINK the older has to be at least 18 but im not sure)
Well, depends on the crime they cause remeber that.....you cant say that a teen or so raped an 8 year old and the cops saying """"Well give you a warning, now run off you scamp""""" not gonna happen...
Of course. At the very least, community service for a year, but a jury needs to find the ringleader and punish him the most severely.
What if one of those girls was your sister?
I'd still give the system a shot first. Then, weak as though I may be, I'd pound them.
Forgot about that one and yes it seems like one of the past requisites of being a priest was to be a closet pedo. I remember when I was young there was a music director at the Catholic Church and we called him father twinkle toes as he was so effeminate and gay that he seemed to float when he walked clicking his heels like Dorothy. He was so gay that he could literary undress you with his eyes, and I mean you would be standing there with your pants down and he wouldn’t even have to touch you.

Needless to say I was always instructed and warned not to be alone with him, and just seeing him I understood why.

Wonder why there is so much child abuse if it’s really that wrong or unnatural.
not nessarly. For instance if a 16 year old raped someone is it because they dont know what sex is?
how about a 15 year old?

we can keep going down, but i THINK its around 8 where the authorities automatically look for abuse by others on the child rather than being something they have assimilated directly (from media, porn, older children ect)
I had a classmate that got pregnant in 7th grade. They immediately looked to home. Yep, the step-father.
Now days you have parents letting their 12 yr old sleep with their 15 yr old boyfriend at their house. Ah well, at least they have a safe environment.
I had a classmate that got pregnant in 7th grade. They immediately looked to home. Yep, the step-father.
Now days you have parents letting their 12 yr old sleep with their 15 yr old boyfriend at their house. Ah well, at least they have a safe environment.

Don’t forget some parents even provide the condoms.
Why not?

My mother was open with me when I was with my second boyfriend aged 17. She even took me to buy condoms.

It made for a much better and more relaxed situation than if I had to go get them in secret.