What's Your Excuse for Not Believing?

WOODY (ironic name considerin') truly reveals the central fear of patriarchal religionists when he confesses he wants to leave earth cause it 'stinks'

Actuall, in the Middles Ages, the earth was called the 'Devil's Shit'!

It all stems from the demonization of Earth/Goddess/ Female. and the patriarch's fear of being imprisoned in Nature. (seriously you should research this it is really vitally important)

Nature is understood as mother....'Mother Earth'?...and the male' hero wants to conquer her, and eventually escaPE for the pre-scientific religionists (patriarchy) this meant heaven, or the eventual 'purifying' of 'evil matter', and for the present scientific mindset, its the dream of science prolonging life, and looking forward to a minimlaist antiseptic computer-room spaceship travelling the upper 'purified' ether of space.......same thing different terms

What really deeply saddens me is how people cannt see the indescribably wonder and beauty of this Earth. it is THIS Earth that has nurtured you, fed you clothed you , where you breath air, and rink water. NOt so 'God-idea' or some scientific experiment
though i admit that it is precisely dodgy thinking coming from systems that have divided spirit from matter which have and do create hells on Earth. it's THAt you should look to to radically change, NOT blaming Nature, Earth

What bible are you pulling this stuff from? It's not in my King Jimmie.

Maher-shalal-hash-baz is never called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace in my King James bible. However Jesus gets many names:

John 1

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Here Jesus is called both the "Word" and "God with us" which is Immanuel. It also says Jesus created the universe.

I don't know where you are digging your verses from. Could you tell me what version you are using?

I'm afraid I have some real bad news for you concerning the fate of mother earth according to the Bible.

It will be completely destroyed and remade. The book of the Revelation goes into much detail on this issue. I am indeed sorry for anyone that must go through the end times because it really gets bad. The plagues Moses released in Egypt are small in comparison.

In the end man would completely destroy himself if it were not for divine intervention. I love the earth as God's original creation but I hate what man did to it. I too am a man, and I was also created. I can't change the world but I can let God change me. :)
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Actually I'm none of the above on your list. I am a Christian because I asked God what He wanted me to believe. You totally discount the power of prayer to a God that lets you know what you need to know, and does things you can not do yourself. I did not come to God and say "here I am a Christian." I came to God and asked him what he wanted me to be and I was open to ALL possibilities.

I have a personal statement of faith if you would like to read it. It is quite long, but it will tell you how I came to know Christ. :)
Your competence in your beliefs, is expressed more by the people, you dont reply to, such as mustas joeman , michael, pavlos, who are but a few examples.
Woody: I'm afraid I have some real bad news for you concerning the fate of mother earth according to the Bible. It will be completely destroyed and remade.
M*W: Woody, I'm afraid I have some real bad news for YOU concerning the fate of Mother Earth. Your Bible lies. The Earth will NOT be "destroyed and remade." As humanity evolves, so will Mother Earth evolve. Humanity will have finally learned how to treat its creator and nurterer. Unfortunately, there will be no xians when the world evolves into the spiritual realm where humankind will dwell. There will also be no believers in god or any dying demigod savior as they are already proving to be redundant in our current world of existence.
Woody: The book of the Revelation goes into much detail on this issue. I am indeed sorry for anyone that must go through the end times because it really gets bad. The plagues Moses released in Egypt are small in comparison.
M*W: I would ask that you kindly provide proof (but not biblical) about Moses releasing the plagues. There seems to be issue with Moses' existence, seeing as how Moses was an Egyptian pharaoh, and scholars deem the Exodus never happened and all. How can you prove your bible to be right? There are just too many scholarly refutations to the OT and NT. And... are you not aware that it was Mary Magdalen that wrote the Gospel of John and Revelations? I suggest you do some reading into the Gnostic Gospels and the Nag Hammadi texts for clarification.
Woody: In the end man would completely destroy himself if it were not for divine intervention. I love the earth as God's original creation but I hate what man did to it. I too am a man, and I was also created. I can't change the world but I can let God change me. :)
M*W: Man is NOT destined to "destroy himself." Divine intervention will occur, but it will be humanity that becomes divine and not some silly outdated dying demigod savior from ancient myth.
Woody: I am a Christian because I asked God what He wanted me to believe. You totally discount the power of prayer to a God that lets you know what you need to know, and does things you can not do yourself. I did not come to God and say "here I am a Christian." I came to God and asked him what he wanted me to be and I was open to ALL possibilities.
M*W: Woody, I'm afraid the god you asked for belief is the evil one. Don't you know there is really no such thing as "christianity?" That's the antichrist's religion! Jesus, himself, would be ashamed people were following the evil one's religion. If you truly want to be like Jesus, you would be a Jew -- not an xian. You're following the religion of Paul of Tarsus -- the Antichrist! Surely, you must know this!
Woody: I have a personal statement of faith if you would like to read it. It is quite long, but it will tell you how I came to know Christ. :)
M*W: Woody, you will never know Christ until you familiarize yourself with the Gnostic Gospels. Until that time, you are just another self-deluded follower of evil.
It will be completely destroyed and remade. The book of the Revelation goes into much detail on this issue. I am indeed sorry for anyone that must go through the end times because it really gets bad. The plagues Moses released in Egypt are small in comparison.

Yeah, how could any of us forget that?

For those among us who have forgotten, that's the part where the stars, (those little white things in space), fall out of the sky and crash land on planet earth. You'd be amazed to find out though, that mankind doesn't perish from stars falling onto the earth. Oh no, forget that.. what kind of dribbling halfwit would think a star crash landing on earth would cause any real damage? No no, life goes on, and the people hide from the stars that are poking out of our wonderful planet.

Of course, nobody bothered to tell these stupid ignorant little pleblings that stars are in fact gigantic suns, and if one of them should land on earth - we'd all be obliterated. Hell, we'd be obliterated before it hit the planet.. But no no, let's trust the ancient simpletons who wrote the bible.. Ok, we don't actually know who they were, but let's trust them anyway... If they say we'll survive with a few stars sticking out the earth, then who are we to argue?

Anyway, to answer your question woody.. If zombies started crawling out the graves and said "arggggggg I am a zombie.. believe in jesus argggg", then I'd give it some consideration. Your question falls apart though because... well.... there are no bloody zombies crawling around.

Come back when they are.

I know, I know.. you're gonna say "but they were 2000 years ago, the bible says so", but the lord of the rings says Sauron is making an army of Orcs. Should we inform the ministry of defence?

Let it be known that I pity you. Deeply.
Woody said:
What's Your Excuse for Not Believing?

This is not a fair question.

It supposes that non-believers already know the truth, but reject it, for some reason.

There are people who simply don't believe, and the line of events leading to that unbelief may be long and have nothing to do with the Bible or religion.

The way you asked your question, you could ask a 5-year old child:
"What is your *excuse* for not being able to run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds?"

I re-read your list and nowhere on it did I see someone asking God himself, and being directed by God himself whom you do not believe in. If God wanted me to be an atheist like you, that's what I would have done. I do things on his terms not mine. My "pathology" is a blessed life, I have a dear wife and a daughter. Before I met Christ I had nobody.

Snakeman said:

"Let it be known that I pity you. Deeply"

Your name says it all. You don't pity anyone, it's not in your heart. You are a snake that bites deeply with sarcastic venom. But before you rejected me you rejected Christ himself, I am in good company.

Medicine Woman:

You have some bad medicine. I know who Christ is, and you don't speak for Him. Even when you call me an "xian" you still show me the sign of the cross with an "x". You completely ignore human nature, and one day the Christians of this world will be taken out. Your kind will rejoice greatly until you find out we were the salt of the earth, and the real gangrene of a diseased human nature takes over with the likes of the Hitlers. He too had a utopian dream. There will be no stopping what humans will do to themselves.


You have the best advice I've heard from anyone on this forum. Some people just aren't worth responding to. You are one smart gal. I have a song for you:


(As recorded by Jimmy Castor Bunch)

What we're gonna do right here is go back
Way back into time
When the only people that existed were Troglodytes
Cave men, cave woman, Neadrothol, Troglodytes
Imagine the average cave man at home
Listening to his stereo
Sometimes he'd get up and dance
He'd move something like this "dance dance"
He'd get tired of dancing alone and look in the mirror
And say "gotta find a woman"
"Gotta find a woman, gotta find a woman, gotta find a woman"
Then he'd go down to the lake where all the girls
Would be swimming or washing clothes or something
And he'd grab one by the hair
You can't do that today fellas
'Cause it might come off
You have a hand full of hair
And she'd be swimming away from you
This was a big woman, big
Her name was Bertha, Bertha Butt -- one of the Butt sisters
She looked down on him
And started to crush him
Then she began to play him
He looked up at her and said "sock it to me"
"Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me"
She looked down on him
And said "I'll sock it to you daddy"
And you know what he said
He started it all way back then
I ain't gonna lie to you
He said "right on, right on"
Hot pants, hot pants
Uh uh uh.

(c) Copyright 1972 by Jimpire Music.

- HIT PARADER, October 1972.
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If God wanted you to be an atheist, you couldn't be, since he couldn't have expressed himself without giving his existence away.

But, then again, you would try, Christians are good at deluding themselves, and personifying their own doubts as external demons.
Woody said:
Your kind will rejoice greatly until you find out we were the salt of the earth, and the real gangrene of a diseased human nature takes over with the likes of the Hitlers. He too had a utopian dream. There will be no stopping what humans will do to themselves.

What's so scary about that? When everyone is dead, only paradise remains.

Oh, you faithless "Christians", you honor God with your tongue but your hearts are far away from him. Jesus talked about what he saw his father do, but you do what your father told you. You believe only because you want a reward, and only because you fear the hell. You follow a dead book instead of the living heart and mind which God gave you.
Godless said:
A minor correction; It was not Aristotle who influenced the bible & christian beliefs, it was Plato.

I think that's proof enough!. :p


Hey Godless, Thannx for pointing this out (though Ariistotle has actually had influence with biblical doctrine, like for instance 'Original Sin' and translating it to mean 'not being ablye to control sexual desire VOLUNTARILY......silly old fool)

Can i also give you this link too, which will give a deeper picture as to from where PLATO got his influences--ir Orphism. it's a fascinating read, really)

als, just before i give it, let me remind us that Plato still has a very strong hold on mainstrem thought. he is thought to be the father of modern philosophy, and his beliefs can be seen manifested in cultural
institutional behaviour, and visions. so it's really important to research all this, so as to see how it's tickin

From Orphism to Gnosticism
Woody said:

What bible are you pulling this stuff from? It's not in my King Jimmie.

Maher-shalal-hash-baz is never called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace in my King James bible. However Jesus gets many names:

John 1

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Here Jesus is called both the "Word" and "God with us" which is Immanuel. It also says Jesus created the universe.

I don't know where you are digging your verses from. Could you tell me what version you are using?
I wanted an excuse to promote this. My bible resource for the last year has been the University of Biola etext searchable multi-version, multilanguage edition, The Unbound Bible. Earlier last week it didn't seem to be available. Now I know why - they've re-jigged it to enable version comparion on a single page.


They've also got "commentary" links, but I'm afraid they go only to Matthew Henry's two hundred year old strictly Christian interpretation of the text rather than a modern scholastic one.

I believe the version I actually used in my quotation from Isaiah was the New American Standard Version.
Your name says it all.

A) You got my name wrong, which is surprising considering it's written right for you to copy above any post I write. But perhaps I missed something.. was that.. quality religious minded humour? Man, there'll be no end to the laughs in heaven.. :bugeye:

B) What has my name got to do with anything? You're named after a stiff penis, does that mean you're a dick? Just out of interest, the nickname was given to me because I have pet snakes.

It is amazing though to see how christians cringe at something so simple as a nickname. I guess you perceive snakes in a bad light, (although that would be unfounded). I do however have a deadly poisonous snake right here waiting for any christians who turn up at the door. It's amazing to see the long list of excuses they make when I ask them to hold him. I keep informing them that jesus said they could, and would be fine.. but they don't seem to trust jesus all that much. I wonder what you'd do in the position.

You don't pity anyone, it's not in your heart.

Although old cultures, (especially the egyptians), didn't know this, there are no emotions contained in anyones heart, so in that respect you're right. However, to think that you know what I do or do not feel after reading a couple of posts of mine is simple ignorance. For the record, yes - I do pity you. See, you're wrong.

You are a snake that bites deeply with sarcastic venom.

Take the plank out of your own eye before trying to remove the speck of dust in mine.

People don't listen to jesus anymore or what?

But before you rejected me you rejected Christ himself

Astounding. I also rejected muhammed, odin, thor, the thundercats, el chupacabra, the loch ness monster and ghandi.

What's your point?
I am not one to be combative, so I won't. I will just make a few comments. I understand somewhat where your beliefs come from. I was a Christianity fanatic once in my life. (So were others who have posted). But the difference is I couldn't believe just because I was told something from someone who obviously didn't live the perfect life themselves (ie hipocrits (sp), preachers, ministers, ect.)
I dropped my beliefs and tried to find answers for myself. No one can do that if they don't start with an open mind. Read, study, learn but for crying out loud don't judge others for what conclusions they come up with.
I am not trying to say you shouldn't be a Christian if thats what suits you but you don't have to try to convert everyone. You a welcome to state your opinions, use your source of fact (Bible) and leave it at that. You will NEVER be able to make someone believe something they don't want to believe. I take that back, it is possible but then you would be like other tyrants in history.

Enough said for now. My advice is to relax and keep an open mind you might accidentally wake up a little. :eek:
Woody: Medicine Woman: You have some bad medicine.
M*W: Good medicine can taste bad, but it's good for you whether you believe it or not.
Woody: I know who Christ is, and you don't speak for Him.
M*W: No, I do not speak for Christ, because he doesn't exist.
Woody: Even when you call me an "xian" you still show me the sign of the cross with an "x".
M*W: The term "xian" is not derogatory. "X" is the cross of St. Andrew. Most xians are offended, but that is because they are ignorant of the meaning.
Woody: You completely ignore human nature, and one day the Christians of this world will be taken out.
M*W: No one can ever say tht I "ignore human nature." Quite the contrary, I am a people person, a healer, and a true believer in Mother Nature. What does human nature have to do with xians? Your statement doesn't make any sense. I look forward to the day there will be no more xians in this world. The world will be a better place without them.
Woody: Your kind will rejoice greatly until you find out we were the salt of the earth, and the real gangrene of a diseased human nature takes over with the likes of the Hitlers. He too had a utopian dream. There will be no stopping what humans will do to themselves.
M*W: I would agree with you that xians are the "salt of the Earth." Sodium, being the most abundant thing on Earth is considered to be the most common thing in all creation. Being called "salt of the Earth" is far from being an honorable title. The abundance of salt on Earth is virtually worthless as are xians. Thankfully, xianity is declining expediently worldwide.